Monday, June 9, 2014

Farmers As Environmentalists

Here is the dilemma: how do we have farmers, business people, corporations and land owners that use their property to farm and make money without wrecking the environment? The only way to do it is to teach these conservative, private enterprise types to individuate, and live by the principle of moderation. What that dictates is that they are mostly for using the earth, the land and resources for profit but are also reasonable and honorable; they will protect the environment while making money. The participation must be voluntary.

The green movement believe in big government intervention, and the EPA and other federal agencies are drunk with power, infringing on personal liberty. We need to abolish the EPA and Bureau of Land Management, and sell federal land back to the citizens of the states in which the acreages are located.

We still need to protect nature, and, we must rule nature, not be submerged in nature. But we must be compassionate and reasonable too. We can be good stewards of the land and nature while making a living and a profit. We need an environmental movement but it must be adopted one farmer at a time, as a personal choice.

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