Saturday, March 31, 2018
Psalm 67, 2
Have pity on us, dear God, and save us from ourselves: "May God have pity on us and bless us; may he let his face shine upon us."
Driving History
Eric Hoffer writes that mass movements shape history as people are willing to renounce their spoiled private lives in exchange for cherished disappearance of personal responsibility and accountability as their cause for united action absorbs all that they are.
The Raw Reality Of Islam
Do you still think Islam is a moderate, temperate, modernized, tolerant, peaceful and nonviolent faith? Many Muslims are but they are not roundly condemning the Arabs in Palestine, attacking the Jewish border of a sovereign people to invade and repopulate the country with Arabs, ever denying Israel the right to exist, ever working to wipe out every Jew.
As Prager admonishes, first they kill the Jews, then they come after every else. But the globalists support fully the Palestinian aggressor, just as one world government run by Marxist atheists is the coming attraction for the rest of us.
Already, 50% of young Americans want the capitalist system eradicated. If that does not scare the daylights out of you, nothing will.
As Prager admonishes, first they kill the Jews, then they come after every else. But the globalists support fully the Palestinian aggressor, just as one world government run by Marxist atheists is the coming attraction for the rest of us.
Already, 50% of young Americans want the capitalist system eradicated. If that does not scare the daylights out of you, nothing will.
Drudge Report Fascinates Me
On Drudge Report this evening, there is a fascinating article by Danyal Hussain for Mailonlne about a brain machine developed that can translate our thoughts into text.
I do not know if this astonishing machine exists, and can do all that they promise it can do, but its potential nightmarish applications by Big Brother Government is patently frightening.
If the machine does not exist, it soon will. If this wondrous technology is not abused by the NSA and FBI immediately, it soon will be.
My response: teach all citizens to become individuating-anarchist supercitizens with their latent telepathic powers fully developed to negate coming totalitarian abuses of such coming clairvoyant machines, to protect the masses against centralized government aggression and mind control.
I do not know if this astonishing machine exists, and can do all that they promise it can do, but its potential nightmarish applications by Big Brother Government is patently frightening.
If the machine does not exist, it soon will. If this wondrous technology is not abused by the NSA and FBI immediately, it soon will be.
My response: teach all citizens to become individuating-anarchist supercitizens with their latent telepathic powers fully developed to negate coming totalitarian abuses of such coming clairvoyant machines, to protect the masses against centralized government aggression and mind control.
NRA Warning To Members

So They’re Not Coming for Our Guns, Eh? We call BS.
Friday, March 30, 2018

Why do we even have a Second Amendment?
Because British tyrants came for the Founders’ guns, and
the Founders knew, given the chance, overreaching officials in the U.S.
would do the same thing.
Now, some believe that chance has finally come.
In the wake of the terrible crimes in Parkland, Florida, gun control activists and progressive social justice warriors
have found their scapegoats in the National Rifle Association and its
five million members. And as they always do when they feel emboldened,
they are revealing the true agenda they usually try to downplay to the
American public in less emotionally-charged times.
One media outlet after another has praised the activism and passion of those who marched for gun control last Saturday. We must listen to them, we are told.
Okay, in that spirit, here is just a sampling of the marchers’ own words.
Some of the lines that drew the biggest applause and
cheering from the crowd during the speeches at the march included the
“When they give us that inch ... we will take a mile!”
“I have a dream that enough is enough. And that this should be a gun-free world. Period!”
“Welcome to the revolution … The people demand a law
banning the sale of assault weapons. The people demand we prohibit the
sale of high capacity magazines.”
And no wonder the crowd cheered. The placards they carried
in D.C. and elsewhere expressed similarly extreme sentiments and
vicious ill-will toward those who disagree with their prohibitory
agenda. Some were also of questionable suitability for a supposedly
youth-themed march.
Meanwhile signs using the universal circle and slash of prohibition targeted handguns, rifles, and the NRA itself.
Okay, so the protestors want to ban guns, they hate the NRA, and many enjoy profanity.
Trust us, we get the message.
And so did none other than former Supreme Court Justice
John Paul Stevens, the very man who was one vote away from writing the
individual right to keep and bear arms out of the Bill of Rights forever
with his dissenting opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller. Addressing the protestors in a New York Times editorial,
he encouraged them to “demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.” It
would, he wrote, move them “closer to their objective than any other
possible reform.”
At that point, however, the gun control apparatus realized
it had overplayed its hand. Adults that only the week before had been
insisting that all of America must listen to the gun control wisdom of
the protesting youth suddenly began trying to steer their message back
to a politically safe space.
“[N]o one calling for a 2A repeal,” insisted anti-gun media personality Chris Cuomo in a tweet the day after the Stevens editorial was published. “[S]top with the bogeymen.”
Yeah, echoed law professor and gun control advocate Adam Winkler, “There’s not a snowflakes chance in hell we are going to repeal the Second Amendment … . ” But then he added, “anytime soon.”
Politifact – the progressive advocacy organization posing as a “fact checker” – also tried to contain the damage.
It handed out a “pants on fire” rating to the claim that legislation
already pending in Congress which would expansively ban semi-automatic
firearms does in fact prove “they are coming to take away our guns.”
Politifact, however, created a strawman by insisting, “Gun
owners would not be required to give up any of their guns as long as
they were legally purchased before the ban.”
But their analysis ignored the fact that many of America’s
most popular firearms would no longer be available under the
legislation, that parts for the banned firearms would also be banned,
and that places which have enacted similar bans have repeatedly reneged
on the original grandfather provisions. The pending legislation is also
significantly broader than the federal “assault weapons” ban that was in
effect from 1994 to 2004, displaying an obvious tendency toward gun
control mission creep.
So who are you going to believe? The protestors themselves, history, and your lying eyes?
Or are you going to believe the media damage control?
We know how we would answer that question. And we think the Founders would agree.
Defend 2A. Defend the Constitution. Fight to save our way of life.
Friday, March 30, 2018
You Can Do It
Figure out two things. First, that you will commit yourself to a lifetime of individuating. Second, yo will start of clumsy and disorganized at it at first, but your insights will soon be sharpened and radiate out, and your adroit roll out of your new way of living wins you approval in the circles of the Good Spirits and on up from there, right to the gates of heaven.
God Has Heard Psalm 66, 19-20
God has heard my pleas, my cries for assistance: "But God has heard; he has hearkened to the sound of my prayer. Blessed be God who refused me not my prayer of his kindness."
Anti-Trump Protesters
Anti-Trump professors, college students and high school students self-refer to themselves as superior, enlightened, compassionate and, idealistic and without bias.
Their sneer at Trump and his Cro-Magnon forgotten deplorables from the fly-over states as xenophobic, racist, selfish, earth-destroyers, greedy, mindless materialists, homophobic, mysogynistic and so forth.
The problem with these progressives is that no one is an individual apart from belonging to and being defined by some applicable identity group.
Leftists refuse to accept people are free individuals, unique, wonderful and self-determining, transcending any destiny prescribed for them by crippling identity politics. Progressives are racist and bigoted and tryarnnical as they disallow non-group living and non-group self-identification. To deny others the freedom to do their own thing, and to live their lives as they deem fit--tat is hateful, disrespectful and cruel despotism of the worst kind.
Their sneer at Trump and his Cro-Magnon forgotten deplorables from the fly-over states as xenophobic, racist, selfish, earth-destroyers, greedy, mindless materialists, homophobic, mysogynistic and so forth.
The problem with these progressives is that no one is an individual apart from belonging to and being defined by some applicable identity group.
Leftists refuse to accept people are free individuals, unique, wonderful and self-determining, transcending any destiny prescribed for them by crippling identity politics. Progressives are racist and bigoted and tryarnnical as they disallow non-group living and non-group self-identification. To deny others the freedom to do their own thing, and to live their lives as they deem fit--tat is hateful, disrespectful and cruel despotism of the worst kind.
Linguistic Analysis
Do words that we use relate to the objects named out there in the external world on a one to one basis, or is the correspondence only accidental or casual? It probably more the former than the latter, but it is both.
The Free Gift Of Salvation
Pastors teach that salvation is a free gift from God, based upon Christ's dying on the cross to open the gates of heaven, relieve us of our burden of sin, so that we can escape the burning pits of hell.
Pastors, the good altruists that they are, preach that we have the gift of eternal life, not by our own attempt, but solely due to God's mercy and love.
As a committed egoist, I mostly buy that, but do insist that we are personally responsible for achieving salvation too, by our faith, by our good works, by our free choice to receive the freely offered, unconditional gift of grace from God, made possible through the death of Jesus, and his resurrection.
Pastors, the good altruists that they are, preach that we have the gift of eternal life, not by our own attempt, but solely due to God's mercy and love.
As a committed egoist, I mostly buy that, but do insist that we are personally responsible for achieving salvation too, by our faith, by our good works, by our free choice to receive the freely offered, unconditional gift of grace from God, made possible through the death of Jesus, and his resurrection.
Make It Better
You can make your life better at once. Just do it: make a plan to maverize, and then work the plan. This do-it-yourself action plan will enable you to break out of the doldrums and really amount to something special, influential and impressive. This is not about fame and fortune. Those are but useful byproducts of a maverizing life well lived.
The Balance
An individuator is an moral expert in moderate ethics: he is bright and versatile, able to move quickly to adapt to every changing circumstances, while reacting to change in ways consistent over time with his egoist ethics, ultimate aims and obedience to principles laid out by the Good Spirits.
He adapts quickly, easily and smoothly without compromising on nonnegotiable, core principles, and he knows the difference most of the time and quickly makes correction when straying off course.
He adapts quickly, easily and smoothly without compromising on nonnegotiable, core principles, and he knows the difference most of the time and quickly makes correction when straying off course.
Fire Him
Trump needs to fire Jeff Sessions immediately for not appointing a second special counsel to investigate Deep State collusion with the Russians and other illegal activities.
Trump should then have his assistant AG appoint a special counsel immediately for fire him to on down the line until one is appointed.
Trump should then have his assistant AG appoint a special counsel immediately for fire him to on down the line until one is appointed.
Just Relax
If you are with God, just relax. You need not worry about anything. Do your best, and things will pan out as they do, sometimes well, sometimes not, sometimes as you prefer, sometimes other than you choose.
Adjust as best you can to how it all sorts out, and let God do the worrying.
Adjust as best you can to how it all sorts out, and let God do the worrying.
Pope Francis
Pope Francis recently suggested that there is no hell, but that the souls of sinners, unrepentant at the time of their demise, just disappear.
The souls of godly people go to heaven with God.
I disagree with the Pope and I do believe there is hell and eternal hellfire, but do not know anything about the metaphysical facts constituting such.
The souls of godly people go to heaven with God.
I disagree with the Pope and I do believe there is hell and eternal hellfire, but do not know anything about the metaphysical facts constituting such.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Sri Lankans
I do not know if it is a trend, a national characteristic, or just coincidence. I have met or work with Sri Lankan women, and they have no fear of and no special respect for American whites. They think they are just as good or better, and they are of course.
Any traces of colonial awe of whites, Americans or Europeans has disappeared. Now we have these 3rd world immigrants with cocky defiance and even contempt for us, our culture, our thinking and our ways of doing things.
It is not too much of a stretch in imagination to anticipate that they do refuse to assimilate to our way of life when arriving here, demanding instead that we be multicultural and assimilate to their culture here, just as arrived Muslims are doing.
This is why we must move right away to shut down legal and illegal immigration for 10 years. We must close the border, kick out illegals, and allow no illegals ever to vote.
By preserving our language, our monoculture, American Way of Life, we will tell these new arrivals to assimilate or go home. America the Exceptional is the world's last best hope, and we must preserve it all costs, so it can be exported to Sri Lanka and other globalist supremacists that insist upon downplaying our worldview and way of life. We must insist that they not prevail here, period.
Any traces of colonial awe of whites, Americans or Europeans has disappeared. Now we have these 3rd world immigrants with cocky defiance and even contempt for us, our culture, our thinking and our ways of doing things.
It is not too much of a stretch in imagination to anticipate that they do refuse to assimilate to our way of life when arriving here, demanding instead that we be multicultural and assimilate to their culture here, just as arrived Muslims are doing.
This is why we must move right away to shut down legal and illegal immigration for 10 years. We must close the border, kick out illegals, and allow no illegals ever to vote.
By preserving our language, our monoculture, American Way of Life, we will tell these new arrivals to assimilate or go home. America the Exceptional is the world's last best hope, and we must preserve it all costs, so it can be exported to Sri Lanka and other globalist supremacists that insist upon downplaying our worldview and way of life. We must insist that they not prevail here, period.
Many are frustrated with know-nothing kids mouthing off about adults and guns after the Parland massacre. Look below.
The quote from Socrates about snowflake kids of his generation--found by my niece, Lynn, a successful attorney: "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers" Socrates (469-399 B.C.)
