Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mitt Romney

3-24-19: Mitt posted this on Facebook 2 hours ago: "
The Mueller investigation, led by a person of such honor and integrity, has faithfully applied the rule of law despite accusations and fears to the contrary. It is good news that the Special Counsel has concluded that neither the President nor his campaign colluded with the Russian government. And now it is time for the country to move forward."

Here is what I commented to Mitt: Is Mueller really a man of honor and integrity when a man so smart and in the know spent two years seeking to destroy Trump, all that time knowing that the dossier was fake, and the whole rogue prosecutor special investigation was an abuse of prosecutorial power to bring down a duly elected President? Mitt, are you a man of honor and integrity, to provide cover for Mueller, or are you just dumb? I think you are a never-Trumper, and we need to pass laws to prevent and punish rogue prosecutors with open-ended resources and authority to search until they find a crime to nail their victims with. Mueller may have been in on the Deep State soft coup to overthrow our President. It should all be published and Barr should appoint a special prosecutor to go examine Mueller, Hilary, the Obama Administration and all the Deep State government employees that conspired to overthrow a President. If foung indictable, they should be arrested, tried and convicted if a jury so decides. Quit being a RINO, Mitt. Get a backbone: defend your President and defend the conservative restoration.

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