Sunday, December 29, 2024

You Protect Your Privilege


I was rollicking through Facebook (12/29/24) yesterday, when I came across a pithy video quote from Jordan Peterson about whites being accused of using virtuous statements as but a cover to protect their privilege, or maintain their power as racist, colonialist oppressors and exploiters.


With some light editing, here is Jordan’s quote which I will write out and then comment on.


Jordan: “You might come up with a claim for example that you are a proponent of free speech. I can easily say well, no, that as a white colonialist benefiting from the privilege of your position, you just use the argument that such a thing as free will exists to justify your position in the power hierarchy.”


My response: I would counter to such a lying, hostile, ill-wishing, underhanded critic that, first, of all, I am generally a moral person, acting in good faith and generally I speak the truth. I am part of my white race, but I am mostly and foremostly an independent, self-regulating individual. I represent myself, not my race, and they do not define, delineate, or delimit me. You belittle my worth, dignity and complexity when you snort that all I am is what my racial background allows me to be: I am but what my biological background collectively destined me to be; I have no free will as an individual to define my essence as uniquely my own, and to live a wonderful life, built upon the self that I imaged and defined as my personal telos.


By means of the racialist smears and names which you hurl against me, you expose the meagerness of your conception of me: you do not know me; you do not understand me; you have no clue as to what my motives are; nor am I duty-bound to explain to what my motives are, because I refuse to allow your slander and character assassinating to define my in any way.


I value free speech because I am a patriotic, idealistic American, individuating supercitizen, an expounder of liberty and free speech to be enjoyed by all individual citizens, from any background or any personal membership in her personal set of groups joined or inherited from parents. May each citizen speak freely and powerfully her unique insights, to the benefit of herself and to all others. I advocate the honorable power of powerfulness expressed beneficially in individual, social and political settings by each supercitizen in a vast classless American society of the future, hundreds of millions of upper middle-class citizens, maverizing supercitizens enjoying life as equals as individuals in this free market constitutional republic.


You accuse me of lying to cover my white privilege as one of the colonialist oppressor class to maintain my position of privilege and power in the corrupt ruling hierarchy, but your accusation is false and baseless, and says nothing about me and most whites in America, but that empty accusation of yours tells us bucket-loads of information about you.


You are a malicious, racialist, bigoted, revolutionary ideologue and you, under the guise of reform and idealism, seek to overthrow America as it is, and replace it with a Marxist, totalitarian state with certain races and genders favored, and whites, Jews, Christians, heterosexuals are the new under-classes, and you plan their future to include being slave labor, and wealth confiscation and death camps will follow.


You are all about hierarchies and working to amass absolute power to yourself, that corrupt form of power (the power of powerlessness), the pattern of government ruling in Red China and North Korea. This is the future you seek to bring about in America, accusing innocent whites of being for free speech to protect their nonexistent privilege and power in an allegedly corrupt American hierarchy. You are pure evil, and you should not be allowed to teach our children or college students, or to run the government. You are not to be heeded, but neither are you to be legally suppressed, if you do not resort to violence to gain your ends.


 You are filled with class envy, reverse racism, rage, bitterness, resentment, and a bottomless desire to gain negative power so that you can hurt, crush, and kill people. You are a living demon.


  I value free speech because if a person can speak freely, he can put into thought his independently arrived at, original thoughts, and society advances when open, honest, rewarded dialogue pushes people to think new thoughts, to arrive at new possibilities.


I am a proponent of free speech because it is a human right given us by God, and all, white or nonwhite, of any gender orientation, are equally privileged by nature and God to enjoy and exercise this right.


For you to dismiss and accuse me of unscrupulous hidden motives and a hidden agenda to protect only my racial group, that says nothing about white people, about the value of free speech, or me as an individual.


It, on the other hand, reveals much about you: you are a racist, a fanatic, a liar, and a vicious troublemaker. You see no individual as an individual: they are but avatars of their racial group, and races of color are all good, and can do no wrong, and all whites are all bad, and never can do good, even when they want to. Your view of whites and the world is sicker, more repulsive, and jaundiced than that of KKK members.