It is conservative thinking that is classic. Human nature is not good and never changes, and history repeats itself over and over again. We must remember not to blame the young. These children are useful idiots, used by the gun-grabbing Left to grab guns, a civil right. The Left seeks power not security over the children and all America. To help these confused and mixed up kids, we must reintroduce classic civic classes, history and the Great Books. They may be astray, but they can be brought back to reality.
Red Meat Eaters
Dear Conservative Red Meat Eaters:
I am enclosing a memo to me from my Tea Party organization. This is why I contribute to these people. Imagine them in 10 years as individuating, anarchist supercitizens. What a force to be reckoned with they will have become:
Demand Congress
Prosecute the Deep State
Tea Party Activist,
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) memo was released! Thanks to you and #releasethememo, we have proof the Obama administration, DNC, and the Clinton campaign weaponized the FBI to target President Trump before and after the election. Now, we must demand congress fight back and PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE.
President Trump said a lot of people should be ashamed of themselves. Let's LOCK THEM UP! The memo contains beyond earth-shattering revelations that can potentially bring down the corrupt house of cards built by the Clinton/Obama cartel. BUT, we need to act quickly. We must keep the pressure on and let Congress and President Trump know the American people stand with him and will no longer accept lies and doublespeak from the Deep State. Heads MUST roll.
With the release of the memo, we know for sure the dubious "Steele Dossier" was used by the FBI to secure warrants to electronically surveil members of the Trump team under false pretenses, and there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The only collusion was between the Obama administration officials, FBI, DOJ, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, British spy Christopher Steele, and plenty of others yet to be revealed. President Trump has ripped off the band-aid covering up an infected, festering wound within our government that needs to be fully exposed to the light of day to heal. It's up to all of us to let the Congress know we will not stand for the corruption any longer. NOW is the time for you to take action!
Sign the petition demanding that Congress PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE and everyone involved!
The entire Obama administration knew what was going on - Obama, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Rosenstein, Yates, Rice, Ohr, Strzok, Page. Hillary Clinton knew! YOU would never get away with this kind of deception! That's why we demand that Congress PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE and everyone involved!
According to the memo released by the House Intelligence Committee, Former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications. THEY WERE ALL IN ON IT. The FISA memo names names with more to come, and it is time for Congress and President Trump to DRAIN THE SWAMP of all of these corrupt individuals. It's time for YOU to put your name down and SIGN the petition to PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE.
This is an incredible abuse of power and intentional omission and manipulation of facts and judicial processes. Our founding fathers warned us against the enemy within! We are witnessing infiltration instead of invasion to seize our democracy. We need your help to hold the Deep State accountable. It's time to call out Obama, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Ohr, Strzok, Page, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Lerner, to name just a few. They ALL need to be exposed and sent to jail - sign the Tea Party PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE petition and let them know the PEOPLE are back in control of our great country! No one is above the law.
The weaponization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act under the Obama administration can't be overlooked or swept under the rug. Obama has destroyed these institutions. We have real momentum now. Let's keep it going. Americans know there are true patriots in the FBI, DOJ, CIA and thankfully now the White House, but some of the Obama holdovers are as rotten as it gets. They destroyed the honor and integrity of the FBI because they didn't like Trump, and they DON'T like conservatives - including everyday Americans. They went after Trump, it's only a matter of time before they can come after YOU.
Sign the petition demanding that Congress PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE and everyone involved!
Mark my words: We will not rest until the truth is known, and the Deep State is utterly defeated!
Steve Eichler,
Dear Reader: Our constitutional republic is in deep peril; those in the Deep State must be rooted out and sent to jail to send other political and bureaucratical elites a clear message that illegal and corrupt Big Government bully tactics will not go unheeded or unpunished. Join the Tea Party today.
I am enclosing a memo to me from my Tea Party organization. This is why I contribute to these people. Imagine them in 10 years as individuating, anarchist supercitizens. What a force to be reckoned with they will have become:
Demand Congress
Prosecute the Deep State
Tea Party Activist,
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) memo was released! Thanks to you and #releasethememo, we have proof the Obama administration, DNC, and the Clinton campaign weaponized the FBI to target President Trump before and after the election. Now, we must demand congress fight back and PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE.
President Trump said a lot of people should be ashamed of themselves. Let's LOCK THEM UP! The memo contains beyond earth-shattering revelations that can potentially bring down the corrupt house of cards built by the Clinton/Obama cartel. BUT, we need to act quickly. We must keep the pressure on and let Congress and President Trump know the American people stand with him and will no longer accept lies and doublespeak from the Deep State. Heads MUST roll.
With the release of the memo, we know for sure the dubious "Steele Dossier" was used by the FBI to secure warrants to electronically surveil members of the Trump team under false pretenses, and there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The only collusion was between the Obama administration officials, FBI, DOJ, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, British spy Christopher Steele, and plenty of others yet to be revealed. President Trump has ripped off the band-aid covering up an infected, festering wound within our government that needs to be fully exposed to the light of day to heal. It's up to all of us to let the Congress know we will not stand for the corruption any longer. NOW is the time for you to take action!
Sign the petition demanding that Congress PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE and everyone involved!
The entire Obama administration knew what was going on - Obama, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Rosenstein, Yates, Rice, Ohr, Strzok, Page. Hillary Clinton knew! YOU would never get away with this kind of deception! That's why we demand that Congress PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE and everyone involved!
According to the memo released by the House Intelligence Committee, Former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications. THEY WERE ALL IN ON IT. The FISA memo names names with more to come, and it is time for Congress and President Trump to DRAIN THE SWAMP of all of these corrupt individuals. It's time for YOU to put your name down and SIGN the petition to PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE.
This is an incredible abuse of power and intentional omission and manipulation of facts and judicial processes. Our founding fathers warned us against the enemy within! We are witnessing infiltration instead of invasion to seize our democracy. We need your help to hold the Deep State accountable. It's time to call out Obama, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Ohr, Strzok, Page, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Lerner, to name just a few. They ALL need to be exposed and sent to jail - sign the Tea Party PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE petition and let them know the PEOPLE are back in control of our great country! No one is above the law.
The weaponization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act under the Obama administration can't be overlooked or swept under the rug. Obama has destroyed these institutions. We have real momentum now. Let's keep it going. Americans know there are true patriots in the FBI, DOJ, CIA and thankfully now the White House, but some of the Obama holdovers are as rotten as it gets. They destroyed the honor and integrity of the FBI because they didn't like Trump, and they DON'T like conservatives - including everyday Americans. They went after Trump, it's only a matter of time before they can come after YOU.
Sign the petition demanding that Congress PROSECUTE the DEEP STATE and everyone involved!
Mark my words: We will not rest until the truth is known, and the Deep State is utterly defeated!
Steve Eichler,
Dear Reader: Our constitutional republic is in deep peril; those in the Deep State must be rooted out and sent to jail to send other political and bureaucratical elites a clear message that illegal and corrupt Big Government bully tactics will not go unheeded or unpunished. Join the Tea Party today.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Waste not your days feeling glum, sour, alienated and sorry for yourself.
Get up and do the best you can to make a contribution to furthering, protecting and expanding God's kingdom. Now that is positive and hopeful.
Get up and do the best you can to make a contribution to furthering, protecting and expanding God's kingdom. Now that is positive and hopeful.
Psalm 66, 18
The prayers of the wicked are not heard by God, but those of the just and righteous are given divine hearing and attention: "Were I to cherish wickedness in my heart, the Lord would not hear;"
Love Of Learning
To maverize is to develop intellectually. A life time of learning, and a love of learning are hallmark traits and motivators for those that are intellectually searching and ever curious.
Formal education and certifications can be the ticket to prosperity, and that is worth pursuing. After all, we all need money.
But the love of learning for its own sake is a great and noble adventure.
Formal education and certifications can be the ticket to prosperity, and that is worth pursuing. After all, we all need money.
But the love of learning for its own sake is a great and noble adventure.
Amending The Constitution
To those Leftists that seek to pass a 28th Amendment, rescinding the Second Amendment: To
me, the Left's desire to wipe out 2A is the canary in our political and
cultural coal mine. If they gut 2A, they will shred the entire
Constitution. If they eliminate this most progressive and humane
political framework, then America experiment will die, and the civil
society and constitutional republic lauded by Levin will disappear,
replaced by Marxist totalitarianism, and degraded Venezuelan living
conditions. Before they pass 28A, there will be some serious hell to pay
in the streets of this country. I invite them to try and pass that
Stalinist measure.
Those That Own Guns And Seek Gun-Control
Leftists that seek registration and confiscation often trot out those
that hunt, own guns, are NRA members or served in the military to serve
as their example of reasonable gun owners for reasonable gun control.
Deep down, these gun owners, for whatever reason, are willing dupes and
Trojan horses serving the diabolical cause of their confiscationist
masters. There is not reasonable gun control. The choice is binary: no
gun control and liberty, or gun control incrementally ending in
confiscation of all small firearms. Those that are for reasonable gun
control serve as useful idiots for totalitarian, progressive elites out
to gut the second Amendment, and then set up a socialist dictatorship
upon all Americans, cowed and submissive, once disarmed. These poeple
are wicked and a firm no is the only response to their hostile,
un-American plots and schemes.
Justice John Paul Stevens
least pro-confiscation Justice Stevens is honest. Leftists want to take
guns out of the world, or at least out of the hands of good people. We
need a citizen army of heavily armed and bearing supercitizens to
dissuade all totalitarian comers: rogue Presidents, rogue federal
police, foreign invaders, domestic terrorists, domestic crazies and
domestic criminals. Take guns away from the good people, and only
fascists and criminals are armed. Take away the 2nd Amendment, and
American people have no way to defend their constitutional rights, their
natural rights, their civil liberties. Take American military might off
the world stage, and the thugs seeking world domination will have a
nuclear holocaust burning within 10 years. It is a wicked and sad world,
but armed, courageous good people united to fight for what is right can
keep total darkness at bay, as they have for thousands of years.
Monday, March 26, 2018
The Extent
When you non-individuate, your view is not panoramic.
As you individuate, you take on God's bird's eye view. Then the extent of your worldview expands algorithmically.
As you individuate, you take on God's bird's eye view. Then the extent of your worldview expands algorithmically.
Not All Disappearing
Linguistic analysts avow that if they can just clear up language confusions, then philosophical questions will disappear.
Maybe, but percepts and concepts are real over and above language applied to these entities. Ultimate reality is less about language than it is about the content of ideas that language clarifies and explains.
Maybe, but percepts and concepts are real over and above language applied to these entities. Ultimate reality is less about language than it is about the content of ideas that language clarifies and explains.
Tested--Psalm 66, 10
We will not be fit to enter the kingdom of heaven until and unless we have been tested by God, and demonstrated to De how we perform under duress: "For you have tested us, O God! You have tried us as silver is tried by fire;"
How To Stop The Killings?
the teachers. Harden the schools. Teach gun safety and gun ownership to
all age groups of children. The ethics of self-control and skilled
awareness of how dangerous guns are if taught with compassion for others
will lead to kids knowing not to abuse these lethal tools. Provide
protected class status for bullied individualists in school so they do
not plan to get armed and kill bulliers, a school mob created by
group-behavior engendered by educational hierarchies that poison and
kill the beauty in our children. End school gun free zones. Teach
children to love God, each other and themselves, and that should help us
end the killing without ending liberty and confiscating guns. The Left
want control, not security. They are not to be trusted at all.
Drive Them Crazy
Buy a gun and drive a Leftist crazy. Initiate an AR15 block militia on every block in Minnesota. Watch the Progressives snarl and gnash their teeth.
Maybe Bolton can help make us the number one military in the world again. America and her interests first, with a strong but not provocative presence all the world stage. to keep world war from breaking out, to keep the totalitarian aggressors and imperialists in Iran, North Korea, China and Russia from building them empires, unopposed, until they openly make a run for world domination like Germany did in World War II.
I hope Bolton pushes Trump to make us a sovereign nation once again, with immigration curtailed heavily, the closed, walled borders enforced, and none overstaying their visas.
I hope Bolton pushes Trump to make us a sovereign nation once again, with immigration curtailed heavily, the closed, walled borders enforced, and none overstaying their visas.
Yes, the right to bear arms is not absolute. I cannot buy a bazooka, a machine gun or a shoulder-fired missile.
Outside of those concessions, the right to bear arms should be nearly absolute with age restrictions, without universal background checks, without bump stock restrictions, without taxing or licensing gun owners, no registration, no confiscation, no authorization of Health Departments to collect data on firearm ownership in order to conduct public health research, no court-issued Gun Violence Protection Orders to restrict individuals who allegedly pose a safety risk from possessing firearms should be seen as incremental steps to grab guns and unduly hamper the right to bear arms.
No to all of it.
