Thursday, June 5, 2014

Quick To Judge

The harsh punishments meted out under shariah law horrify Westerners, as well they should. It seems incredible to us that people can live that way. But secular Westerners  judge Islamic judgers without an inkling of understanding of historical context.

For much of the uncivilized world for 1500 years, that strict, harsh Islamic justice was a huge step forward--it may have been cruel and abrupt here and there, but it was clear, zero tolerance and swift. Even semi-civilized society need law and order. Civil order is meant to direct behaviors acceptable to the survival of society. Village leaders, judges, administrators, imams and fathers had a code that they enforced.

Thcy can still live by the traditional code, and enforce it, but the penalties cannot be so inhumane and depriving people of their human rights. This is the necessary route to a civilized future. If Muslims refuse to progress, it is very possible that they will destroy the world.

I saw a Facebook entry where a white person committed a heinous crime, but was acquitted. The angry conservatives want long prison sentences or the death penalty imposed. They are a little like the harsh, judgmental Muslims.

I admire conservative value holders. I admire their willingness to pass judgment and uphold and traditional values both ecclesiastically, socially and legally.

The person that committed the heinous crimes got off, and the furious conservatives shouted that she would burn in hell. That may be so. That may not be so.

We have a right to judge character and action. What she did was violent and evil? Yes. Does that make her an evil person? I do not know. I do not think anyone but God knows. Legally punish her if she is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

We are born in sin, but that does not condemn us to hell forever. It likely condemns us to Purgatory for 80 years. Eventually we can work our way to heaven.

A person is only good or evil in character if he exercises a will that is predominantly free. That is extremely tricky to judge accurately. Only God can do it. We can judge the action and behavior but advocating that the person will burn in hell may a mistaken prediction. God does not punish wicked robots with hellfire; nor does De reward kindly, saintly robots with heaven. Both good and evil robots go to Purgatory until they are conscious enough to exercise free will. Then, based on their majority free willed choosing, they will be sent to heaven or hell.

Nonindividuators are robots. Individuators are free-willing, not robots. Those whose wills are free will go to heaven or hell as merited, with not much time in Purgatory.

We may judge character, actions and impose reasonable, appropriate punishments. But to assess if the will is free, and to predict after life rewards and punishments is a very difficult undertaking, well above the human pay grade.

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