Obama learned early in his career to disguise his ugly hatred of America, and his unswerving, radical lust for destroying it, and converting it into a Leninist pit. He harbors his wolf nature quite nicely inside and aw-shucks, laid back, cool, detached demeanor. He learned early that loud, angry, fierce black men that have been radicalized and promote revolution do indeed scare the daylights out of all those ruling class white liberals that like their minority socialists, but tame and on a leash. There is nothing tame, slow, fence-straddling or intermittent about this wolf. He is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. He is pure fanatic. His only aim is revenge upon conservative Yankee society. It must be destroyed, and he never wavers, never tires, never panics, never deviates from this, his only real objective as President. He is smart, focused, disciplined, energetic. He is the most dangerous man ever to serve in the Oval Office. It will not end well for us. I hope and pray we are not a strong dictatorship by the time he is meant to leave office. The media, the ruling class, the Benedict Arnold Democrats and Rinos created, unleashed and never re-leashed this prowling monster roving up and down the country devouring all and any.
No one listens to me. I am a sheep in wolf's clothing. I seem crazy, dangerous and frightening to joiners, huddled, confused, ready to bolt and seeking direction. I come from God. I am honest, loving, decent and not power-hungry. Like Cassandra of old, I have insight into what is going on, but am cursed by being unheard, ignored and disbelieved.
The Devil shelters and promotes his own. Obama sold us a bill of goods, and he is still out there damaging the country after 6 years. Harry Reid will make sure that the King is not impeached and removed from office.
Many have a lot to answer for--Democrats most of all.
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