Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Obama's Phony Outrage

Once again the King and Demagogue shows his indecent side: using public tragedy to push "reform" legislation that expand federal intrusion into personal life, trashing the constitution and our natural rights in the process. He is taking advantage of a shooting in Oregon to rant and whine against the NRA since King Dufus wants background checks, registration of our guns and eventually confiscation of all fire arms?

If you are a long time NRA like I am, would you trust this serial liar to only nibble at depriving us of the 2nd Amendment Right? This creep wants to set up permanent one-party rule headed by Marxist dictators like himself. He wants an all-powerful Executive Branch with a cowed, obedient, disarmed public permanently wards of the state.

Hey, Obama. You want our guns. Try come and take them. You will find out what true Americans do federal bullies out to disarm and quell a free people. It is sad  that you got promoted beyond your Peter Principle level of competence, a yapping, Alinsky community organizer. To think that you have two more years to tear us up. Something tells me, you will make the most of it.

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