Friday, January 31, 2025

Be Cognizant


From Page 7 of the 7/7/24 The Cavalier Chronicle is its weekly homily, copied below and then responded to by me, and its title is Mindful.


Homily: “Can wool gatherers retrain their mind to focus?”


My response: My response is moderate or bifurcated as usual. Woolgathering or fanciful dreaming is one of the creative, early steps, psychologically fecund, which may help the individuators brainstorm, to generate new possibilities.


Having said, that the agent, simultaneously, needs to have both feet firmly planted on the ground in reality. The most intellectual, smart, brilliant, original-thinking, and creative individual first woolgathers, and then commonsensically decides how to act and proceed in reality, and then how to best function in the world to achieve one’s goals.


Homily: “Do our dominant thoughts create a world of dire circumstances and negative outcomes? Lifting our thoughts from worldly cares will lift our spirits too. Hear positive possibilities this week in church.”


My response: We need to mindfully realign our thinking towards improving our lot rather than feeling sorry for ourselves, or stubbornly continuing to make poor choices, ruining our lives. And a spiritual connection to a good deity is a fine way to refocus our consciousness.


Homily: “Set your mind on things that are above. Colossians 3:1-11.”

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