Thursday, June 5, 2014

Obama: The Anathema To Capitalism

Donald Lambro wrote a fine article yesterday on line for Human Events. The article's headline was: "NEW EPA REGULATIONS ARE POLITICAL GIFT FOR REPUBLICANS.

It seems that Mr. True Believer in the Global Warming Hoax wants to play dictator again and bypass Congress and impose draconian EPA regulations upon us. Lambro: "Just when our economy is shrinking, President Obama wants to impose harsh environmental rules that will kill jobs, raise energy costs and impose new burdens on business. One week after the government said the U.S. economy contracted in the first quarter, for the first time since 2011, Obama is calling for severe new coal emissions rules that many Democrats in Congress say will hurt their states' economies."

By incompetence and deliberate malice, this man has powerfully changed America. A rabid Marxist, he has plotted and schemed to bring America to its knees, and his economic wrecking ball strategy has worked beyond his wildest dreams. Nancy Pelosi, Al Franken and Harry Reid stood by and protected this menacing fascist while he did his dirty work. He is their guy and they want America to be like France, and he is dedicated to bringing France to America.

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