Monday, January 6, 2025

The Holy Spirit


As a fringe Christian and as a conservative Unitarian-Universalist, I believe that there are many admirable good deities, and that one can worship one of them or as many of them as one wishes.


These deities are not competitors but are collaborators working against Satan and Lera and the evil deities.


I heard a video clip online the other day about how to pray to the Holy Spirit, and I should have—I did not—write it all out to capture the entire gist of it.


The narrator pointed out that the Holy Spirit (Whom I pray to and who I also think is a supervisor to all the Good Spirits to whom I pray.) was the guardian of peace and power.


He advised the supplicant to be sincere, humble, grateful, not just demanding that one’s wish-list be met, that such a disrespectful, proud approach would be met with silence, and that seems right.


Here is how he advised the supplicant to pray to the Holy Spirit (I did not capture the full text.):


A.    I need you.

B.    Speak to me.

C.     Help me walk in your ways.

D.    Thank you, Holy Spirit.

E.     Fill me today.

F.     Forgive me for grieving you.

G.    Use me for your glory.



I would see this set of prayers as useful not only for Christians but for properly proud but respectful, courteous supplicant, individuators, talking to the Holy Spirit or any good deity.






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