Saturday, December 2, 2017


Elon Musk wants to brain-hack and give humans a brain like and much higher intelligence so that they can compete with AI robots soon to be much smarter than humans are naturally. An online article by Joe Carmichael suggests that Musk is researching and designing something called a neural lace to serve as an electronic interface between computers and the human mind.

That Musk and others want to have links between computers and the brain to combine digital intelligence with biological intelligence seems remarkable and fascinating to many. I do not doubt that one day they will succeed. We may want to ask if it should be done rather than are we able to accomplish this.

I see not need to implant computers or chips in our brains to make us smart enough to compete with smart robots. If we all maverize, get real smart biologically, then our telepathy will find cybernetic channels naturally to interface biological intelligence with data intelligence.

We got all we need to compete, but individual-living and individuating as basic childhood training must come about.

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