Monday, February 28, 2022

The Saving Way By Jordan Peterson


 On Pages xxxii and xxxiii of his book 12 RULES FOR LIFE AN ANTIDOTE TO CHAOS, Jordan Peterson worries aloud tribal conflicts over competing isms leading to nuclear Armageddon; he wonders what can be done about it: "While writing Maps of Meaning, I was (also) driven by the realization that we can no longer afford conflict--certainly not on the scale of the world conflagrations of the twentieth century. Our technologies of destruction have become too powerful. The potential consequences of war are literally apocalyptic. But we cannot simply abandon our systems of values, our beliefs, our cultures either. . . It is possible to transcend slavish adherence to the group and its doctrines and, simultaneously, to avoid the pitfalls of its opposite extreme, nihilism. It is possible, instead, to find sufficient meaning in individual consciousness and experience."

My response: Jordan metaphysically has gone very, very deep in recognizing that we must avoid internecine, tribalistic feuds among contesting groups and their favorite causes. What pleases and intrigues me about Jordan Peterson is the convergence of our ideas: Mavellonialism is about the divine calling and requirement for each young person to self-realize, to grow morally, spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally as an individual. My thought is that individualism, moderation, and good flow together as opposed by forces in which collectivism, immoderation and evil congregate. That seems to be Jordan's main theme, and we arrived at these wonderful suggestions for human improvement independently of each other, though anything I write was anticipated by Eric Hoffer from 50 to 75 years ago, though my personal take on all this is original to me.

Jordan Peterson is such a deep thinker and of such genius IQ that that caliber of mental power is what I am not naturally able to match. Where I perhaps surpass him is in a God-given link that provides me with courage, an unquenchable love for and interaction with truth, and a love of goodness and justice that is inherent in the very thinking, acting and consciousness of a living angel, like I am. I am not blowing my own horn--well not too much anyway--what I am doing anyone can do should they choose to maverize. 

It matters not their color, race, gender, sexual orientation, tribal or economic conditions: this individuating path to God is open to all, and all are bristling with unsurpassable talents, gifts, originality and creativity, no matter how smart or dumb they are--are you listening Jordan and other intellectuals rather snobbish about the masses being without much ability or talent? 

For these intellectual elitists, that require that the rest of us rather inferior, average humans just to get business degrees, to settle for working without individuating for life, in the trades or service industries, because that is the limit our capacities and talent, such a damaging lie or misreading, and lack of imagination by these theorists has inflicted boundless hurt and damage upon humans for thousands of years. 

 Elites throughout history have taught people not to be individuals and be all they can be. The waste and wrecked lives stagger the imagination. Jordan talks about human suffering, and it is natural and ontological, but a hyper-competent American middle class populated by individuator-anarchist supercitizens would be particularly successful at minimizing the hurt from suffering and malevolence. Suffering and evil will always be there, but they need not be human destiny. A great soul is filled with meaning, love, and tranquility, and that provides them with a God-centered gifts of inner peace, hope and happiness that are almost unshakable. This God-centered state of inner grace and what Jordan, the longtime agnostic or atheist now finding God, is missing because he has been without God in his life, and his intimate connection in person with cruelty and human suffering has shocked this depressive introvert in a most telling way.

It is an indication of their low self-esteem, their lack of deep understanding of how God allows and has plans for even the unique, but IQ limited among us to introduce humanity to enjoy the products of their thinking, creating and innovating, that unpredictable but anticipated, wondrous, miraculous, unlimited output so beneficial for the civil society, and reintroducing God's kingdom on earth.

With these attributes, I can mentally review what Peterson writes and says and my BS meter knows when he, Dennis Prager or Mark Levin go astray in their statements, and they do not err very often.  I have learned so much from all of them, but occasionally I will call them out when I think they are off-base, and I walk with God so ignoring me is the right that all free persons can choose to do, and most do ignore me, but the loss is theirs, God's, the Good Spirits, and humanity itself. This is a reality that I am loathe to admit and accept, but I delivered God's message, and where it goes from there is up to each person receiving it or walling themselves off from it.

My Dad was an indiviudalist, loner, a conservative, a blue-collar intellectual, that wrote at least one poem (which is now lost about the desert country around Albuquerque), a metaphysical centrist and informal deist: it is likely he profoundly influenced my view of life.

Below I will continue from Jordan's book, 12 RULES FOR LIFE AN ANTIDOTE TO CHAOS, Page xxxiii: "My dream placed me at the centre of Being itself, and there was no escape. It took me months to understand what this meant. During this time, I came to a more complete, personal realization of what the great stories of the past continually insist upon: the centre is occupied by the individual. The centre is marked by the cross, AS X marks the spot. Existing at that cross is suffering and transformation--and that fact, above all, needs to be voluntarily accepted. It is possible to transcend slavish adherence to the group and its doctrines and, simultaneously, to avoid the pitfalls of its opposite extreme, nihilism. It is possible, instead, to find sufficient meaning in individual consciousness and experience.

My response: Jordan's realization here is of epic significance. The center of Being is occupied by the individual. If Father and Mother and the Good Spirits are too at the center of Being, then perhaps I am correct that it entails that they are individuals, individuators, male and female and married because we are made in their image and likeness.

Jordan advises that the individual take up his cross and grab all of her suffering, her painful changes, her existing, the love and hate that she is and receives: she is to transcend groupism and isms, without succumbing to meaningless, emptiness, madness, violence and destruction. His solution is Truthful and right from the Divine Couple.

Jordan continues: "How could the world be freed from the terrible dilemma of conflict, on the one hand, and psychological and social dissolution, on the other? The answer was this: through the elevation and development of the individual, and through the willingness of everyone to shoulder the burden of Being and to take the heroic path. We must each adopt as much responsibility as possible for individual life, society and th world. We must each tell the truth and repair what is in disrepair and break down and create what is old and outdated. It is in this manner that we can and must reduce the suffering that poisons the world. It's asking a lot. It's asking for everything. But the alternative--the horror of authoritarian belief, the chaos of the collapsed state, the tragic catastrophe of the unbridled natural world, the existential angst and weakness of the purposeless individual--is clearly worse."

My response: to translate the contents of this inspirational, paragraph of exhortation to come alive into my words, Jordan is asking for all humans to come alive very developed individuals, and remake society in God's image, a society of great-souled individuator-anarchists.

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