Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In God We Trust


I will quote a short, weekly homily presented on Page 7 of the 7/10/24 newspaper, The Cavalier Chronicle. The title of the homily is In God We Trust. Then I will comment on the homily.


My response: In God We Trust is how we should live if we are doing the right thing, and if we have any sense at all. When we fail to believe in or trust God, there is nowhere to go.


Newspaper: “Our money says that. We also know that God is love.”


My response: God is love and goodness is love. The Devil is hate, so evil is hatred. As a moral, metaphysical and spiritual egoist, I assert that high self-esteem is love, first loving God, then loving the self, and from a solid ethical foundation of loving the self, one is then able to love others.


To suffer from low self-esteem is to hate the self, and when one hates the self, one hates God and works against God law and will, and when one hates the self, one hates others and tears them up after first tearing up the self.


Newspaper: “We can count on that. It’s better than counting our money. Let church count on you this Sunday. I trust in the steadfast love of the world. Psalm 52.”


My response: You can count on God steadfast love and unwavering commitment to you. Love the self as you love God and others, and usually things will work out okay.


Quit Comparing


I will quote a short, weekly homily presented on Page 7 of the 8/25/24 newspaper, The Cavalier Chronicle. The title of the homily is The Log In Our Eye.


Newspaper: “We know we are better than those others.”


My response: We have a right and duty to judge ourselves and others ethically in a this-worldly context, but not in terms of the final resting place for their eternal souls, after death, after being judged by God for that type of judging is beyond us.


We can judge others, but we are not to punish them, though they should be prosecuted if they violate just laws.


We are no better than others and no worse than others. To seek to obsess about others, to interfere in their lives, and to control them by inserting ourselves into their plans—all of these groupist interferences are deeply immoral.


We all primarily should be tending our own affairs, and to work very hard, continuously to improve ourselves, and sin less.


Newspaper: “Anyone can see that. And when people see us? Maybe we should back off and reserve judgment.”


My response: We should not back off when judging ourselves or others, but we should mostly encourage ourselves and others to make ourselves better through self-help.


The newspaper: “Jesus did that. He accepted everyone. This week in church, see how Jesus sees you.


This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them. Luke 15:1-10.”


My response: Jesus accepted everyone, and we should too, but he judges us and imposes Divine Law upon us in this world and in the next, nonetheless.


As an egoist, I think we should primarily focus on self-realizing more, loving more, becoming more creative, more holy, more virtuous, and mostly leave others alone.



Anti-racism is anti-white reverse racism.

Monday, October 14, 2024



On Page 7 of the 10/2/24 The Cavalier Chronicle was the weekly homily, entitled They Watch Us. Below I quote the homily and then respond to it.


Here it is: “People want to know if we can live out what we say we believe. They watch and take note. When belief matches words, there can be conversions. A righteous life speaks loudly and convincingly. See yourself in church this week. Do the work of an evangelist. 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5.”


My response: This little homily is quite rich with powerful insights. We are social creatures, so we do watch each other, and influence each other, so we are urged to serve as a powerful example to others in how we speak, act and what we profess about God. We are frail, but should strive to be consistent, and not hypocritical. Our beliefs should match our words.


We are to witness to the world and to others, that we live in God and to work hard to promote God’s love and healing on earth.

Approved Of


On Page 7 of The Cavalier Chronicle is the weekly homily, which I quote in full and will comment on. The article was printed on9/25/24 The Article was entitled Present-Able.


Here it is: “God looks for a life that is ‘God-approved. There is true freedom for the person who lives as God likes. Do you want the good life? So live it. And be in church this week. Present yourself to God as one approved by Him. 2 Timothy 2:8-15.”


My response: It is a heartwarming homily: make yourself presentable to God in order that De may approve of you and, thus you will find true freedom. I like it. I will try to live that way.


To Trust


On Page 7 of The Cavalier Chronicle is the weekly homily, which I quote in full and will comment on. The article was printed on 10/9/24.


Here it is: “Trust in the Lord: How often are Believers snatched from the jaws of disaster? Maybe that has happened to you. Miracles? Someone watching over us? Guardian angels? God at work?”


My response: God is with us always, and we will know it if we invite God into our lives, and we are protected as a miracle, by someone watching over us, by guardian angels and God at work.


Homily: “When we draw close to God, we learn to trust God. Draw closer to God this week in church. The Lord will rescue me. 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18.”


