Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tea Party

The Tea Party will take us back to 1910. With conservative political philosophers like Levin, Limbaugh and the Heritage Foundation (and perhaps some Mavellonialist tinges), we stand a chance to bring America back from the brink.

Obama is manipulating and angering Latinas to hate whites and conservatives for seeking to secure border. It looks like we will flood America with 60 million foreigners who vote like liberal Californians, guaranteeing the death of the American way of life, the greatest, richest and most blessed culture and nation that the world has ever seen.

I think it is already too late. The millions and millions of socialist foreigners will come here and grow the nanny state, reducing America to the status and wonder of Guatemala.

We Americans are transforming, but the flow is decline not resurrection. As Prager insightfully suggests, only the values last. Only the values matter. Let the foreign, illegal aliens flood the country. Obama will win and turn us into Cuban soup.

Before I die I hope and pray that Mavellonialist values take hold here through the Tea Party and in pockets of enlightenment around the world. I have blog readers from 15 nations.

God works in mysterious ways. Mavellonialism, God's religion for 2110, may have been born in America, but it may well catch hold in Guatemala, Cuba, Russia, Singapore or China, while America completes its descent into a hopeless, pathetic socialist quagmire of self-satisfied groupists that won. May they enjoy their victory. They will not be able to foretstall the rise and spread of Mavellonialism and God's plan for very long.

There is not a reason in the world why traditional groupists in Iran, Kenya or Japan could not lead the world in 40 years in producing a generation of scintillating individuators. The truth will come out. Freedom will be born. Unimaginably fantastic opportunity will be available to all. It is sad that the cunning, mass-mind manipulation and demagoguery by Obama and the Left have trained a smart-phone, dumb-lifestyle group of voters to settle for so little.

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