Friday, September 9, 2022


 One of the alarming trends in 2022, for thoughtful, concerned thinkers, is the trend of young people, married or not, with children or not, is the huge number of young people that do not believe in God, or at least attend church.

My friend mentions that to her adult children, and they get so angry that she shuts up immediately. She is right to raise the alarm. No society can survive without each new generation of humans swearing allegiance to God. The young people must anew become a God-fearing, God-loving, God-grounded moral majority of citizens with said arrangement fin place and adhered to. There is no viable civilization viable today or in the future unless society is populated by believers whose lives are centered in the worship of, the obedience of, and the love of God and the publicly expressed and shared reverence for God's presence in our midst.

Jung and Jordan Peterson expound at length about the archetypal craving for spiritual meaning and intimate communion with spiritual beings in existence beyond our mortal selves.

Where that religious craving is not met in a wholesome, positive way, bad, corrosive substitutes will be resorted to. If people do not believe in God, they will still worship and follow a substitute deity because the human heart cannot live in a metaphysical vacuum, for supernature like nature always fills an existent vacuum.

The substitutes have demonic origins: be it addiction to some substance or bizarre addictive behavior, a life turned over to pursuit of utter pleasure, self-indulgence or a life of pure criminal preying on others.

Other vitiating substitutes are political or other isms or causes, adopted by millions of mass movement-serving true believers. Others will worship Communism, fascism, big government. Others will join religious cults, and some will worship Satan and Lera openly.

The void will be filled. People rejecting God will always fill the void in their hearts with substitutes, that destroy their souls, and often threaten the entire world as an unintended consequence. The current failure and unwillingness to acknowledge our debt to God is a mistake with powerful and undesired outcomes up ahead.

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