I am done with you and will not speak to you or work with you. You are a malevolent revolutionary, and if you try to use force against me and my people, we will fight you in return. You and your dirtbag ideology can go pound sand.


Jordan: “And that is a universal criticism, so the I can take anything you might claim as positive and just transform with, with intellectual jiu jitsu into a manifestation of a power drive. Power drive is a human motivation, but it is not the only human motivation.”


My response: When Jordan Peterson admits that power drive is a human motivation, he is correct, defining power and referring to gaining power as the motivation or act to rule over others, and it is a tyrannical power sought and too often illicitly obtained—excessive control of others craved by malevolent elites addicted to directing and living off of others as enslavers, oppressors, exploiters and human rights abusers.


This evil power and its corrupting influence is real, and it is what I refer to as the power of powerlessness, because in a corrupted social order, all live in a collective social order as nonindividuators, each assigned his slot someplace along the social hierarchy, and none are free to be individuals and individuate. There the absolute lack of freedom and prosperity hurts and hinders all, even the parasitical elite ruling class at the top of this dung heap. It is the power of powerlessness because none in that social order are able to actualize the self as an individuator so each person is kept powerless to develop herself as a living angel as the Divine Couple call her to live.


Good power, that the power model under which each individual is called by God to wield and should wield, is the power of powerfulness where she is an individuating supercitizen in a free and prosperous capitalist constitutional republic. If and as she loves herself and self-actualizes, so this positive power model allows her to be powerful while allowing neighbors to become free, powerful, and self-developing too, never allowing them to rob her of her power, independence and life of happiness, experienced and carried out as a living angel underway until she dies.


Jordan: “And it’s also fair to say that when social relations are corrupted they become corrupted in the direction of power.”


My response: Yes, it is fair to say that social relations are corrupted when they become corrupted in the direction of power (evil power, the power of powerless, or groupist, involuntary power-sharing arrangements), but human nature is depraved.


 We are altruistic and selfless naturally, so we run in groups, and allow the group, society’s hierarchies and institutions, and the ruling elite forever to continue tyrannizing the masses along a range of class gradations; all are immersed in this collective, communal, big institutional, over-hierarchized, system of strong group interconnections enforced and perpetuated. No individualism is allowed to emerge. People nowhere (America is exceptional because it comes the closer than any other nation to providing citizens with a good life.) have never been free nor power, wealth, liberty, and human rights equally and justly shared and administered across society.


A just society--even better than America has been--cannot occur by definition where in power are collective rights, collective living, collective morality, nonindividuataing midget citizenry, tyrannical big government, bureaucratic enforcement of boundless decrees, bloated, sprawling institutions--all run along the lines of the evil model of power arrangements (the power of powerlessness).


 Social relations have always been corrupt and always will be corrupt and unjust until the average member of the masses is an individuating supercitizen operating her life on the positive power model the power of powerfulness (individualist, voluntary power-sharing arrangements)), and this positive power is implemented and utilized by millions of middle class people at the same time and among themselves is their power-mode from the bottom up, exemplifying in action how they run the government. This peaceful, political revolution will make social relations  based on power but based on positive power not negative corrupting power relations.


Jordan: “But that’s a completely, a 100% different proposition from the claim that all human relations are predicated on power.”


Jordan is rightly offering that not all human relations are predicated on negative power or corrupted power, but that social relations can be democratic, enjoyable, just, mutually enjoyable with win-win outcome, under which most or all the people enjoy roughly free, prosperous, and equal treatment. Jordan envisions this free and healthy social order as doable, useful, and helpful for all citizens in a free market democratic nation with the moral system being a hybrid altruism-egoism.


I would retain that vision but add that a free market constitutionally republican society—which would not replace but would organically grow out of that capitalist democracy--run by individuating supercitizens, motivated by egoist-altruist morality, would produce an even better society in the future.

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