Outside of those concessions, the right to bear arms should be nearly absolute with age restrictions, without universal background checks, without bump stock restrictions, without taxing or licensing gun owners, no registration, no confiscation, no authorization of Health Departments to collect data on firearm ownership in order to conduct public health research, no court-issued Gun Violence Protection Orders to restrict individuals who allegedly pose a safety risk from possessing firearms should be seen as incremental steps to grab guns and unduly hamper the right to bear arms.
No to all of it.
National Concealed Carry Act
According to the NRA on Facebook, the House Judiciary Committee advanced the NRA-backed National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, Wednesday, bringing the nation one step closer to allowing concealed carry permit holders to cross state lines without fear of politically motivated legal troubles.
Would that be a great addition to gun rights?
Jason Riley
Jason Riley is a black, conservative journalist with the Manhattan Institute. He narrated a Prager U video in which he makes the brilliant observation (from Thomas Sowell) that blacks have achieved great political success with no corresponding increase in economic success.
It seems that the Left poisons everything it touches, as Prager complains. now that billions of federal dollars and thousands of Leftist black politicians have destroyed the moral underpinnings of traditional black families--things life traditional values, a dad in every home, stable families raised on Christian values, reared on hard work and self-reliance, black poverty rates have not been reduced in the last 40 years.
We need to get the government out of all lives-Indians, blacks and whites, and prosperity will abound.
It seems that the Left poisons everything it touches, as Prager complains. now that billions of federal dollars and thousands of Leftist black politicians have destroyed the moral underpinnings of traditional black families--things life traditional values, a dad in every home, stable families raised on Christian values, reared on hard work and self-reliance, black poverty rates have not been reduced in the last 40 years.
We need to get the government out of all lives-Indians, blacks and whites, and prosperity will abound.
Gun Owners Caucus
Reader: look at this laundry list of sweeping gun control measures brought forth by Senate Democrats in Minnesota.
The gun-grabbers want universal background checks, registration and then confiscations.
From Gun Owners Caucus to me:
Edward --
I'm watching the press conference right now as I type this -- the DFL Senate Caucus announcing their new gun control agenda - the result of the secret gun control cabal that has been meeting over the past few weeks.
They're calling it their "Gun Safety Agenda" of course.
We've seen this game before - here's what they are proposing:
Lifting of the data privacy protections that prohibit the State of Minnesota from collecting data about law-abiding gun owners and their firearms. The fact that you're a gun owner and what firearms you own is none of their business!
Universal Background Checks / Universal Gun Registration (aka Bloomberg's bill)
A ban on "bump stocks" and "slide-fire stocks"
A grant bill to drive "gun violence" grants - which we know will be funneled to groups like Protect Minnesota
Gun Violence Protective Orders - where a judge on an ex-parte hearing can order your firearms to be seized without your representation
And then there's the real dangerous bill here - which is Senator Latz's bill to raise the age to purchase a "Semi-Automatic Military Style Assault Weapon" to 21. What this bill also does, but isn't talked about, is redefine the definition of "Assault Weapon" in Minnesota law to include most semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns.
Once the Left disarms all Americans the Marxist, federalized police will be the only ones with guns as they set up their police state. Then all Minnesotans, including her blacks and people of color, will be enslaved again.
Evil is disarming the masses.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Are you tired of being spaced-out on pot, booze and opiates? Are you tired of being addicted to Leftist lies and mind-control. Are you tired of carrying water for and slavishly with glazed over eyes, chanting the chants and memes of the group-living, groupthink duds that you hang with?
Do something about it. Sober up and be clean. Read, ask, think, discover, explore and invent. Talk to God, the Good Spirits and Mavellonialists.
You will discover the truth. You will be a brilliant painter. Go from being stoned to astonishing. You will like the new you.
Do something about it. Sober up and be clean. Read, ask, think, discover, explore and invent. Talk to God, the Good Spirits and Mavellonialists.
You will discover the truth. You will be a brilliant painter. Go from being stoned to astonishing. You will like the new you.
Psalm 66, 5-6
Rejoice in God's tremendous deeds: "Come and see the works of God, his tremendous deeds among men. He has changed the sea into dry land.; through the river they passed on foot; therefore let us rejoice in him."
Liguistic Analysts
They have a point: thinkers need to clarify their use of concepts, logic, definitions and reasoned arguments for the sake of clarity and communication so that dialogue is about conflicting ideas, not obfuscation and unclear language.
Now, as a moderate, that asserts that language and truth are rarely, almost never, completely clear and obvious in meaning and intent, the point of emphasis by the lingusts can go to far, prohibiting and severely limiting the originality and productivity of moderate thinkers. A balance must be struck. Clear thinking and clear writing enough to make one's point but not so exclusive and picky so as to shut down whole avenues of thinking.
Now, as a moderate, that asserts that language and truth are rarely, almost never, completely clear and obvious in meaning and intent, the point of emphasis by the lingusts can go to far, prohibiting and severely limiting the originality and productivity of moderate thinkers. A balance must be struck. Clear thinking and clear writing enough to make one's point but not so exclusive and picky so as to shut down whole avenues of thinking.
Easter is coming. Christian believe that God the Father worked his greatest and most powerful miracle by utilizing Christ's sacrificial death on the the cross, and subsequent resurrection to open the way to heaven and eternal life for all humans that repent their sins, give their lives to Christ, and accept the grace from the Holy Spirit into their lives.
If I am correct, and I believe I am, all deities, including Christ are very great-souled divinities and individualists. If this is so, it open the possiblity that our greatest and noblest heroes and self-sacrificers are not so heroic and Homeric because they are great altruists. They are very heroic great souls whose self-interest is best expressed as their self-sacrifice for the good of the whole and the collective.
Enjoy Christ and worhsip him as a very great souled individualist and egoist, or as a very great-souled altruist and king of the collective flock.
However you choose and worship, just remember that Mavellonialist thought may open new ways of looking at theology and philosophy for you.
If I am correct, and I believe I am, all deities, including Christ are very great-souled divinities and individualists. If this is so, it open the possiblity that our greatest and noblest heroes and self-sacrificers are not so heroic and Homeric because they are great altruists. They are very heroic great souls whose self-interest is best expressed as their self-sacrifice for the good of the whole and the collective.
Enjoy Christ and worhsip him as a very great souled individualist and egoist, or as a very great-souled altruist and king of the collective flock.
However you choose and worship, just remember that Mavellonialist thought may open new ways of looking at theology and philosophy for you.
When To Conform
Adults and peers should encourage the young to conform to moral rules and reasonable standards of behavior and be socially well-mannered.
Beyond these obvious, sensible measures, as children begin to assert their personhood, individuate and live-apart, conformity should be largely deemphasized--as long as the basic decencies of behavior aforementioned are not abandoned in the meantime.
We want our young to be enthusiastic, resolved and brave as they face the future alone, growing and living apart. No time b be forlorn and hesitant, their adventure is launched and they and the world will never regret it.
Beyond these obvious, sensible measures, as children begin to assert their personhood, individuate and live-apart, conformity should be largely deemphasized--as long as the basic decencies of behavior aforementioned are not abandoned in the meantime.
We want our young to be enthusiastic, resolved and brave as they face the future alone, growing and living apart. No time b be forlorn and hesitant, their adventure is launched and they and the world will never regret it.
Individualists are labeled as selfish and asocial. With the nonindivduating individualist, that may be so.
With the individuating individualist, she is not selfish or asocial. She is pursuing her enlightened self-interrest and that boat of optimism lifts all higher.
With the individuating individualist, she is not selfish or asocial. She is pursuing her enlightened self-interrest and that boat of optimism lifts all higher.
Censored On You Tube
Gun rights enthusiasts loved showing their demonstration and instructional videos on You Tube, but have been banned there, so they are showing them on Pornhub.
Totalitarian Leftist censorship of conservative thought is now becoming routine. St. Olaf College in southern Minnesota forced Ben Shapiro to reschedule his speech and appearance to a less-sensitive weekend, this weekend.
Thought control to build those safe zones for snowflakes not able to stomach the truth. Now, that makes us a stronger people tomorrow, does it not?
America has no free, accurate, independent media. All are partisan liars and brainwashers, an extension of the Democratic Party.
Totalitarian Leftist censorship of conservative thought is now becoming routine. St. Olaf College in southern Minnesota forced Ben Shapiro to reschedule his speech and appearance to a less-sensitive weekend, this weekend.
Thought control to build those safe zones for snowflakes not able to stomach the truth. Now, that makes us a stronger people tomorrow, does it not?
America has no free, accurate, independent media. All are partisan liars and brainwashers, an extension of the Democratic Party.
March 24th Gun Rally at the state capitol: More liberty-haters spouting confiscation hate.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Why I Am Blue
It is easy to be blue and unhappy all the time. That is the normal psychological state of a nonindividuating joiner. The very lifestyle keeps God at a distance and the Devil close.
To be born evil is to set for oneself the ambition to be an Evil Spirit. The Evil Spirit is a Marxist. He hates himself and all others, and has no self-esteem.
That he is blue and unhappy is to be expected. The miracle is that he does kill himself soon, but a convict loves to stay alive, even if for 40 years in a hell-hole prison cell. So does the average collectivist nonindividuator leading his life of quiet desperation. He loves existing, no matter how little that he has settled for, and the horrors that he has committed against his own integrity and well-being.
To be born evil is to set for oneself the ambition to be an Evil Spirit. The Evil Spirit is a Marxist. He hates himself and all others, and has no self-esteem.
That he is blue and unhappy is to be expected. The miracle is that he does kill himself soon, but a convict loves to stay alive, even if for 40 years in a hell-hole prison cell. So does the average collectivist nonindividuator leading his life of quiet desperation. He loves existing, no matter how little that he has settled for, and the horrors that he has committed against his own integrity and well-being.
Eric The Optimist
Hoffer in his famous videos expatiated at length about how cooperative Americans are, and how large is their enjoyment of associating and their sense of brotherhood. He compliments them for their trusting, optimistic, can-do approach to letting the common people loose, almost completely unsupervised, to accomplish whatever is the task at hand. They will get it well done, under budget, on time and with minimal fuss.
What underpins all this? It is the unprecendented American culture of individualism, liberty, real liberty, enjoyed by the common people, roughly equals, running things in their business culture, not ruled by intellectuals, elites and commisars.
Collectivism breeds envy, bickering, gloom, needless bloated costs, inefficiencies, a lack of will, productivity much interfering supervision and over-management from a command-and-control central authority.
Collectivism breeds unkindness, rudeness, all spying on all, all against all in the jungle. Collectivism breeds pessimism, a universal lack of trust wherein none can be trusted and all betray all.
The world that Hoffer described is slipping away, as we all will soon culturally, economically and politically reside somewhere south of Havanna.
What underpins all this? It is the unprecendented American culture of individualism, liberty, real liberty, enjoyed by the common people, roughly equals, running things in their business culture, not ruled by intellectuals, elites and commisars.
Collectivism breeds envy, bickering, gloom, needless bloated costs, inefficiencies, a lack of will, productivity much interfering supervision and over-management from a command-and-control central authority.
Collectivism breeds unkindness, rudeness, all spying on all, all against all in the jungle. Collectivism breeds pessimism, a universal lack of trust wherein none can be trusted and all betray all.
The world that Hoffer described is slipping away, as we all will soon culturally, economically and politically reside somewhere south of Havanna.
Opiate Abuse
Kellyanne Conway was snidely looked down upon for posting simplistic bromides about eat ice cream, not opiates. My response:
What she is really saying is the the will to quit abusing drugs is best powered by internal will power. Government dollars, fancy therapy, supportive group help and trendy psychotherapy may make all the difference. The best way to build a powerful will is to individuate as an individuator. That has the side benefits of building self-confidence, self-esteem, a sense of purpose, and a role to play in extending God's rule on earth. These substantive reasons for living make settling for opiate abuse as a way to cope, a pathetic surrendering of self-purpose to abusing a poisonous, empty drug.
Conway too is suggesting, if implicitly, that were the person an individualist with an ethical and holy set of values, and a life filled with love, meaningful work and a life plan, it would be much less likely that something stronger than ice cream would be needed.
Prevention is always better than cure (the fancy and expensive therapies and substance abuse treatments, etc.). This goes for raising criminals in ghettos because no father is present as well as nonindividuators leading empty boring lives, seeking relief in drugs and booze.
What she is really saying is the the will to quit abusing drugs is best powered by internal will power. Government dollars, fancy therapy, supportive group help and trendy psychotherapy may make all the difference. The best way to build a powerful will is to individuate as an individuator. That has the side benefits of building self-confidence, self-esteem, a sense of purpose, and a role to play in extending God's rule on earth. These substantive reasons for living make settling for opiate abuse as a way to cope, a pathetic surrendering of self-purpose to abusing a poisonous, empty drug.
Conway too is suggesting, if implicitly, that were the person an individualist with an ethical and holy set of values, and a life filled with love, meaningful work and a life plan, it would be much less likely that something stronger than ice cream would be needed.
