Thursday, March 23, 2023

AI Worries


It has been a scary revelation for me to see how many employers now saturate the workplace with cameras, tracking devices on work phones and company vehicles. Workers have no privacy. Their loss of independence, privacy, and the ability to make decisions for themselves at work is drastically reduced. They are monitored all the time, and that seems creepy and dehumanizing Workers should be able to unplug such devices when or break, etc.


Preteens and teenagers are now tracked by their parents through the cell phones that the kids carry I think, unless a child is latchkey alone, and getting home alone, or a budding criminal, or mentally disabled, this should not be done.


Moral, normal, sensible kids need their privacy and room to run their own affairs and make their own decisions. Parents should not be tracking them and following them all day long and tracing them every place they go. This constant Orwellian spying on children by parents distorts and wipes out the loving relationship, the honesty, respect and mutually decent treatment between parent and child.


We must give a budding individual or individuators freedom and privacy from constant supervision to come up with his own solutions to run things. He is to be given power, freedom, the chance to think and make decisions, the space and the noninterference and the non-monitoring so he can maverize and become a great soul.


This requires parents not to micromanage children through the electronic tracking and surveillance technology available.


In a world where non-individuating, groupism, hierarchies and group-living, that is where tyrannical institutions and hierarchies require one half of the population to manage and supervise the other half of the population as Erich Hoffer famously noted decades ago.


Such micromanaging and over-supervising of employees, citizens and children lead to a society that is completely collective with a utter loss of individualism, freedom privacy, goodness and choice.


Those running such authoritarian cliques trust no one because they are completely untrustrworthy


All AI to the contrary, such devices for the children, citizens and workers need to be turned off. When people are not trusted and not enjoying any privacy, they are lessened and become non-performed and potentially wicked people.


Mass surveillance increases tyranny, social unhappiness, and groupism. These are very bad, unintended consequences of current, obsessions with installing cameras and tracking devices everywhere watching everyone. Cell phones are now electronic narcs betraying their owners. Wait until the government implants chips under the skin of citizens..

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