My response: Draw closer to God and God will protect you.

The Children Of Light


On October 1, 2024, Townhall online allowed Dennis Prager to write an editorial called, People Hate Those Who Fight Evil Far More Than Those Who Are Evil.


Here is Prager’s editorial which I shall present and comment on.


Prager: “I realized something very important about the human condition when I was in high school. I realized that people tend to hate those who fight evil more than they hate those engaged in doing evil.”


My response: I am amazed and astounded that a high-schooler could be so wise, so early, when most people never become very wise, at any age, though a good, developed and developing individuator serving a good deity, would be infused with wisdom as a byproduct of good-living, good-doing and self-perfecting.


I agree with Prager that people tend to hate those who fight evil more than they hate those engaged in evil. I think that is the case, but we must answer why that is so.


People are born with low-esteem, which means they naturally hate themselves. Since I roughly have identified evil as hatred, fanaticism and collective, whereas goodness roughly is love, moderation and individualism, in a world where most people are born as nonindividuators, live their lives as nonindividuators, and die as low achievers, it is only natural that they will be largely filled with self-hatred, rage, resentment and bitterness. To lie to themselves and feel worthy in some fake, spurious way, they must praise evil sinners, and condemn the virtuous and holy, though they may all live in a bubble of group lies, under which what is evil, they define as good, and what is good, they characterize as evil.


Most citizens in any society most of the time are morally average, rather decent people. They are not militant, committed, industrious evildoers, but nor do they much or often exert themselves against evildoers.


The children of light in that society in that generation do exert themselves to thwart evildoers, and their efforts might influence society for the good. The loving, principled children of light, be they joiners or individualists, create stress and social uneasiness when they rock the boat.


Most people in the community, nonindividuating, groupist, morally altruistic, collectivist and group-identifying, are modestly, mildly evil, unlike the fringe element of hardcore evildoers tearing things up in their community. But the passive, sleepy, willless masses will not rise up very often to vanquish or toss out of decent society the worst offenders, the darkest children of darkness in their midst. They just want to get by and metaphorically stick their head in the sand. They go along to get along and do not stand out in the crowd, so the minority of radicalized evildoers grow in size and number, who will remain substantively unopposed by the decent majority until the evildoers threaten to tear society apart by destructive, lawless, criminal, disorderly chaotic means. and chaos.


And the majority, though moderately sinful, are naturally and socially vested in enjoying or tolerating evil because it is their tradition and custom.


When reforming children light burst onto the scene, they are causing trouble and stirring things up, making the consciences of all uneasy, and filling them with doubt, rousing them when all they want to be is to be told how wonderful there are, how good things are and go back to sleep.


The majority can bury their consciousnesses and consciences under lies and fake narratives as long as no reformer rips their veneers of normalcy away from them leaving them naked, scared, uncertain and anxious.


The commotion stirred up by the reforms is causing the sleeping masses to suffer so they hate those who fight evil more than those who do evil, because the latter are fatalist and liars and groupists, to they seem normal, the status quo.


For the majority it is easier to hate and silence the few reformers than go hate and go against the few radical evildoers.


Prager: “What made me come to this conclusion was the way in which many people reacted to communism and anti-communism.


To my amazement, a great many people—specifically, all leftists and many, though not all, liberals—hated anti-communists far more than they hated communism.


Because of my early preoccupation with good and evil, already in high school, I hated communism. How could one not, I wondered. Along with Nazism, it was the great evil of the 20th century. Needless to say, as a Jew and as a human, I hate Nazism. But as I was born after Nazism was vanquished, the great evil of my time was communism.


Communists murdered about 100 million people—all noncombatants and all innocent. Stalin murdered about 30 million people, including 5 million Ukrainians by starvation (in just 2 years: 1932-33). Mao killed about 60 million people. Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge (Red Cambodians) killed about 3 million, one in every four Cambodians, between 1975 and 1979. The North Koran communist regime killed between 2 million and 3 million people, not including another million killed in the Korean War started by the North Korean communists.


For every one of the 100 million killed by the communists, add at least a dozen more people—family and friends—who were terribly and permanently affected by the death of their family member and friend. Then add another billion whose lives were ruined by having to live in a communist totalitarian state: their poverty, their loss of fundamental human rights, and their loss of dignity.


