I have a neighbor, an enemy, who has known me for 18 years. I am an innocent, good man that bothers no one, but I do not conform to some neighborhood definition of what is required to "belong" here, so this joiner and other groupists have made it rough for us to stay here. But I am not running or leaving. This is my home, and this is where I will make my stand. Take me out and remove me if you can--otherwise, go pound sand.
That such a good and decent man as I am could be so detested and opposed after 18 years sure does reveal why people like this neighbor (me too) are basically evil. When groupist biases and prejudice allow one to lie to oneself about individualists and outsiders (We insiders are right and good, and the individualist and outsider is wrong and bad.) do and are, over such a long period of time, despite all the factual evidence to the contrary, the sickness that preoccupies such warped thinking must come from deep inside.
This irresponsible, reckless, stubborn embracing of a set of lies is something that this pathetic neighbor will take to the grave. He forgives nothing and learns nothing.
He cannot grow. He cannot change. He will not grow in divine wisdom and kindness. He will never learn to accept, cooperate and coexist with other-living neighbors like me, an individuator.
This man is a church-goer. Likely he believes he is in God's good graces and is headed for heaven. He may be in for a big shock when he visits the pearly gates, and God points out how he mistreated me, God's prophet.
What is truly scary is that this person is a decent, honest, law-abiding family man by normal standards. His groupism is rather bland and benign in comparison to what it could be, if serving in a full-blown mass movement, he would be willingly transformed into Mr. Hyde running with the mob pack to tear me to pieces. He would feel quite justified in whatever he had to do.
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