Prevention is always better than cure (the fancy and expensive therapies and substance abuse treatments, etc.). This goes for raising criminals in ghettos because no father is present as well as nonindividuators leading empty boring lives, seeking relief in drugs and booze.
Making Big Impact
You are 17, young, innocent and idealistic. You want to live large and make big impact with your life, Have at it: live life as a Mavellonialists and you the growing great soul will never look back.
You can choose traditional, Ted-Cruz, Texan conservatives values and the defense of liberty. Or you can go the Progressive route and glom onto those Hollywood/Hudson River values of depriving Americans of freedom, that convert America into a decadent, bankrput into a failed, socialist France that is already fading.
Choose freedom or choose Marxist tyranny. In America, the day of reckoning is at hand.
Choose freedom or choose Marxist tyranny. In America, the day of reckoning is at hand.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Whiteness In Decline
There is an article on Drudge Report tonight about some university taking up the subject of whiteness in decline.
I actually agree that that is the case, but that it is not something that we can do much about with open borders and record low birth rates among whites.
We can push Mavellonialism and the American way, and may this cultural and ethnic gift from whites and all Americans bless the entire world so dark-skinned and so socialist.
I actually agree that that is the case, but that it is not something that we can do much about with open borders and record low birth rates among whites.
We can push Mavellonialism and the American way, and may this cultural and ethnic gift from whites and all Americans bless the entire world so dark-skinned and so socialist.
1.3 Trillion
A 1.3 trillion dollar omnibus bill for 6 months. No or limited wall funding, Schumer goodies for home, deficit spending as far as the eye can see.
Trump needs to veto this mess now and shut the govenment down to get his 20 billion dollars for the wall. Quit screwing around.
Fire Mitch and Ryan, and end the Senate filibuster.
Trump needs to veto this mess now and shut the govenment down to get his 20 billion dollars for the wall. Quit screwing around.
Fire Mitch and Ryan, and end the Senate filibuster.
If God openly and prominently in your life is an embarrassment for you, costing you precious social capital among your secular, cool, irreligious friends, just remember that, after death, God remembers and weighs all, and you may be too much of a spiritual embarrassment to be allowed into heaven just yet.
Why do I need an AR-15? As Kurt Russell retorts, that is none of your business.
I do not have one. I want one real bad, and I am going to get one. Why I want one is still none of your business.
I do not have one. I want one real bad, and I am going to get one. Why I want one is still none of your business.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Drudge reports tonight that Canada is moving away from the parental gender names of Mother and Father. Sick and degenerate.
Working The Phones
I did not get home from work until past 730pm this evening. But I sent out emails for the State House of Representatives, urging them to kill all gun control measures but especially HF1669 and HF1605.
We are trying to save Minnesota and the country but it is an uphill battle.
We are trying to save Minnesota and the country but it is an uphill battle.
Which Is Worse?
Is Communism more evil than Fascism? Yes, it is by by about 10%. In reality, both are forms of totalitarian socialism, so they are not systems that any Americans should love or support.
Hoffer The Individualist
Hoffer the seer intuited that individualism is what reigns here in America. Individualists are the ones that are kind, that promote fraternity, brotherhood and a rough but informal, indirect equality.
Where there is collectivism and groupism, there is a class system, a totalitarian elite ruling over poor, oppressed, exploited, unequal masses. In the collective there is cruelty, injustice, rudeness, unkindness and vast, wide inequality.
The various solutions brandished by the Left did get us to where we are and will make the problem worse by far. But progressive faith in these failed policies is unshakable if optimism about outcomes, not grounded in experience or reality.
Where there is collectivism and groupism, there is a class system, a totalitarian elite ruling over poor, oppressed, exploited, unequal masses. In the collective there is cruelty, injustice, rudeness, unkindness and vast, wide inequality.
The various solutions brandished by the Left did get us to where we are and will make the problem worse by far. But progressive faith in these failed policies is unshakable if optimism about outcomes, not grounded in experience or reality.
Hoffer The Reformer
Hoffer is quoted as saying America is the only new thing in the world. It is the only country run by commoners for commoners, with a business culture, without elites and intellectuals being in power and wielding power.
Only in lovely, heavenly, happy America has the rise of the individual citizen been so successful, so patent, so potent.
Maverize, now and make that Hofferian description, that prediction, apply to our glorious future.
Only in lovely, heavenly, happy America has the rise of the individual citizen been so successful, so patent, so potent.
Maverize, now and make that Hofferian description, that prediction, apply to our glorious future.
Hoffer noted that one will find maintenance almost solely in America and Western Europe. Hoffer intuitively realized that moderation is maintnance of organizations, of our individual persons, of our checking accounts, of our relationships with the Divinity and others, of our roads, houses and lawns.
Anyone can create and start, or destroy and end, but to maintain what has been built before, maintain it, and invent and create new additions, while maintaining it all--that is what leads to higher civilzation.
This brilliant, remarkable man knew so much.
Anyone can create and start, or destroy and end, but to maintain what has been built before, maintain it, and invent and create new additions, while maintaining it all--that is what leads to higher civilzation.
This brilliant, remarkable man knew so much.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Praise God--Psalm 66, 4
Praise God, start your day right: "Let all on earth worship and sing praise to you, sing praise to your name."
God will deliver you and the Good Spirits are De's angels on earth to see De's will done.
Implicit Meanings
There are always implicit meanings, some captured, some missed, in every action, every reaction, every statement, every utterance. These implicit meanings often run 180 degrees counter to surface declarations and demonstrations. We should be self-aware and seek to live and speak so that our implicit meanings match our overt stances. Our credibility and ability to withstand accusations of hypocrisy are just a couple of the things at stake.
No one is born knowledgeable, but that is a state of sharp intelligence that all must aspire to. Learn, learn, learn. Read all the time. Think deeply. Study philosophy. Write and write some more. Listen, experiment and be inquisitive.
Once knowledgeable, you can continue to grow smarter, and more aware. If you choose to love, pray and be careful, gaining wisdom will follow.
Once knowledgeable, you can continue to grow smarter, and more aware. If you choose to love, pray and be careful, gaining wisdom will follow.
Mitch The Hack
Mitch McConnell's betrayal of the nation is almost without precedent. His refusal to cast aside the Senate filibuster to get Trump's agenda through seems to prove that he want liberal, dying America, while the Chinese make his family quite rich.
Deputy First Class Blaine Gaskill
This fine man and hero killed the school shooter today in Maryland. A good guy with a gun prevents a bad guy with a gun from killing students. At last, a school that is not a gun-free zone.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Trendy Leftists
Professors and students alike are mostly Progressives now. Their anti-Trump demonstrations, screeds and posters are commonplace and predictable. They repeat the party line over and over again, mouthing the same old lies and bromides.
They self-refer to themselves as idealistic and compassionate. They downgrade conservatives as mean, crass, materialistic and selfish. Conservatives are accused repeatedly of being racist, sexist, earth-hating and earth-destroying, homophobic, etc.
Actually, individualists are the ones that see and judge others as individuals first, and members of their identity groups, second.
The Left is all the bigoted ism because no individual has use, existence or fulfillment beyond his identity groups.
The Left does not set people free to be individualists. The non-group identity is the exciting, liberating one and that is the one that conservatives are willing to allot to all and any. That is real equality, real compassion, real respect, real opportunity.
They self-refer to themselves as idealistic and compassionate. They downgrade conservatives as mean, crass, materialistic and selfish. Conservatives are accused repeatedly of being racist, sexist, earth-hating and earth-destroying, homophobic, etc.
Actually, individualists are the ones that see and judge others as individuals first, and members of their identity groups, second.
The Left is all the bigoted ism because no individual has use, existence or fulfillment beyond his identity groups.
The Left does not set people free to be individualists. The non-group identity is the exciting, liberating one and that is the one that conservatives are willing to allot to all and any. That is real equality, real compassion, real respect, real opportunity.
Brave Girl On Right Wing News Video, Poarws on 3/19/18
This striking brunette girl, articulate, caring and angry, (I can't find the Facebook video back) bout 17 years old told off her peers during a recent 17 minute walk out to fight for gun control after Parkland.
In essence she said that cornering kids, excluding kids, bullying kids is primary cause of school shootings--it is excactly as I predicted. I recall being 14, an Irish misfit and loudmouth, in 1969 at Hoople, North Dakota, being chased into the gym and locker room by a dozen Norwegian boys throwing ice skates at my head as I fled. This happened many times, over different schools, with different age groups, over many years with different boys.
The girl said the loner misfits just be want to included, sat with, loved and left alone to be themselves.
But that is not how crowds work. Collectivism is predicated on setting up and enforcing who is in and who is out. It is a strict caste system socially, economically, institutionally, politically and militarily. Popularity is predicated earning degrees of social acceptance, and unpopularity and social have-nots must be set up and maintained so that the group identity and solidarity can be maintained.
This girl was spot on. This is why I want individualism and individual sanctity to achieve protected class status to end the institutionalized bullying. Once that starts, social acceptance will follow, and societal opposition will melt away as individual-living becomes more popular, accepted and common.
Ed Ramsey 3/19/18
In essence she said that cornering kids, excluding kids, bullying kids is primary cause of school shootings--it is excactly as I predicted. I recall being 14, an Irish misfit and loudmouth, in 1969 at Hoople, North Dakota, being chased into the gym and locker room by a dozen Norwegian boys throwing ice skates at my head as I fled. This happened many times, over different schools, with different age groups, over many years with different boys.
The girl said the loner misfits just be want to included, sat with, loved and left alone to be themselves.
But that is not how crowds work. Collectivism is predicated on setting up and enforcing who is in and who is out. It is a strict caste system socially, economically, institutionally, politically and militarily. Popularity is predicated earning degrees of social acceptance, and unpopularity and social have-nots must be set up and maintained so that the group identity and solidarity can be maintained.
This girl was spot on. This is why I want individualism and individual sanctity to achieve protected class status to end the institutionalized bullying. Once that starts, social acceptance will follow, and societal opposition will melt away as individual-living becomes more popular, accepted and common.
Ed Ramsey 3/19/18
Quadruple Your Impact
If you want to be powerful, do not seek to amass power over others, or to accumulate millions to purchase political influence.
If you want to quadruple your impact, do the following things:
1. Pray.
2. Be a supercitizen.
3. Maverize, maverize, maverize.
4. Spread the influence of my philosophy and faith, Mavellonialism--then your impact would be 4xs4.
If you want to quadruple your impact, do the following things:
1. Pray.
2. Be a supercitizen.
3. Maverize, maverize, maverize.
4. Spread the influence of my philosophy and faith, Mavellonialism--then your impact would be 4xs4.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
I heard the robins calling 3 days ago, so maybe we will be seeing spring, but more snow is predicted. So it goes in March.
Greedy Minnesota
Greedy Minnesota and greedy Bloomington continue to rob us of our hard-earned dollars. They raised the property taxes on our house another $250, about an 8% increase. Never in my life have I had a raise above 3%.
Now I pay $50 a year tax to a railroad authority for light rail that I never use, and this woefully underutilized fantasy now is bleeding millions in revenue losses. Jerry Brown has come to Minneapolis, and Governor Dayton is our own little, local Governor Moonbeam.
Now I pay $50 a year tax to a railroad authority for light rail that I never use, and this woefully underutilized fantasy now is bleeding millions in revenue losses. Jerry Brown has come to Minneapolis, and Governor Dayton is our own little, local Governor Moonbeam.
The Stupid Left
They solutions always fail, but they lie to themselves repeatedly, assuring and guaranteeing that next time will be different, though it never is.
They are dumb, naive, mendacious and self-deceiving, all in line with their fervor to advance their Marxist agenda. They espouse that people are basically good, and that government is unalterably good. If they can be disarm and confiscate weapons from the common people, so that only soldiers, federal police and local police are armed, the people will be free, well-off, safe and care for with liberty granted forever from their armed elites running things.
The Left in America has a long history of indulging themselves with false rationales and woven fantasies, immune from review by those offering logic, reason, common sense and reality.
They sees Muslims as harmless foreigners, gentle and peaceful, picked on by conservatives and xenophobic Christian fundamentalists.
They regard the Chinese as peaceful, not out for world conquest, nor is Putin an imperialist, or Iran or North Korea.
Like foolish and dangerous, non-interventionists Libertarians, they would disarm our military and have us come hope, but the world is never safe when the Left offers a peace movement and no military might to protect our civilization from foreign thugs.
Constitutional Conservatives are trying to revive interest in our heritage, of a Constitutional Republic, where-under the rights of minority are protected (not mob rule and majority rule--leftist, coastal democracy), government is kept small, and checks and balances are in place and the Electoral College elects our President.
America, the most rare and precious of free countries, is very sick as the Lying Left is having its way, making the body politic sick, decaying and dying. America may well die, and that is what the Left that hates hers lusts after the most. They may well succeed.
