Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Robert Lavoy Finicum

Well the FBI and the Oregon State Police have killed a white male conservative at Malheur
Wildlife Refuge. Instead of standing down, and waiting for these property rights protesters to disband and go home, Finicum was killed in a traffic stop.

Levin agrees with the protesters that Western lands, at least half of them, should be given back to the states so farmers, ranchers, settlers and businesses can buy land.

For too long conservatives and property rights advocates and states' rights advocates have been treated unfairly by the feds. While Barak and many others, Republicans and Democrats alike, are working to reduce sentences for incarcerated blacks and others, the President is silent about the Hammonds getting a double jail sentence for the same crime.

I do not advocate armed resistance against the government except in the most perilous conditions, and we should solve these problems legally not militarily, but to kill a Malheur leader and deny Hammonds freedom and justice, to keep all those Western lands under the federal, fascist boot is unAmerican and unconstitutional.

It is high time that we conservatives take over the government at the ballot box, and whittle this bloated, Washington pig down to size. Barak's FBI is going to like a spark that enrages us, if they keep using these militant, jackboot tactics.

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