Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Be Fundamentalist

Be fundamentalist in your religion-tinged political and cultural approach to living and running the country.

Fundamentalist seek loyal, basic commitment to sound and core principles of their faith; they are traditionalists, and passionate believers.

For our Mavellonialist supercitizens to be enthusiastic, on fire, pushing and growing as a cause, religious fervor will fire their imaginations and steel their hearts to serve the cause.

Only those that are lively and alive in advocated their faith and politics can compete against mass movement fundamentalists like radical Islamists.

Yet, we must pause, and caution logical self-restraint on the part of our moderate, intellectual believers and fundamentalists.They forswear using violence, intimidation or force to compel any to accept their beliefs. Joining us and joining up must be voluntary or nothing, period.

When we do fight a holy war against Communists, fascists, militant secularists or rabid Islamists, we fight to win this just war.

When jihadis use murder and attacks to spread their religious war by illegitimate force, their war is unholy and evil.

Fundamentalism yes, fanaticism, no. Passionate enough to be alive, and coll and logical enough to be democratic and peaceful.

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