Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sri Lankans

I do not know if it is a trend, a national characteristic, or just coincidence. I have met or work with Sri Lankan women, and they have no fear of and no special respect for American whites. They think they are just as good or better, and they are of course.

Any traces of colonial awe of whites, Americans or Europeans has disappeared. Now we have these 3rd world immigrants with cocky defiance and even contempt for us, our culture, our thinking and our ways of doing things.

It is not too much of a stretch in imagination to anticipate that they do refuse to assimilate to our way of life when arriving here, demanding instead that we be multicultural and assimilate to their culture here, just as arrived Muslims are doing.

This is why we must move right away to shut down legal and illegal immigration for 10 years. We must close the border, kick out illegals, and allow no illegals ever to vote.

By preserving our language, our monoculture, American Way of Life, we will tell these new arrivals to assimilate or go home. America the Exceptional is the world's last best hope, and we must preserve it all costs, so it can be exported to Sri Lanka and other globalist supremacists that insist upon downplaying our worldview and way of life. We must insist that they not prevail here, period.

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