Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hope And Change

This was another Obama lie and it is a significant one. As a radical Marxist elevated to the most powerful job in the world, his peers and mentors, the Harvard dons, were ecstatic that one of theirs had really made good.

Now he was unique situated to effect the destruction of the American way of life that he grew up detesting. As the ultimate insider, with an ardent Congress and media to run interference for him, he could gut everything. Pass Obamacare to make the nanny state supreme. Divide Americans like never before with minorities against whites. Make all poor and wards of the state, and then attack the rich under the guise of equality of outcome. Expand the Department of Education through the ruse of Common Core so that all children are now little liberals, growing up to be statists, guided by the federal employees.. Gut the military. Confiscate guns.Crush business people with onerous EPA regulations. That would shrink the free market economy and eliminate jobs. Politicize the Department of Justice. Shatter our borders so that we are but a province of United Nations.

Six years later the Big Lie of Hope and Change promised to all the ecstatic little liberals is revealed for what I knew it was the day America's Hitler won: Hoplessness and Nightmare Dismantling of the best system on earth. Barry is ambitious and busy--too bad he took utterly in the wrong direction.

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