Monday, March 26, 2018

Gun Owners Caucus

Reader: look at this laundry list of sweeping gun control measures brought forth by Senate Democrats in Minnesota.

The gun-grabbers want universal background checks, registration and then confiscations.

From Gun Owners Caucus to me:

Edward --

I'm watching the press conference right now as I type this -- the DFL Senate Caucus announcing their new gun control agenda - the result of the secret gun control cabal that has been meeting over the past few weeks.

They're calling it their "Gun Safety Agenda" of course.

We've seen this game before - here's what they are proposing:

Lifting of the data privacy protections that prohibit the State of Minnesota from collecting data about law-abiding gun owners and their firearms. The fact that you're a gun owner and what firearms you own is none of their business!

Universal Background Checks / Universal Gun Registration (aka Bloomberg's bill)

A ban on "bump stocks" and "slide-fire stocks"

A grant bill to drive "gun violence" grants - which we know will be funneled to groups like Protect Minnesota

Gun Violence Protective Orders - where a judge on an ex-parte hearing can order your firearms to be seized without your representation
And then there's the real dangerous bill here - which is Senator Latz's bill to raise the age to purchase a "Semi-Automatic Military Style Assault Weapon" to 21. What this bill also does, but isn't talked about, is redefine the definition of "Assault Weapon" in Minnesota law to include most semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns.

Once the Left disarms all Americans the Marxist, federalized police will be the only ones with guns as they set up their police state. Then all Minnesotans, including her blacks and people of color, will be enslaved again.

Evil is disarming the masses.

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