Monday, June 9, 2014

Big History

I carry a minor in history, so I have some educational background in the study of history. Our son brought over for us to watch a Big History view of history, and it is well done, informative and insightful.

They went on about learning from previous generations, that the advances in human civilization are due to successive generations inheriting was collectively learned from earlier generations. Optimally, that collective learning is passed on to the next generation, which adds its contribution, and then future generations gain from their experimenting, their failures, their successes. There is much to this.

As an individualist and Mavellonialist it is predictable that I would observe that the historians writing the video did not detect what is impairing human advancement and the faster, more complete progressing of civilization.

Never has a society launched a program of training and support the development of each child to grow up as an individualist and individuator. If that had been accomplished 5,000 years ago (It could not because we were too ignorant and ill-informed to adopt such a program,), we would be soaring into a very advanced, very high civilization by now.

We are close to arrival at the time in human history where personal learning will correspond with individuator's individual self-expression. When that occurs, then the bounteous, ingenious harvest from self-learning will be shared with all to ramp up and drive forward collective learning. That is when huge, continual gains will be made routinely without fanfare or social upset.

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