Conservative journalist Douglas MacKinnon wrote this editorial for Breitbart News, and it was published online on 1/29/25, and I wish to comment on it.
MacKinnon (M after this):
“Why Trump Wins: The Explanation For The Far-Left Intelligentsia And Haters:
Recently, I got into a discussion with a far-left, entrenched-elite, job-protected professor about why President Donald J. Trump was winning across the board, not only in our nation but around the world.
As the “discussion” progressed, it was clear that the “intellectual” was devoid of intelligence and was, instead, rhetorically fueled by the seemingly permanent effects of “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
Of course, this is true of most of the far-left “intelligentsia” and the bitter “Never-Trumpers” on the right.”
My response: It is obvious that this far-left professor is the prototypical, fanatical and true-believing man of words, and Trump is undercutting his mass movement and holy cause, cultural Marxism, and this is maddening for the professor.
M: “And just why are they so angry as their minds have turned into useless mush? Because over the course of the last decade, Trump has continually exposed them as charlatans, swamp creatures, abject liars, and totally irrelevant. By far, what infuriated them the most and drove them into the “resistance” movement against Trump – and our country – was being proven entirely irrelevant to anything relevant to the American people and, most significantly, the working class of our country.”
My response: These intellectuals are smart, but they are not intelligent as in being wise, for ideology makes a true believer not only stupid, but militant and convinced that he is superior, intellectually, and morally, while his actual program is crap and disastrous, but he is the last one to know that.
MacKinnon is hard-hitting but accurate: they are charlatans, swamp creatures, abject liars and irrelevant, once again irrelevant to the American middle class, the businesspeople and the working class, as they had historically been irrelevant in this mass culture run by the masses. Americans back Trump because making America great again is returning to their legal and cultural roots in self-government, not America run by elites as it had been in recent decades.
M: “These haters don’t contribute to the betterment of society. Their entire narcissistic grift is to rail against anything that will bring them more attention. This self-absorbed clique of the insecure includes “journalists,” pundits, politicians, academics, “experts,” and “celebrities.” “
My response: The elite of journalists, pundits, politicians, academics, experts, celebrities, billionaires, artists and clergy should be honored but not obeyed or allowed to rule the masses in America or any place else, and 200 million American individuating supercitizens is how that rule can be restored, maintained and improves against domination of the masses here by ill-intentioned, power-hungry elites.
M: “For that “Clique of the Insecure” desperate to understand why Trump has been putting win after win up on the board for decade after decade in business and for the last decade in politics and exposed them as inconsequential and useless to the betterment of society, I have assembled some bullet points for your perusal:
· He outworks you.
· He has more stamina than you.
· He is smarter than you.
· He is more experienced than you.
· He is more successful than you.
· He is tougher than you.
· He is happier than you.
· He has better instincts than you.
· He is more aware than you.
· He is more confident than you.
· He is a better athlete than you.
· He is more well-rounded than you across the human spectrum.
· He is better looking than you.
· He is cooler than you.
· He is more creative than you.
· He is more admired than you.
· He has more character than you.
· He is more Patriotic than you.
· He believes in the American people more than you.
· He has created more businesses than you.
· He has hired hundreds of thousands more people than you.
· He has seen more of the world than you.
· He has helped more people than you.
· He has outsmarted more CEOs than you.
· He has humbled more world leaders than you.
· He has broken the minds of more journalists, celebrities, and academics than you…including…yours.
· He is beloved by more people than you.
· He has redefined more skylines than you.
· He has owned more sports teams than you.
· He has created more casinos than you.
· He has sold more books than you.
· He has appeared in more movies than you.
· He has inspired more people than you.
· He has eliminated more of America’s enemies than you.
· He has freed more hostages than you.
· He has been elected President more times than you.
· And oh, yeah. He just literally saved the United States of America from the complete self-destruction being brought about by people exactly like…you!!”
My response: Quite a list MacKinnon assembled above. My favorite is, as an outsider, he somehow wants to restore America run by the masses, and that political and cultural utter rejection of and hopefully permanent defeat of the cultural Marxist holy cause is the aim and hope for our future.
M: “I have stated in this space that I truly believe President Trump will eventually be acknowledged as the greatest President in our nation's history. One of the many reasons I think this is that he is trashing the left’s government, which is built on special interests and wokeness, and replacing it with a government built purely on “Meritocracy.”
As defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “Meritocracy is a system, organization, or society in which people are chosen and moved into positions of success, power, and influence on the basis of their demonstrated abilities and merit.” If there is ever a president chosen for his “demonstrated abilities and merit,” it is Trump. He has literally written books on the value of real-world experience.”
My response: MacKinnon is wise: Trump has the potential to be our greatest President. When he introduces or reintroduces the concept of promotion and reward for each worker in both the public and private arena, his concept of being chosen based on meritocracy and the content of one’s character rather than one’s biological and cultural group affiliations based on irrelevant descriptions like, race, gender, sexual orientation, creed, economic outlook or ideological stance, Trump is advocating people being hired, promoted and rewarded based on individual merit and achievement, not group connections, popular (to be promoted) or unpopular group connections (disfavored affiliations like being white, male, Christian, heterosexual and so forth).
With my proposal of individuating supercitizens built upon the basic axiom of individual merit, DEI could be permanently exiled from both government and corporate entities.
M: “Unfortunately for the far-left, hate-driven, broken-minded clique of the massively insecure, the American people know a winner when they see one. And in Trump, they not only saw the “winner” of all time but a person who could – and would – rescue them from the quality-of-life destroying policies of the left.
In conclusion, my parting summation to the inconsequential and useless far-left and “Never Trumpers” as to why Trump continually defeats you while exposing you as irrelevant:
He’s much, much better than you. At everything.
Douglas MacKinnon is a former White House and Pentagon official and author of the book: The 56 – Liberty Lessons from those who risked all to sign The Declaration of Independence. Follow him @DougOfSkye.”
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