I wish to quote a paragraph from Page 75 of my 2010 book, Note Towards A New Age. This quote is from my chapter on friendship, and I think the paragraph requires explication.
Quote: “We are often unable to improve human relations,”
My response: That is so and why is that is so is complicated. I believe that veritable friendship can exist, is necessary for everyone to know pleasure, happiness, and sanity in this world. It is a rough relationship of equality between two people, who enjoy each other, are honest with each other, tell the truth each other, do not try to change each other, to gain power or advantage over each other, enjoy spending time together, rejoice when each other has good news to share, and show commiseration when either of them hears bad news.
Where people are altruistic and most are, selfless people do not like themselves, so they will be quarreling with themselves and with everyone else, so bad humans’ relations are the fruit of that sown crop.
Veritable friendship likely does not require similar personalities, but similar values and common interests help. Friendship is hard to encourage or exist if one is a joiner and one is a loner, if one is a groupist and the other is an individual, if one is a nonindividuator, and the other is an individuators; if one is morally good and loving, and the other is corrupt and hating.
It would be easier for nonindividuators, joiners, haters and groupists to form connections with their own kind, and loners, individuators, lovers and individualists will enjoy their own kind, which is more difficult because the more they maverize, the fewer will be their peers to be friends with.
Here is the quote: “but we can move quickly to preclude their deterioration into a state of viciousness easily increasing the suffering of all involved. Since human nature is basically evil, negative outcomes come readily to us; so, to survive, we must not let social friction degenerate into mobism whereat opprobrium, by from joiners isolating loners is the objective. We must strive to make all a little better, by welcoming loner and joiner alike, being cheerful, kind, promoting peace, reformism while letting people enjoy much conformity and mediocrity.”
My response: Reformer and social butterflies alike must try to love and let live, and in every social setting both joiners and loners should be considerable unremarkable and nonindividuators and individuators should be welcome. Only toxic evildoers should be shunned, even expelled to protect the group.
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