They are dumb, naive, mendacious and self-deceiving, all in line with their fervor to advance their Marxist agenda. They espouse that people are basically good, and that government is unalterably good. If they can be disarm and confiscate weapons from the common people, so that only soldiers, federal police and local police are armed, the people will be free, well-off, safe and care for with liberty granted forever from their armed elites running things.
The Left in America has a long history of indulging themselves with false rationales and woven fantasies, immune from review by those offering logic, reason, common sense and reality.
They sees Muslims as harmless foreigners, gentle and peaceful, picked on by conservatives and xenophobic Christian fundamentalists.
They regard the Chinese as peaceful, not out for world conquest, nor is Putin an imperialist, or Iran or North Korea.
Like foolish and dangerous, non-interventionists Libertarians, they would disarm our military and have us come hope, but the world is never safe when the Left offers a peace movement and no military might to protect our civilization from foreign thugs.
Constitutional Conservatives are trying to revive interest in our heritage, of a Constitutional Republic, where-under the rights of minority are protected (not mob rule and majority rule--leftist, coastal democracy), government is kept small, and checks and balances are in place and the Electoral College elects our President.
America, the most rare and precious of free countries, is very sick as the Lying Left is having its way, making the body politic sick, decaying and dying. America may well die, and that is what the Left that hates hers lusts after the most. They may well succeed.
Psalm 66, 2
Praise God that delivers you: "Shout joyfully to God, all you on earth, sing praise to the glory of his name; proclaim his glorious praise."
Striving For Perfection
That is mistake number 1. All should individuate, all should strive for great and broad excellence of the highest, order, but perfection belongs to God alone. We were not meant to strive for it, nor are we made or allowed to strive for it.
In fact, talented teens striving for perfection are committing suicide, according to an article on Drudge Report tonight (3-18-18). We individuate to join the rank of living angels, and they are far more talented, powerful, lovingm smart, inventive and creative than we can ever be while alive, and even they do not strive for perfection--they know better than even to try.
To strive for perfection is an overweening ambition that sickens and disappoints, Aim high, but not impossiblly high--that is moderate and acceptable, and that is what we much teach our teens.
In fact, talented teens striving for perfection are committing suicide, according to an article on Drudge Report tonight (3-18-18). We individuate to join the rank of living angels, and they are far more talented, powerful, lovingm smart, inventive and creative than we can ever be while alive, and even they do not strive for perfection--they know better than even to try.
To strive for perfection is an overweening ambition that sickens and disappoints, Aim high, but not impossiblly high--that is moderate and acceptable, and that is what we much teach our teens.
Mark Zuckerberg, The Fascist Censor
Regis Giles is reporting online tonight that Zuckerberg has changed the algorithm of Facebook to eliminate conservative voices and to carry Leftists instead.
There can be no democracy, let alone a republic, where speech is censored, and alternative political and cultural ideas are repressed and denied circulation platform.
My e-books are not picked up by liberal publishing houses, and my blog site never has any commenters. I know I have be silenced, censored, denied audience, fair play and fair access. This is what Stalin did, and Xi and Putin are doing today. Little Zuckerberg, the Marxist fascist doing the devil's work.
There can be no democracy, let alone a republic, where speech is censored, and alternative political and cultural ideas are repressed and denied circulation platform.
My e-books are not picked up by liberal publishing houses, and my blog site never has any commenters. I know I have be silenced, censored, denied audience, fair play and fair access. This is what Stalin did, and Xi and Putin are doing today. Little Zuckerberg, the Marxist fascist doing the devil's work.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Adult Name
Youngsters, especially boys, by the time they are 18, want to no longer be called by nicknames. That is part of wanting to grow up, and it is a fine thing.
Let me challenge 18 year olds: you want the grown-up name so why do you not maverize and become an individuating adult, a mature, responsible adult with a love of life, and an eternal enthusiasm linked directly to their inner child?
Let me challenge 18 year olds: you want the grown-up name so why do you not maverize and become an individuating adult, a mature, responsible adult with a love of life, and an eternal enthusiasm linked directly to their inner child?
Are you a follower? Do you readily give in to the wishes of another even if you vehemently object to his choice? Do you just go along with the crowd. Are you one never to stand out. Do you deny your right to speak your mind openly, without mincing, and to think what you will, letting your power to expatiate lead you to new and exciting ideas?
If you answer no to all these questions, you are swayed by the preferences and orders of authority, of family, loved ones and peers.
Grow up. Be skeptical and decide yourself. Individuate and grow a large brain. No longer will you be acceptive unless you agree with the suggestion or outlook.
If you answer no to all these questions, you are swayed by the preferences and orders of authority, of family, loved ones and peers.
Grow up. Be skeptical and decide yourself. Individuate and grow a large brain. No longer will you be acceptive unless you agree with the suggestion or outlook.
Moderate Epistemology
Study the whole of a thing as a whole. Study it by breaking int into its parts, and devise how these parts relate to the whole and each other. Study the thing as a thing and form a felt, intuited grasp of how it works an is. Work with it, play with it, and bandy it about. Experience reveals and teaches us too. Study how the thing, this discrete whole, relates to and interacts with other wholes, around it, near and far.
Psalm 65, 6
O God Our Savior: "With awe-inspiring deeds of justice you answer us, O God our savior, The hope of all the ends of earth and of distant seas.
Senator Scott Jensen
Here is what I wrote to this Republican RINO Senator doing Bloomberg's bidding: "Senator
Jensen, You are a typical politician. To get elected you promised to
fight for gun rights. Now, just 2 years later, you are one of the leading
supporerts of gun control, making citizens criminals if they do not
report to Big Brother a lost or stolen firearm. Now that you are
Bloomberg's pet, you want to criminalize good Minnesotans that transfer a
gun without a background check. You faithless, power-grabbing scheme to
impose incremental gun control on the way to confiscation is not going
unnoticed. How do you sleep at night? Apologize and remove these
anti-American, liberty-grabbing bills."
His draconian bills are SF 3278 and SF 3279.
His draconian bills are SF 3278 and SF 3279.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
I am very worried about gun control in Minnesota. The House yesterday eagerly and overwhelmingly voted to make it a crime to talk on a hand-held cell phone while driving.
The public and its politicians do not accept that we should be legislating less, not more. To add more laws is to grow government, grow evil, grow tyranny, grow groupism and destroy America.
To make few public laws, but to grow supercitizen individuators, that are heavily regulated, but self-regulating with full freedom and power to self-legislate, self-govern and self-police, is to reduce government size, scope and intrusion into private lives. To legislate much less is to grow good, bring the Good Spirits back into our lives, to promote individual-living and to restore America to its former greatness, propelling into to new heights of morality, liberty, culture, prosperity and happiness in a high civilization, to be the envy of the rest of the world.
Minnesotans prefer evil, tyranny, poverty and the nanny-state instead. We are in real trouble.
The public and its politicians do not accept that we should be legislating less, not more. To add more laws is to grow government, grow evil, grow tyranny, grow groupism and destroy America.
To make few public laws, but to grow supercitizen individuators, that are heavily regulated, but self-regulating with full freedom and power to self-legislate, self-govern and self-police, is to reduce government size, scope and intrusion into private lives. To legislate much less is to grow good, bring the Good Spirits back into our lives, to promote individual-living and to restore America to its former greatness, propelling into to new heights of morality, liberty, culture, prosperity and happiness in a high civilization, to be the envy of the rest of the world.
Minnesotans prefer evil, tyranny, poverty and the nanny-state instead. We are in real trouble.
To Analyze
It is instructive to break something down into its constituent parts, and then study how they work together to work as a whole.
There are those that accuse analytical thinkers of poor epistemology: of distorting the wholistic essence of a thing, that cannot be studied or understood accept as a whole.
Perhaps it can only be intellectually grasped by intuition, not analysis, categorizing and being broke into discrete units and parts.
These skeptics have a point, but the excercise of analysis is still useful, productive and informative.
There are those that accuse analytical thinkers of poor epistemology: of distorting the wholistic essence of a thing, that cannot be studied or understood accept as a whole.
Perhaps it can only be intellectually grasped by intuition, not analysis, categorizing and being broke into discrete units and parts.
These skeptics have a point, but the excercise of analysis is still useful, productive and informative.
The Link
It occurred to me the other day that there is a link between moderation as the ethical gold standard dictated under God's natural law--and it would stand as that even if humans did not exist--and the primal human condition of being born depraved.
When a being is born wicked (as Prager notes babies are innocent but not naturally good), raised in a world dominated by Lera, and runs in packs, the need to curb excessive and meager behaviors in a range of subjects, so that the whole person (intellectually, physically, politically, ethically, economically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and career-wise) is healthy and in balance, that person must live temperately, and prudent, not much being impulsive, but moving with care, planning, self-control, caution and prudence. He must control the beast inside his subconscious. He must not yield to his temptations and base urges.
Were he born good, raise in a world dominated by Good Spirits, and individual-living, then his extreme and deprivational behaviors, out of balance and without limits, would not be nearly so destructive and dangerous. His selfishness and cruelty would be naturally limited.
As a bad creature, like Hofferian intellectuals totally corrupted by and lusting after absolute power over others as government officials and followers, his barbarism and viciousness would be without curb, without restraint as elites plunder and smash the common people in one totalitarian dystopia after another. Cruelty without limit or purpose, suffering without end.
If people were basically good, extremism would not be such a mess-maker. Then being moderate might even be evil, hateful and unwise under certain local circumstances. Then being moderate could hold back the degree of excellence earned and achieved.
When a being is born wicked (as Prager notes babies are innocent but not naturally good), raised in a world dominated by Lera, and runs in packs, the need to curb excessive and meager behaviors in a range of subjects, so that the whole person (intellectually, physically, politically, ethically, economically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and career-wise) is healthy and in balance, that person must live temperately, and prudent, not much being impulsive, but moving with care, planning, self-control, caution and prudence. He must control the beast inside his subconscious. He must not yield to his temptations and base urges.
Were he born good, raise in a world dominated by Good Spirits, and individual-living, then his extreme and deprivational behaviors, out of balance and without limits, would not be nearly so destructive and dangerous. His selfishness and cruelty would be naturally limited.
As a bad creature, like Hofferian intellectuals totally corrupted by and lusting after absolute power over others as government officials and followers, his barbarism and viciousness would be without curb, without restraint as elites plunder and smash the common people in one totalitarian dystopia after another. Cruelty without limit or purpose, suffering without end.
If people were basically good, extremism would not be such a mess-maker. Then being moderate might even be evil, hateful and unwise under certain local circumstances. Then being moderate could hold back the degree of excellence earned and achieved.
Psalm 65, 5
Old Testament promise of heaven after life for the faithful, a blessing of unequaled importance and significance: "Happy the man you choose, and bring to dwell in your courts. May we be filled with the good things of your house, the holy things of your temple."
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Universal Gun Ownership
Want real equality. Practice universal gun ownership so all minorities and women are armed and prepped; then try to push them around.
Want liberty: universal gun ownership will ensure your 2nd Amendment rights and all other rights. An armed people cannot be pushed around.
Want no more gun free zones: universal gun ownership with the right to carry anywhere will clear up the gun-free zone issue.
Want a citizen militia? With universal gun ownership, you are over half the way there.
Want liberty: universal gun ownership will ensure your 2nd Amendment rights and all other rights. An armed people cannot be pushed around.
Want no more gun free zones: universal gun ownership with the right to carry anywhere will clear up the gun-free zone issue.
Want a citizen militia? With universal gun ownership, you are over half the way there.
Florida Is Coming
Florida is coming to Minnesota. Our legislature--RINOS AND SOCIALISTS--are working together, in the Senate at least, to pass universal background checks, report lost or stolen firearms, and more.
It staggers the imagination to realize how little Minnesotans appreciate that they are giving up a liberty a foot at a time. They regard people as naturally good. They regard government as a benevolent force that will never turn on them, oppress them or attack--even though most peoples in the world live in police states. The Left never allows facts or reality to get in the way of their feel-good, emotionally comforting fantasies.
Once they register and confiscate our guns, their fantasy will morph into that ugly reality so common to the rest of the world, a fascist police state where only the government and the police have guns.
I just donated another $100 to Minnesota Gun Rights, but this time, we may well lose. It is truly sad and ominous to watch faithless corrupt politicians exploit the Parkland tragedy to wrest guns and liberty out of the hands of gun-loving, patriotic Americans.
It staggers the imagination to realize how little Minnesotans appreciate that they are giving up a liberty a foot at a time. They regard people as naturally good. They regard government as a benevolent force that will never turn on them, oppress them or attack--even though most peoples in the world live in police states. The Left never allows facts or reality to get in the way of their feel-good, emotionally comforting fantasies.
Once they register and confiscate our guns, their fantasy will morph into that ugly reality so common to the rest of the world, a fascist police state where only the government and the police have guns.
