I was driving my truck around this morning to charge up a dead battery after boosting it, so I listened to Dennis Prager for a few minutes. This solid Jewish sage never fails to impress me. He was very upset that some event at Berkeley was shut down by campus security because protesters outside (some of whom were likely Muslim and others were young Leftists), banging on the glass doors to interrupt the event, swearing and casting racial slurs against the Jewish speaker.
Rather than arrest the vicious protesters violating the free speech rights of the speaker and audience of the event, campus security “solved” the problem by closing the event and escorting the audience out the back door. Prager was angry that the innocent attenders of the event and the speaker needed to be removed but not the protesters. I agree wholeheartedly.
Prager used the analogy that if some women were threatened with rape, the police reaction was to escort the women away, rather than arresting the criminal assailants threatening them.
Berkeley violated the rights of the victims, and indirectly rewards the anti-Semitic thugs that shut the campus event down, and they in essence are rewarded for Jew-hating and suppressisng one more campus free speech events.
Prager noted that countries that engage in anti-Semitic activity all disappear as a country. He may feel that is God’s punishment to any people that condone going after the Jews, God’s chosen people. I think Prager may be right.
Prager also defined rape as violation, of two types, sexual violation and in another Leftist kind of abuse, the rape of language by misusing deliberately words until the word is meaningless. The anti-Semites accused Israelis of genocide when they are defending their rights to exist in Gaza against racist, Hamas killers and rapists did massacre on 10/7/23. The word genocide has been raped by the Left of meaning, and it is a word of moral importance, not to be cheapened, devalued, distorted, and used to cast aspersion against innocent parties.
Remember, that when Prager condemns Leftist evil and foolishness, Leftism is a holy cause, and its backers are true believers, and Prager’s criticism of and indignation against them analogously applies to any other holy cause operating or of the future, and yet unannounced. Therefore, any other guru or demagogue leading a mass movement would rape language too, and did the Communists and Nazi propagandists.
I have some additional examples of Leftists and other ideologues raping beyond sexual rape of women and men (Rape is a routine humiliation of dissidents by the Iranian secret police.) and language rape. Leftists also rape the truth, and they commit soul-rape routinely.
Soul-rape is the violation of a person’ soul, psyche, or consciousness. Soul-rape is done by the individual to themselves and to others and to each other. In any hierarchy or any institution or class system, the joiner agrees masochistically to—and enjoys--being soul-raped by someone up above him with more power, popularity and money, and, in each soul-raped victim, now turns victimizer, sadistically enjoys soul-raping those him upon those below him in power, rank and popularity.
The Good Spirits are individualists and individuators more than they are groupists and nonindividuators, but they are both. They love themselves and love others, so in this way the souls of each living person are treated by the Good Spirits with dignity, fairness, respect, kindness, equality, and courtesy.
If the young are well-treated in this way, their self-esteem and self-love will make them beautiful souls when still teenagers. Once they find a benevolent deity to worship and serve as individuators, then this telos will allow them to live as creative great souls for a lifetime.
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