Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Eric Hoffer And Individual-Living

 Anyone, that follows my brand of egoism and my Mavellonialist philosophy, will quickly discern my advice that each person is to adopt a mode of living that will optimize her journey of self-realization. 

This mode of living is replacing natural desire for primary group-living and secondary individual-living with a reverse pattern of living--artificially arranged and cultivated, one taught to young people, taught to individual-live as their primary mode of living, and to consign their penchant for group-living as their secondary mode of living.

Now, I want to point how existing and budding great souls like Eric Hoffer instinctively and/or consciously knew that they had to protect their personal independence to make room for a life of self-realization and self-development.

Let me quote from the biography Eric Hoffer by Calvin Tomkins, Page 31: "It was while he was actually on the job that some of his best ideas came to him. He could be totally absorbed in the work he was doing, and yet, in the back of his mind, there would be a quiet place where ideas formed. Anything could start the process--a chance remark, a gull flying past, a partner's way of working. It was Hoffer's custom to work with a different partner each day, rather than with a 'steady; or a four-gang crew."

In his 25 years of the docks as a longshoreman, he never arranged in so that he worked with the same partner or three guys every day. My speculation is that this constant turning over new partners each day was his work ritual to assure that he did not get pulled into a group or clique that would smother him and deprive him of his independence.

He needed to remain solitary and lonely as the price paid to self-realize, for he travels fastest that travels alone.

It is emotionally comforting to group-live as one's primary mode of living, but it almost guarantees that one will lead a life of conformity, personal mediocrity and nonindividuator status as a private person. That is not morally desirable; nor it is acceptable to the Father and Mother, those most brilliant individuators, that call us out of the pack to realize our potential over a life time.

As I have done and as Hoffer likely did, we individual-live while keep groupists at bay or psychologically slapping down their grasping hands or tentacles that are extended towards us each day to pull us back into groupthink, conformity, uniformity of thought and average living.

As individual-livers, we are to get free and stay free, allowing none to control us, and we dominate no one else in exchange, allowing all the power, space, time and opportunity to do their own thing in a most significant, impressive manner.


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