Monday, September 3, 2018


McCain's daughter and Presidents Bush and McCain all made critical and snide remarks about Trump at the funeral, bashing Trump, the best President since Reagan.  

Bush is a phony RINO and Establishment hack, and Obama is an evil socialist dictator, so why should Trump or any of us listen to these Washington insiders or Washington sympathizers.

Bush the Hypocrite was silent for 8 years when wicked Obama about tanked the country, and he should have spoken out. Now that a new conservative President is getting thing done, shaking things up and making America great again, Bush hates him and denounces him openly.

Bush like all RINOS are semi-conservative and semi-corrupt.  Their unprincipled tolerance for and quiet alliance with the Left  (some mild protestastion are occasionally offered) allows them to side with Obama, the Deep State and Washington insiders when the chips are down.

When the chips are down, they are corrupt, vicious, sold out Statists, as blue as Bernie Sanders, out to destroy Trump and all constitutional enemies.

We must reject them and their criticism of Trump and tell  them to get lost.

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