Do you realize how powerful you are? Do you realize how frightened politicians, the police, the federal agencies and the military are of an angered citizenry?
Rise up! Rise up! Pitch in. Get angry! Get angry! Hit the streets! Protest! Flood the White House and Congressional switchboard with phone calls.
Order those cowardly, condescending swine in Congress, from both parties, and that Marxist child in the White House to repeal Obamacare now. Close the borders now. Abolish the EPA now. Invade ISIS and kill them all now.
We need Obama impeached and removed from office now. Use, if necessary, the government shut down to defund all his authoritarian schemes, without not paying our debt. Stop the dictator in his tracks, now!
Rise up, ye supercitizens, rise up! You have the power. You have the responsibility. You have the blame if nothing gets better. Rise up, and kick ass and take over, and make these servants in Washington serve and obey the citizenry, as is their constitutional role.
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