Sunday, June 1, 2014

This Is Our Time

It is crucial that we understand and really believe that this is our time--the time of the arrived individuators. This is the time, or in the not too distant future, when God will overthrow Satan and Lera here on earth, and maybe through out the universe and in alternative worlds everywhere (I am not qualified to speculate about cosmic, divine outcomes.)

This is our time. You need to declare yourself. Your are on God's team, or Satan's team. Make a decision and live with the consequences.

This of the time of we individuators, and, in our personal lives, we will work to live by and spread the rule of moral and spiritual goodness, the rise of civilized anarchism,  the worship of and rule of God, and spread the inkling by people to be individual, rational, loving and moderate.

This was the time of Satan; the group, the pervasive poisoning of humanity with moral and spiritual wickedness, centralized institutions and bureaucracies, caste system, fanaticism, hatred, enthusiasm.

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