Monday, July 4, 2022

Winners And Losers

 I agree with Dennis Prager and other conservatives that there must be recognized and publicly designated winners and losers in sports, in grading, in the marketplace and in life. Being divided into winners and losers may hurt the self-esteem of girls and boys in the short run, but they need to know the objective truth about who is winning, and who is losing, and where each person ranks in that chain of being, and how reality works. 

It makes one realistic and tough to accept how the world works and what is going on. Deeper, desirable, and adult-level self-esteem is learning to hear the hard truths and failings of oneself, and then to work to do better and do as well as one can with what one has to work with, and that is being a winner in ways that count in the long run. Self-esteem is the ideal self-state, but self-esteem must grow out of realistic self-assessment, and a sense of worth based upon accomplishment and hard work, not self-deception, self-coddling and easy victories.

What will not work and leads to tragic unintended consequences is disastrous public policy implemented by millions of  bleeding hearts that have gained control of the institutions, governmental and otherwise, to interfere and rearrange peoples' lives, allotting fake outcomes of all being winners and none being losers as all made equal—all are equally losers.

It is destructive for coercive, fervent idealists to regulate ever aspect of society to wipe out every injustice and every inequity in the name of compassion and fair play. Such do-gooders and well-wishers only make things much worse than they other wise would have been. Socialist society ends end up with severely impoverishing, painful, and corrupt existing in hierarchies of joiners in vast organization bureaucracies in which all are losers, except for the few winners on top have it all as oppressors, exploiters and tyrants.

At work, in social settings, in school and in the marketplace, unregulated, laissez-faire liberty be the milieu in which individuals must winnow out who is a winner and who is a loser without outside intervention, most of the time.

As we teach the young to self-realize, then most will be so smart, so industrious, so tough, so iron-willed, so resilient, so amazing smart and impressively creative that winning or losing at any undertaking, great or trivial, no matter one outcome rank as winner or loser--none of that, though objectively true, must matter very much because each achiever and great soul, deep down accepts and knows that she is a winner most of the time, following God, developing her talents and getting it done. Someone else may be better at calculus or serve as a more proficient goalies at soccer than her, so that her status as loser in these contexts is true but trivial, not very relevant to her life goals and actual inner worth.

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