You would think that anyone with a functioning conscience and with any degree of compassion would hate communism. But that was not the case. Indeed, there were many people throughout the non-communist world who supported communism. And there was an even larger number of people who hated anti-communists, dismissing them as ‘Cold Warriors,’ ‘warmongers,’ ‘red-baiters,’ etc.


At the present time, we are again witnessing this phenomenon—hatred of those who oppose evil rather than of those who do evil—with regard to Israel and its enemies. And on a far greater level. Israel is hated by individuals and governments throughout the world. Israel is the most reviled country at the United Nations as well as in Western media and, of course, in universities.


Israel is a liberal democracy with an independent judiciary, independent opposition press, and equal right for women, gays and its Arab population (20% of the Israeli population). Its enemies—the Iranian regime, Hamas and Hezbollah—allow no such freedoms to those under their control. More relevantly, their primary goal—indeed, their stated reason for being—is to wipe out Israel and its Jewish inhabitants. Hamas and Hezbollah have built nothing, in Gaza and Lebanon, respectively. They exist solely to commit genocide against Israel and its Jews.


Why do so many people hate anti-communists more than communism? And why do even more people hate Israel more than Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah?


The general reason is that it is emotionally and psychologically difficult for most people to stare evil in the face. Evil is widely described as ‘dark.’ But it is not dark; it is easy to look into the dark. What is far harder to look at is blinding bright light. Perhaps that is why Lucifer, the original name of the Christian devil, comes from the word ‘light.’ “


My response: People live in a world of lies, so it is emotionally and psychologically easier to deny that evil exists by hating and attacking those that call evil what it is, let alone inviting the silent majority to rally and support reform to fight the evildoers.


Prager: “Why this is so—why people will not call evil ‘evil’—is probably related to a lack of courage. Once one declares something evil, one is morally bound to resist it, and people fear resisting evil. The fools who mock Christianity—whether through a work of ‘art’ like ‘Piss Christ’ (a crucifix in a jar of urine), or the Paris Olympics opening with a ceremony that mocked the Last Supper, or the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ (men in drag dressed as nuns)—would never mock Islam. They fear Muslim wrath; they do not fear Christian wrath. Yet Islamic wrath has done and is doing far more evil in our time than Christian wrath.”


My response: People fear evil, so they do not condemn it or call it what it is, because they do not want to have to oppose it. The human race is a twisted, perverse race in many ways.


Prager: “And there is one additional reason for hating Israel—one that is specific to Israel—rather than those who seek to exterminate Israel: Jew-hatred, better known as antisemitism. The people who introduced a judging God and gave the world the Ten Commandments have been hated for thousands of years. Not those who systematically violate those commandments.”


My response: Nothing will change as long as altruist-collectivist morality is the morality of humankind. It is hard to hate evil when one is evil and likes evil, and selfless morality promotes self-hatred, and that forces people to love evil even while sickening and dying form ingesting this poison.


The children of light that fight evil are people of self-esteem, and they are the enemy of the selfless masses because the former seek to defeat evil, and that is the cherished way of life, the tradition savored by the majority, the selfless children of darkness.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Confrontation


On 10/2/24, Breitbart News carried at article entitled: Dennis Prager Confronts Candace Owens On Antisemitism In 15-Page Letter. I will quote the entire  article and then comment on it. Joel B. Pollack wrote the article.


Pollack: “Conservative radio host and author Dennis Prager has published a 15-page letter that he wrote to former colleague, Candace Owens, confronting her about her recent antisemitic statements and her crusade against Jews and Israel.


The letter, according to Prager, was made public with Owen’s consent after she failed to respond for several weeks. It is dated September 3, 2024. In it Prager debunks many of Owen’s outlandish claims, including medieval blood libels about Jews murdering Christian children, and the idea that Israel exists to protect pedophiles.”


My response: I have always liked and respected Candace Owens, but it seems that she has fallen off the deep end. People that believe slanderous lies and repeat them about certain individuals or ethnic groups do so sometimes because they believe such lies, or, cynically to gain power and popularity from certain fringe groups. She may resent Ben Shapiro.


I know not what is the situation with Candace, but, we need to emphasize the need for each citizen to live as an individuator, fair and rational; it is groupists, especially true believers that are capable of believing anything and accusing anyone of anything, but they are to be opposed fiercely and early so their lies do not become public, accepted “truth” in society.