I just donated another $100 to Minnesota Gun Rights, but this time, we may well lose. It is truly sad and ominous to watch faithless corrupt politicians exploit the Parkland tragedy to wrest guns and liberty out of the hands of gun-loving, patriotic Americans.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The Daily Signal Morning Bell
This online journal reports tonight that gender alteration surgeries are not working, with extremely high suicide rates and other poor results for transgender patients.
God gave us gender assignments, and turning that over is something we are not to mess with. One can feel sympathy with cross-dressers and women that feel like a man trapped in a woman's body, or men that feel like a trapped woman in a man's body.
Their pain is real, but gender reassignment through surgery likely will not make them feel found or happy.
God gave us gender assignments, and turning that over is something we are not to mess with. One can feel sympathy with cross-dressers and women that feel like a man trapped in a woman's body, or men that feel like a trapped woman in a man's body.
Their pain is real, but gender reassignment through surgery likely will not make them feel found or happy.
Universal Background Checks
Universal background checks lead to gun registry and then confiscation. Once the masses are disarmed, then a dictator, his domestic army, and his federalized police can do whatever to whomever without repercussion. Tyranny is made possible by disarming the public.
Progressives love tyranny and centralized power: they hate the common person--free, armed, fearless, defiant of unreasonable and intrusive federal dictums.
Do not let the gun-grabbers disarm Americans. They serve Satan and Big Brother, and they are coming first for your guns, and then for your rights and freedom.
Progressives love tyranny and centralized power: they hate the common person--free, armed, fearless, defiant of unreasonable and intrusive federal dictums.
Do not let the gun-grabbers disarm Americans. They serve Satan and Big Brother, and they are coming first for your guns, and then for your rights and freedom.
Picture Yourself
If you want a role model to individuate yourself after, form a picture or role, or Hollywood hero in mind, like the young native Indian who envisioned himself a a cougar or bear.
Live Like A Steel Worker
Would you rather live like a burly, gritty steel worker, or a cleric at the window at city hall.
My hunch is that the ideal individuator is part-steel worker, part intellectual, part artist.
My hunch is that the ideal individuator is part-steel worker, part intellectual, part artist.
To Be Human
To be humans means to start off life as a herd beast, and, then, if willing and inspired, each human has the chance to make something of herself, individual-living in pursuit of creating a life and legacy, growing out of her angelic traits.
Monday, March 12, 2018
Regarding the concept of derealization, which according to Wikipedia, it is a psychological reconfiguration in one perception of there. It seems unreal and blah, devoid of emotional vibrancy, devoid contest and warmth.
This derealization, I believe, is a psychological disorder produced by group-living nonindividuators living in a world where communitarian warmth is blown asunder, and yet the alone-in-the-universe loneliness and shock arre not mitigated by divine presence, by spiritual love and guidance from the Good Spirits. To individuate would be reverse the derealization degradation of the individual's psyche.
Is Mavellonialism a religious psychosis? Have I lost my ability to differentiate between reality and fantasy? Do I believe that I am Napoleon? Am I gaga because I believe the Good Spirits talk to me directly?
I deny all these questions/accusations. I do know God. I am real and not delusional. I can separate reality from fantasy. Come be a Mavellonialist, and connect with deep reality, seeing the fantastic in everyday life revealed a sit always actually was all along.
I deny all these questions/accusations. I do know God. I am real and not delusional. I can separate reality from fantasy. Come be a Mavellonialist, and connect with deep reality, seeing the fantastic in everyday life revealed a sit always actually was all along.
I do not believe that depersonalization and derealization are much caused by hyper-individualism in the modern world. To feel depersonalized is to feel disassociated from and alienated from the self. This estrangement has two causes. First, traditional grouped cultured humanity is breaking up and has been for a century so future shock sets in, and nonindividuated feel depersonalized and estranged from the self. And as groupism dies, the rise of individualism is a challenge for them going from nonindividuating to individuating, depersonalizationand future shock will result.
The person may feel detached from himself and almost outside of himself 3rd person watching himself. Panic and anxiety and emotional numbness may be his.
NRA Stance
Here is the stance on Confiscation Orders taken by the NRA, according to Breitbart tonight, 3/12/18:
"The National Rifle Association (NRA) on Monday called for new legislation to improve background checks to identify people with violent mental illness and endorsed emergency court orders to temporarily disarm people on the verge of violence, coupled with robust due-process protections to guarantee that peaceable Americans are not deprived of their Second Amendment rights."
I hope those due-process protections are robust enough.
Firearms Confiscation Orders
If the court deemed a man to be sick or dangerous, the police could enter his home and confiscate his guns.
Boy, is that open to abuse: by rogue police and corrupt district attorneys; by discriminating groupist neighbors, by hostile family members, by intolerant neighbors, by vindictive ex-spouses, by the federal government out to disarm dissidents--the list of potential abusers is endless.
This is a serious civil liberties issues, and invites abuse.
Boy, is that open to abuse: by rogue police and corrupt district attorneys; by discriminating groupist neighbors, by hostile family members, by intolerant neighbors, by vindictive ex-spouses, by the federal government out to disarm dissidents--the list of potential abusers is endless.
This is a serious civil liberties issues, and invites abuse.
Be A Citizen Soldier
Be a citizen soldier. Open carry every day of your life. Be armed to defend your rights, your God, your liberty, you life.
A Disorder?
If psychologists are right and the rate of individualism is increasing in America, it is a call for alarm, and is it a disorder.
For those that are nonindividuators, group-living or individual-living but leaning inwards towards groups, it likely can be a disorder. For the autistic, of the same ilk as the aforementioned, it could be a disorder.
For those trained as Mavellonialists, the actuality or penchant to live alone or apart is a golden opportuntiy to find fulfillment, God, intellectual growth, lasting emotional comfort and genuine happiness.
The support from social networks, social links and community involvement, if done right, can lead to stronger egos, more durable personalities and increased sanity.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
We Owe Thee, Psalm 65, 2-3
We owe thee, O God: "To you we own our hymn of praise, O God , in Zion; O God in Zion; To you must vows be fulfilled, you who hear prayers."
Not Dead
God is not dead. God is not irrelevant or outmoded. Those that spout such blasphemous falsehoods do themselves no favor come the day of reckoning.
Biological and spiritual life are not the accidental byproduct of random powers of nature and the universe bouncing around until physical laws fall into place to bring order and regularity to the whole shebang.
The Creator of it all made it possible.
The Creator of it all made it possible.
Grow Into It
You do not have to have a great brain or be born Einstein or a legendary savant to realize that maverizing into great soul status will elevate your thinking, rendering you original, brilliant, wildly imaginative and truly wise. Grow into it.
Prove It
The atheist sneers at me, demanding that I prove that God exists. Undeterred and unimpressed, I shrugs my shoulders and throw it back at him: disprove that God exists.
The moderate in me believes that reasoning from the the famous design analogy does indicate that God the Watchmaker made the world (the watch).
I will accept that on faith, and build a life around it. You, Mr. Atheist, go do as you must do.
The moderate in me believes that reasoning from the the famous design analogy does indicate that God the Watchmaker made the world (the watch).
I will accept that on faith, and build a life around it. You, Mr. Atheist, go do as you must do.
Leave Us Alone
I invite the gun-grabbers, so avid to grab our guns, to go live under the benevolent rule of Xi Jingpingi n China. There the right to bear arms is totally infringed upon. We too, once disarmed, can be forced to love what we hate, and hate what we love, by some totalitarian thug pushing us around because he has all the say, and all the guns.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Psalm 64, 10-11
The upright glory in God's greatness and kindness: "And all men fear and proclaim the work of God, and ponder what he has done. The just man is glad in the Lord and takes refuge in him; in him glory all the upright of heart."
From Kentucky
Last year, I ran into two van riders from Kentucky. One articulate, retired Louisville cop was a guy I picked up at the airport. I asked him why he had no accent. He retorted that kids in Kentucky have southern accents, and, of course, hayseed farmers and blue collar workers. He was an urban snob and elitist looking down on those he construed as inferior, clinging to their southern accent.
Another time, I encountered an educated, prosperous woman from the deep south, an obvious liberal. I responded to her remarks by self-referring to myself as a northern redneck. She disagreed that anyone would want to be associated with rednecks, so uneducated and missing teeth.
I retorted that I share a lot of their values. She was so snotty, so condescending and supercilious towards rednecks. Many Progressives look down on blue collar conservatives as inferior.
In reality, their traditional, southern values are superior values, akin to what the Founder Fathers taught and believed.
Another time, I encountered an educated, prosperous woman from the deep south, an obvious liberal. I responded to her remarks by self-referring to myself as a northern redneck. She disagreed that anyone would want to be associated with rednecks, so uneducated and missing teeth.
I retorted that I share a lot of their values. She was so snotty, so condescending and supercilious towards rednecks. Many Progressives look down on blue collar conservatives as inferior.
In reality, their traditional, southern values are superior values, akin to what the Founder Fathers taught and believed.
American The Republic
Let us keep our republic, our system of checks and balances, our Constitution, our Electoral College.
Erik Paulsen
My response to gun-grabbers pouring their vitriol out on Paulsen for voting with the NRA.
You Communists needed to live in the Soviet Union with strict gun control and totalitarian KGB, the only ones with guns. You would have enjoyed the Gulag Archipelago as your state-sponsored home, a gun-free zone.
You Communists needed to live in the Soviet Union with strict gun control and totalitarian KGB, the only ones with guns. You would have enjoyed the Gulag Archipelago as your state-sponsored home, a gun-free zone.
Charles Lloyed
I know absolutely nothing about Charles Lloyd and jazz, but any man that is performing close to his 80th birthday, and is considered a sax giant, has to be an individuator working and growing late into his old age.
That should be inspirational to us, a way for all in the future to live and prosper. His performance was attended by Michael Anthony and written about in the StarTribune on 3/10/18.
That should be inspirational to us, a way for all in the future to live and prosper. His performance was attended by Michael Anthony and written about in the StarTribune on 3/10/18.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Psalm 64, 2-3
Dear God, please protect against attack by the children of darkness: "Hear, O God, my voice in my lament; from the dread enemy preserve my life. Shelter me against the council of malefactors, against the tumult of evildoers, Who sharpen their tongues like swords, who aim like arrows their bitter words . . ."
Confusing Language
Language is inherently unclear. So, as you speak and write, strive to be as deliberate, concise and logical as you can achieve.
Without maximum clarity achievable, we lose in translation what ideas that we are sharing with one another.
Without maximum clarity achievable, we lose in translation what ideas that we are sharing with one another.
Be Serious
Be serious about doing something with your life. Waste not your life, frittering it away on play, feather-brained, schemes, social vanities or physical pleasure. Have a plan to grow in stature, intellect and artistic genius.
Tilt Of The Social Landscape
One of most salient phrases Hoffer ever introduced was the concept of the tilt of the social landscape. The basic idea is that, in each generation, there is a focus, a direction of emphasis, a favored chute down which the talents and career aspirations for the young are nudged.
May the future tilt of the social landscape be to steer the young to consider a life of self-realizing at something they love to do, are called to do, or just enjoy.
May the future tilt of the social landscape be to steer the young to consider a life of self-realizing at something they love to do, are called to do, or just enjoy.
NRA Lawsuit
The NRA today sued the state of Florida over a new law disallowing anyone between the age of 18 to 21 from buying guns in Florida. This knee-jerk reaction to the Parkland shooting denies the right to bear arms for young adults in Florida. May it be overturned.
Scott's law calls for gun confiscation, banning bump stocks and waiting periods for all to buy long guns. This build needs to be blown up.
Scott's law calls for gun confiscation, banning bump stocks and waiting periods for all to buy long guns. This build needs to be blown up.
Centralized Power
Let me make this simple.
A. People are basically evil.
B. That means they enjoy and cannot help hurting others and themselves.
C. The most effective way to hurt others and themselves is to centralize power, giving a totalitarian monopoly on it to a government elite.
D. Lord Acton said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. He was right.
E. Eric Hoffer sent out numerous alarms, forewarning Americans, the only common people running a free society in the world, to fear and oppose intellectuals--and by extension bureaucrats in all kinds of hierarchies. He cautioned that intellectuals were that type of person most easily corrupted by power. They conspire to serve in any tyrannical elite in the world to push commoners around. The only solution was to pet and flatter them like Hollywood boobs, but deprive them of actual power.
F. How do we forestall intellectuals from acquiring power, the one drug so bad for them, the one drug fatal to them, the one allure that they clutch after to as Tolkien admonished, power to rule them all and in the darkness bind them, the one drug that they are so driven, so focused, so clever and resourceful at amassing to themselves? We obviously must keep power decentralized permanently. How do we achieve this? I have come up with the best solution that anyone has ever thought of, and it was given to me by Good Spirits.
