Monday, October 8, 2018

Columbus Day

Now they consider Columbus a greedy imperialist, a genocidal killer, a dspote and enslaver of indigenous people.

He likely was not a killer of natives, at least wantonly, but he had his faults. He certainly was a visonary, and he did "discover" and make famous the New World, opening it up for exploration and settlement. These huge historical transitions were good more than bad, for the most part, though native peoples lost their land, religion, wealth and culture.

He was very brave. He did what none other was willing or able to do--he discovered a New World, and his derring-do is heroic.
We are right to celebrate him for giving us the New World, America and his fearless legacy as an explorer. We should celebrate his holiday with an open mind, and leave his statues alone, Mayor de Blasio.

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