G. Let each American child be taught to self-realize. As she grows as an armed, militant, violent if necessary, strong, assertive, intellectual, anarchist individuator, as a supercitizen running the government and instructing and commanding obedient politicians, judges and bureaucrats at all levels, she is a complex woman. She is half elite great soul and the other half of her moderated person and being is skilled, down-to-earth commoner. She and her millions of adult peers will be coequal, supercitizens with power decentralized, with liberty and money-gathering for all, with none corrupted by power. Elites will disappear because all are elite and commoner at the same time. The class system will disappear because all are roughly upper middle class. Bureaucracies mostly will disappear as people solve most of their own problems without bureaucrats interfering with and ruining their lives.
The American citizen in 40 years will all be supercitizens and they will eliminate the need for tyranny, for class systems, for Marxist economics, for big centralized government, for elites of any kind to rule anyone. That is the heaven-on-earth that God has in store for us if we will but improve ourselves and allow it to come about. Mavellonialist philosophy offers insight into getting there.
A. People are basically evil.
B. That means they enjoy and cannot help hurting others and themselves.
C. The most effective way to hurt others and themselves is to centralize power, giving a totalitarian monopoly on it to a government elite.
D. Lord Acton said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. He was right.
E. Eric Hoffer sent out numerous alarms, forewarning Americans, the only common people running a free society in the world, to fear and oppose intellectuals--and by extension bureaucrats in all kinds of hierarchies. He cautioned that intellectuals were that type of person most easily corrupted by power. They conspire to serve in any tyrannical elite in the world to push commoners around. The only solution was to pet and flatter them like Hollywood boobs, but deprive them of actual power.
F. How do we forestall intellectuals from acquiring power, the one drug so bad for them, the one drug fatal to them, the one allure that they clutch after to as Tolkien admonished, power to rule them all and in the darkness bind them, the one drug that they are so driven, so focused, so clever and resourceful at amassing to themselves? We obviously must keep power decentralized permanently. How do we achieve this? I have come up with the best solution that anyone has ever thought of, and it was given to me by Good Spirits.
G. Let each American child be taught to self-realize. As she grows as an armed, militant, violent if necessary, strong, assertive, intellectual, anarchist individuator, as a supercitizen running the government and instructing and commanding obedient politicians, judges and bureaucrats at all levels, she is a complex woman. She is half elite great soul and the other half of her moderated person and being is skilled, down-to-earth commoner. She and her millions of adult peers will be coequal, supercitizens with power decentralized, with liberty and money-gathering for all, with none corrupted by power. Elites will disappear because all are elite and commoner at the same time. The class system will disappear because all are roughly upper middle class. Bureaucracies mostly will disappear as people solve most of their own problems without bureaucrats interfering with and ruining their lives.
The American citizen in 40 years will all be supercitizens and they will eliminate the need for tyranny, for class systems, for Marxist economics, for big centralized government, for elites of any kind to rule anyone. That is the heaven-on-earth that God has in store for us if we will but improve ourselves and allow it to come about. Mavellonialist philosophy offers insight into getting there.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Business Culture
Hoffer told Sevareid in 1967 that America was a business culture, a mass culture. It was the first country in the world where the masses ran things, free to do what wanted, not run by elites.
From this I infer that Hoffer anticipated that a society of maverizing individualists would run things, and be the only source of real and lasting equality.
Among such a mass of people, no elite could gain ascendancy or real power.
Elites, class society, institutional living, hierarchical roles, big government, group-living, inequality all are part of the same malaise.
Progressive intellectuals and Leftist elitist claim to side with the workers, the immigrants, the poor and people of color. This is a ruse. They do not care for the downtrodden, but use them as a means of seizing power.
These intellectuals want an elite to run things in America, and the individualistic, capitalist middle class has repudiated them. In revenge, they seek to destroy the middle class, make all power and government wards again, ruled by an elite.
The Left seeks to bring tyranny to us, and wipe out liberty and individual citizen independence and self-sufficiency.
From this I infer that Hoffer anticipated that a society of maverizing individualists would run things, and be the only source of real and lasting equality.
Among such a mass of people, no elite could gain ascendancy or real power.
Elites, class society, institutional living, hierarchical roles, big government, group-living, inequality all are part of the same malaise.
Progressive intellectuals and Leftist elitist claim to side with the workers, the immigrants, the poor and people of color. This is a ruse. They do not care for the downtrodden, but use them as a means of seizing power.
These intellectuals want an elite to run things in America, and the individualistic, capitalist middle class has repudiated them. In revenge, they seek to destroy the middle class, make all power and government wards again, ruled by an elite.
The Left seeks to bring tyranny to us, and wipe out liberty and individual citizen independence and self-sufficiency.
Make your categories: true or false, good or evil, right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable.
Classify, modify views a bit based upon new information, input from others, and new experience. Classify, moderate view and arrive, but the initial categories were a critical, necessary first step.
Classify, modify views a bit based upon new information, input from others, and new experience. Classify, moderate view and arrive, but the initial categories were a critical, necessary first step.
Classy is doing not appearing fashionable, cool, popular and attractive.
Classy is high-class doing. Class is as classy does.
Classy is high-class doing. Class is as classy does.
Beyond Morality
So you claim to be beyond conventional morality. You are a superman, above and beyond bourgeois morality, superb, superior, amoral, above right and wrong.
You speak with a forked tongue, of self-deceiving servant of Lera.
You speak with a forked tongue, of self-deceiving servant of Lera.
Psalm 63, 7-9
Seeking after God: "I will remember you upon my couch, and through the night-watches I will meditate on you: That you are my help, and in the shadow of your wings, I shout for joy. My soul clings fast to you; your right hand upholds me."
Psalm 63, 4
Kind Yahweh: "For your kindness is a greater good than life; my lips shall glorify you."
Kamala Harris
She claims the whole nation will soon be like California. She may be correct. Just call us North Venezuela.
At 18
If Florida youth are old enough to die for their country and serve in the military, they are old enough to smoke, drink, by guns and drive. If we raised teenagers to individuate, they would mostly be moral, law-abiding, mature and responsible at 18.
Children that are taught to grow up and expected to grow up, do grow up and behave, for the most part.
If the Florida Legislature raises the age of buying rifles to 21, then no one should join the military until they are 25 years old.
Children that are taught to grow up and expected to grow up, do grow up and behave, for the most part.
If the Florida Legislature raises the age of buying rifles to 21, then no one should join the military until they are 25 years old.
The Second Amendment
What is the reason that the writers and ratifiers of the US Constitution included the Second Amendment?
What is its real purpose?
To allow people to defend their families and themselves? Yes.
To just enjoy owning guns? Yes?
For sports shooting? Yes.
To serve as a militia member of one? Yes.
To serve in a fat, middle-aged militia of volunteers that will fight to the death to defend their own and country? Yes?
To allow citizens to assert legally and constitutionally their natural right to keep, bear arms, and not be helpless? Yes.
But do not forget: the primary purpose for the existence of the Second Amendment was due to the determination by the wide, far-seeing Founding Fathers that knew that an armed citizenry was the last, best defense for keeping federal or foreign tyrants like King George at bay.
An armed people are a free people. Keep your Leftist/Fascist hands off of our guns!
What is its real purpose?
To allow people to defend their families and themselves? Yes.
To just enjoy owning guns? Yes?
For sports shooting? Yes.
To serve as a militia member of one? Yes.
To serve in a fat, middle-aged militia of volunteers that will fight to the death to defend their own and country? Yes?
To allow citizens to assert legally and constitutionally their natural right to keep, bear arms, and not be helpless? Yes.
But do not forget: the primary purpose for the existence of the Second Amendment was due to the determination by the wide, far-seeing Founding Fathers that knew that an armed citizenry was the last, best defense for keeping federal or foreign tyrants like King George at bay.
An armed people are a free people. Keep your Leftist/Fascist hands off of our guns!
The Body-Builder
A cousin of mine, a powerful body-builder and realtor in Fargo, North Dakota, posted this:
My comment on his posting: That is where Mavellonialiism and individualism come in.
A true friend is always there...not just when it’s convenient for them to be.....
My comment on his posting: That is where Mavellonialiism and individualism come in.
Minnesota Gun Rights warns that if guns are outlawed, half of our citizens will become outlaws. Is this what we want and have come down to?
The Confederate Flag
Absolutely, the Confederate flag should be flown on public land. I am sure many flags are flown alongside the American flag. Local color should be honored. E Pluribus Unum means one of many, and under states rights, I have no problem seeing the Confederate flag flown in the South, as the Swedes may enjoy flying their national flag at the courthouse, post office, or at the middle school in Bemidji, Minnesota.
Some Progressive on lined fussed that the Confederate flag is associated with racism and treason. That is part of the story, an old, mostly irrelevant story. It also represents good conservative values of the South, God, patriotism, gun-handling, the Bible, farm culture, hunting and traditional values. Leave it alone, and move on to important battles that will help us face tomorrow.
Some Progressive on lined fussed that the Confederate flag is associated with racism and treason. That is part of the story, an old, mostly irrelevant story. It also represents good conservative values of the South, God, patriotism, gun-handling, the Bible, farm culture, hunting and traditional values. Leave it alone, and move on to important battles that will help us face tomorrow.
Is He Fit?
Yes, Trump is fit to be President. He has done some wonderful things. I worry that he has the instincts of a dictator like Obama did. We voters must say no to him and leash him when he gets out of line.
I am also worried about his RINO tendencies. He tends to veer Left, so we conservatives need to leash him and pull him back to the right Right when he requires course adjustment.
I am also worried about his RINO tendencies. He tends to veer Left, so we conservatives need to leash him and pull him back to the right Right when he requires course adjustment.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Normal People
Normal people are clueless and wicked, not realizing that living as groupists, not realizing how serious it is when they hate and pick on loners.
No one calls them out as depraved and wayward. Their traditional, groupist values now have a life of their own. They can refer to these values as legitimate for them.
No one calls them out as depraved and wayward. Their traditional, groupist values now have a life of their own. They can refer to these values as legitimate for them.
In Good Order
If you want things in good working order, make it happen. It will not happen on its own.
Why You Are A Criminal
Why are you a criminal. First, you were born wicked. Second, you were brought into a world of selfless group-livers that worship Satan and Evil Spirits.
Third, you were not brought up as an indivduating anarchist, a maverizer that individual-lives and follows, loves and serves God and the Good Spirits.
Fourth, now that you know, if you, of your own informed free will, seek to do evil and law-break, then going to jail to pay for your crimes is your fault, and it is what you deserve.
Third, you were not brought up as an indivduating anarchist, a maverizer that individual-lives and follows, loves and serves God and the Good Spirits.
Fourth, now that you know, if you, of your own informed free will, seek to do evil and law-break, then going to jail to pay for your crimes is your fault, and it is what you deserve.
Why You Are Poor
Do not listen to the Marxists: you will not end up affluent, free and prosperous in one of their totalitarian states.
You are poor because you are unabitious and lazy.
If you want to be well-off, you must have a plan and work very hard for 40 years. Industry leads to prosperity. Prosperity is the financial underpinning of a rewarding, satisfied, materially well set up life.
You are poor because you are unabitious and lazy.
If you want to be well-off, you must have a plan and work very hard for 40 years. Industry leads to prosperity. Prosperity is the financial underpinning of a rewarding, satisfied, materially well set up life.
The Selfish
None are so selfish and cruel as the selfless group-liver.
None are so generous, unselfish and decent as the individuating anarchist.
None are so generous, unselfish and decent as the individuating anarchist.
Why They Do It
Dennis Prager's video on human nature being wicked, and why people misbehave: he cites 3 excellent reasons. People are bad and do bad because it is easy to do, it is tempting and it accords with human nature.
I would add three more reasons. Fourth, people do and embrace evil because they enjoy it.
Fifth, in a world of Leftist ideology, wherein natures are considered good, and children do not require moral training (They just are good and behave naturally.) the world in which kids are nurtured rewards and teaches them that sinning is normal and typical.
Sixth, these selfless joiners are group-living in a society dominated by Lera that rules this world, and who has housed her subjugated, corrupted, defeated humans as broken creatures, cogs in various hierarchies. What amazes me is that people are not more insane, more vicious and act out more, being as how they have been so brutalized and unendingly mistreated.
I would add three more reasons. Fourth, people do and embrace evil because they enjoy it.
Fifth, in a world of Leftist ideology, wherein natures are considered good, and children do not require moral training (They just are good and behave naturally.) the world in which kids are nurtured rewards and teaches them that sinning is normal and typical.
Sixth, these selfless joiners are group-living in a society dominated by Lera that rules this world, and who has housed her subjugated, corrupted, defeated humans as broken creatures, cogs in various hierarchies. What amazes me is that people are not more insane, more vicious and act out more, being as how they have been so brutalized and unendingly mistreated.
Prager On Human Nature
Prager has an excellent video out on are humans basically evil. He says they are, and he is correct. Here is where we differ: he is an altruist, a traditional conservative moralist, asserting that people are wicked from birth, are cruel, selfish and narcissistic. They need laws, religion, and a moral upbringing by loving, strict parents to raise a grateful, polite, kind, holy, loving and unselfish child, out to serve the greater good, even at personal expense, or through self-sacrifice.
I am that rare egoist that believes human nature is wicked and depraved, with some potential to do good, if children are wisely brought up. Humans from birth are selfish, cruel, violent, ungrateful, rude, cowardly, impious and unholy, unkind, hateful and hating. These bad, natural characteristics stem from deep within their souls, natures and beings, but are the result of being selfless, groupist and followers of the Evil Spirits.
If we train the children be be for themselves first, as polite, independent seekers of enlightened self-interest thorough maverizing, individual-living, learning to love the Good Spirits, the self and then others, we will have raised good children.
I am that rare egoist that believes human nature is wicked and depraved, with some potential to do good, if children are wisely brought up. Humans from birth are selfish, cruel, violent, ungrateful, rude, cowardly, impious and unholy, unkind, hateful and hating. These bad, natural characteristics stem from deep within their souls, natures and beings, but are the result of being selfless, groupist and followers of the Evil Spirits.
If we train the children be be for themselves first, as polite, independent seekers of enlightened self-interest thorough maverizing, individual-living, learning to love the Good Spirits, the self and then others, we will have raised good children.
Treat Others Right
To treat others right, you must regard that as separate, unique individuals, not extensions of your ego and preferences. Only when you regard others as individuals, do you treat them as equals.
Leftist claim to be morally superior, the ones that treat others right, but their actions and attitudes belie this protestation.
Leftists treat others as group creatures, always identified and dealt with as members of some identity group. When people's primary or sole identification and characterization is their existing as group-livers, they uniqueness, amazing potential, and enormous sparkle as individuators are never realized, let alone dreamed about.
To treat others as group-livers is to keep them dependent on others, on various institutions and upon the largesse of Big Government which runs every aspect of their lives. They have no freedom, no power, no say over their own destinies.
The result is sick, unhappy batter egos, out of which pours their self-destestation and low self-worth: these people take their revenge upon the world and others around them, that sickened the attackers. This decidedly is not treating people well.
The Left treats people poorly. As groupists, people are regarded as inferior and helpless, unable to run their own lives, to manage their own affairs. When the masses are so treated, they are treated as unequal to whatever elite it is that has all the money and wealth, and pushes them around, and keeps them down permanently, as that is how things have always been.
Leftist claim to be morally superior, the ones that treat others right, but their actions and attitudes belie this protestation.
Leftists treat others as group creatures, always identified and dealt with as members of some identity group. When people's primary or sole identification and characterization is their existing as group-livers, they uniqueness, amazing potential, and enormous sparkle as individuators are never realized, let alone dreamed about.
To treat others as group-livers is to keep them dependent on others, on various institutions and upon the largesse of Big Government which runs every aspect of their lives. They have no freedom, no power, no say over their own destinies.
The result is sick, unhappy batter egos, out of which pours their self-destestation and low self-worth: these people take their revenge upon the world and others around them, that sickened the attackers. This decidedly is not treating people well.
The Left treats people poorly. As groupists, people are regarded as inferior and helpless, unable to run their own lives, to manage their own affairs. When the masses are so treated, they are treated as unequal to whatever elite it is that has all the money and wealth, and pushes them around, and keeps them down permanently, as that is how things have always been.
The Video
I just watched a Prager U video in which it was incontrovertibly highlighted that the racists and sexist politically party, historically, is the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party.
Yet the articulate, black woman narrating this video ,points out that Republicans are considered racist and sexist, but that, historically (proven by her) Democrats are racist and sexist.
Today, Republicans treat blacks, women and other ethnicities as individuals that can do anything they want to, regarding them as equals, not victims, inferior, pathetic, adult children to be wards of Big Government for life.
Conservatives desire that we downsize Big Government, and let blacks and women compete in the free market. Once they empower themselves, and have confidence in their abilities, the sky is the limit.
There is no more liberating force in the modern world than American conservativism, and American is still the best place to get it done.
Yet the articulate, black woman narrating this video ,points out that Republicans are considered racist and sexist, but that, historically (proven by her) Democrats are racist and sexist.
Today, Republicans treat blacks, women and other ethnicities as individuals that can do anything they want to, regarding them as equals, not victims, inferior, pathetic, adult children to be wards of Big Government for life.
Conservatives desire that we downsize Big Government, and let blacks and women compete in the free market. Once they empower themselves, and have confidence in their abilities, the sky is the limit.
There is no more liberating force in the modern world than American conservativism, and American is still the best place to get it done.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
I, as an epistemological moderate, do accept that semantical ambiguity and communicational interference are naturally occurring, and often render clarity drerailed or impossible.
Despite this, we should conceptualize and verbalize with logic and definitivfenesss to the degree of feasibility achievable.
Despite this, we should conceptualize and verbalize with logic and definitivfenesss to the degree of feasibility achievable.
Just Because
Owning a gun is my Constitutional and natural right. I do not need a explain why I am purchasing a gun. None of your business.
Trump Raising Tariffs
Trump is raising tariffs and impossing them on foreighn steel and aluminum. A tariff is a tax, and it is growing government to interfere in free trade. This economic nationalism is anti-globalism, but the farmers will go broke being boycotted by retaliating foreign powers.
Do Not Do It
Do not use a bad means to achieve a good end. this sratagem perverts the good end into a bad end because a bad means was resorted to.
We must never coerce obedience, by the public, to a good, desirable standard of behavior'
To use force, to pass a coercive law or to compel co formity by government fiat, in the long run is to spread evil.
We must never coerce obedience, by the public, to a good, desirable standard of behavior'
To use force, to pass a coercive law or to compel co formity by government fiat, in the long run is to spread evil.
There are amoral activities and concerns in this world. But most behaviors and actions are of moral or immoral stance.
Own A Gun
Own a gun. Make the nation a little safer.
Carry everywhere, and the gun-free zone will be yesterday's news.
Carry everywhere, and the gun-free zone will be yesterday's news.
Get deputized, armed teachers and employees in schools across America and the next Nicholas Cruz is toast.
Monday, March 5, 2018
At The Hotel
At the hotel by Mall of America, where I drive airport bus on the weekends, I am there are 545am each morning. As I park my truck and walk to the building, I always kick up a bush rabbit or two. They sleep in the scant bushes and under parked cars for shelter and protection, and scamper out to safety as soon as someone approaches, or a car starts.
On Sunday morning, at 615am, I watched a red fox flee through a fence 2 blocks east of the hotel, as I took a passenger to MSP.
Obviously, creatures and natures love living, and they will adapt to the artificial world of humans. It comeforts me in a way: should we use weapons of mass destruction to kill off our race, there is no doubt that God and nature will genetically adapt some race of animals to evolve into the next intelligent species, thriving and doing quite well in the radioactive wasteland that we will leave in our wake.
Life and nature will not be denied, though humans will wither away.
On Sunday morning, at 615am, I watched a red fox flee through a fence 2 blocks east of the hotel, as I took a passenger to MSP.
Obviously, creatures and natures love living, and they will adapt to the artificial world of humans. It comeforts me in a way: should we use weapons of mass destruction to kill off our race, there is no doubt that God and nature will genetically adapt some race of animals to evolve into the next intelligent species, thriving and doing quite well in the radioactive wasteland that we will leave in our wake.
Life and nature will not be denied, though humans will wither away.
Of Course
Of course, we are not alone in the universe. Nor are we the only intelligent species out there. When you pray to God and the Good Spirits, do not these spiritual beings, both alien to and inherent to life on earth, count?
Create Jobs
Small businesses create most of the new jobs in America. Open a business, and give your neighbors gainful employment.
This is the admirable, powerful American way of growing prosperity for all.
This is the admirable, powerful American way of growing prosperity for all.
No Infringements
We have compromised enough, not more 2nd Amendment infringements. So says Minnesota Gun Rights, and so do I.
The Speech
US Senate Candidate Nick Freitas gave a powerful, appropriate speech recently in the Virginia House on 2nd Amendment Rights. I would love to see him as a US Senator, and maybe one day run from for President.
The Lie
The Left lies to the people all the time. One of their favorite big lies is to claim that the NRA is a business lobby group owned by the gun manufacturing companies. Actually, it is a gun-rights, citizens' lobby with 5 million members that love guns, love liberty and are fighting to preserve the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment and all the other Bill of Rights, all of which are inconvenient to the Left that conspires and strives endlessly to push these rights and liberties aside.
The American people are not buying it anymore. They see through the lie. The post-Parkland push by the Left to bind, register and confiscate guns is failing, backfiring. Membership in the NRA is soaring. The Progressives are doing for the NRA what Obama did for gun sales.
Keep lie--you keep apathy on the right down and out.
The American people are not buying it anymore. They see through the lie. The post-Parkland push by the Left to bind, register and confiscate guns is failing, backfiring. Membership in the NRA is soaring. The Progressives are doing for the NRA what Obama did for gun sales.
Keep lie--you keep apathy on the right down and out.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
The Video
The famous first video interview between Eric Sevareid and Eric Hoffer, was what I looked at this evening. Hoffer is such a concise, aphoristic writer, but he is a bombastic, gesticulating, extroverted, bombastic, passion, outspoken bear in person.
That he is so filled with contradictions may be a seminal influence on his proto-moderate thinking.
He is an actualizing individualist and is quoted in this video as saying because he is acquainted with himsef, he knows the whole world. All the good and all the bad every done, and all the greatness and pettiness that others humans can do, Hoffer was capable of. That is how he came to know humanity, by knowing himself first and foremost.
That he is so filled with contradictions may be a seminal influence on his proto-moderate thinking.
He is an actualizing individualist and is quoted in this video as saying because he is acquainted with himsef, he knows the whole world. All the good and all the bad every done, and all the greatness and pettiness that others humans can do, Hoffer was capable of. That is how he came to know humanity, by knowing himself first and foremost.
Be A Capitalist
Be a capitalist. In the for profit market place, when you grow richer and generate wealth, products, good and service, you are fulfilling dreams and providing openings for people to work, better themselves and make serious money.
Dead End
Is your life a dead end? If so, why not do something about it? Your first task is to contact the Good Spirits, allowing them to guide you forward and to inspire your imagination.
Read my books, too. That will help.
Read my books, too. That will help.
Till and work the fertile ground of your advancing career as a maverizer. The crop that you plant, water, tend an weed shall give you a bounteous harvest in the fall. Cultivate on.
Psalm 62, 12
God confers upon us from De's endless bounty of power and kindness: "One thing God said, these two things which I heard: that power belongs to God, and yours, O Lord, is kindness; and that you render to everyone according to his deeds."
Get Fired Up
Get fired up. Support Mavellonialist ideals with excitement and fervor, and your spirited fervor. Our way forward is clear and ongoing. Our cause is gaining steam and is rolling along. Get fire up, and jump on board the train.
Dennis Prager rightly prides himself on seeking clarity in all matters, moral, theological, philosophical, cultural and political.
My response: clarity helps more than not, and we should seek after it intellectually and honestly with the single-minded focus that Prager asserts and espouses.
Some issues are gray, not black or white, and clarity regarding them is clarifying where and on which side of the poles lies the predominance of correctness and truth.
Often, discovering what is the right thing to think, conclude or do is difficult. It requires soul-searching, hunches and serious consideration to arrive at the clear answers.
Also, ambiguity is built into life, into language, into communication, intent, motive and definition--and this occurs while people of good faith are earnestly trying to understand each other, help each other and do the right thing.
When people lie, compete, manipulate, play games and crazy-make, clarity is a fleeting objective.
Finally, there are tough, knotty issue almost impossible to make sense of, but we must try anyway.
Moderation is a philosophical stance that clarity about absolute truth, theological guarantees or moral solutions has an element of mysticism and ambiguity built into it.
Nonetheless, the Pragerian ideal of intellectual clarity is of great importance.
My response: clarity helps more than not, and we should seek after it intellectually and honestly with the single-minded focus that Prager asserts and espouses.
Some issues are gray, not black or white, and clarity regarding them is clarifying where and on which side of the poles lies the predominance of correctness and truth.
Often, discovering what is the right thing to think, conclude or do is difficult. It requires soul-searching, hunches and serious consideration to arrive at the clear answers.
Also, ambiguity is built into life, into language, into communication, intent, motive and definition--and this occurs while people of good faith are earnestly trying to understand each other, help each other and do the right thing.
When people lie, compete, manipulate, play games and crazy-make, clarity is a fleeting objective.
Finally, there are tough, knotty issue almost impossible to make sense of, but we must try anyway.
Moderation is a philosophical stance that clarity about absolute truth, theological guarantees or moral solutions has an element of mysticism and ambiguity built into it.
Nonetheless, the Pragerian ideal of intellectual clarity is of great importance.
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