Why antisemitism or racism of any kind is so dangerous is that when you say outrageous, false, and outlandish things about groups long enough, many people come to accept such lies, as truth. When a hatred of a group becomes entrenched, popular, and widely accepted, then these accusations—if unopposed—could lead to pogroms or the liquidation of minorities. If what haters say is wild enough, repeated long enough, and goes unchallenged, then the haters will eventually do to the innocent minorities any cruel thing imaginable.


This does not mean we should censor hate speech or putative misinformation—that leads to totalitarian evil as government curbs free speech. But other citizens need to speak up to refute and counter actual hate speech and misinformation—that is how to curb fringe haters spewing their mendacious filth in the public space and online.


Pollack: “Prager concludes: ‘You may not consciously intend to engender hatred of Jews and Israel. But that doesn’t really matter. I cannot think of anyone in public life engendering as much suspicion of Jews, Zionism, and Israel as are you.


All of my life, I have tried to teach people that motives rarely matter. Actions matter. Communist killed one hundred million people and enslaved and ruined the lives of more than a billion. Yet, many communists and their supporters have good motives. It turns out that the amount of evil done by people with good motives is far greater than the amount of evil done by people with evil motives. I suspect that few people wake up in the morning planning to do what they consider evil.”


My response: What Prager is identifying here is the Communists and others true believer pushing their cause upon others are true believer and ideologues using totalitarian government to force the public to adopt their murderous ideology. The motives of the true believers may be noble, but their violent, coercive means of spreading their message bring about horrific outcomes. When motives, good or evil, are held totalistically, they operationally become evil motives. The actions of the prevaricating haters are evil actions leading to evil consequences.


Most perpetrators with evil motives are individuals, but the isolated individual cannot cause near as much damage as millions of mass-movementized ideologues controlling a nation of captive citizens, brutalized by the ideologues serving or ruling the totalitarian government.


Pollack: ‘So, I don’t impugn your motives. I don’t even judge them. But, to my shock--and that of every Christian and Jew in my life—our once-adored Candace has done great harm to the Jews., whether intentionally or not.


Candace, this is one of the most difficult letters I have ever written. After you read this, I am open to dialoguing with you privately or publicly.’


Prager was one of many conservatives who embraced and worked with Owens after she emerged as a prominent black conservative voice. She had a podcast on his education platform, Prager U. He defended her as she became the focus of criticism for controversial statements on a variety of issues.


Owens emerged as a full-throated antisemite in the months since October 7, making a number of false assertions about Jews. This author debated her in May on X (formerly Twitter) about her false claim that Jews were responsible for the Soviet gulag.”


My response: Prager the wise is reminding us that motives are irrelevant (I think that is an overreaction on his part: moral motives are better than immoral motives, but he is spot on that consequences of choices and actions are what counts, not one’s motive.).


Because people are group creatures that run in packs, and are morally guided by altruistic morality, if their actions are benevolent and not coercive, then the general consequences are a win for society.


The rub comes in when altruistic fanatics, embedded in an activated, awakened, ambitious mass movement, or cynically operating as members of an army, terrorist organization or authoritarian regime, use force and violence to inflict their values involuntarily upon reluctant, resistant members of the public. The consequences then ripple out, and they can be very unjust and even bloody.


In the collectivist, totalitarian arena, the consequences of altruistic but noble intentions lead to murder and hell on earth.


When fanatics are 100% against a cause, an individual, or a race or group of people (like Candace is demonstrating in blaming the Jews for everything that happens in the world), these racist and discriminatory haters can whip the masses into a frenzy of rage and desire to hurt the minority blamed for everything, though they are guilt of near nothing, but pogroms and gas chambers, and firing squads can follow.



The bigoted mindset is the fanatical mind of a liar, and she who is filled with mendacity, passion, radical positions, and excess emotion is the mindset generally of a joiner that has gone drastic.


They are too pro-friends and insider joiners, and too hating of enemies or rival groups, or independent individuals.


The individuator, rational, temperate, moderate, and truth-loving, will not likely be to for friends and to against enemies. They try to see groups and individuals as they are and to speak about them accurately, truthfully, and fairly—and this is not how Candace is talking about modern Jewry.


We must inform the public not to love one’s favorites too much, or to loathe and rage against one’s rivals so much, because both these extremes are groupist, altruistic, hateful, and hating.


We do not love ourselves or anyone else if we are too for or too against ourselves and others, especially when their views, character and actions do not cohere with our stereotyped description of such persons.



Friday, October 11, 2024

Ethel Kennedy


Kennedy survivor and social justice activist, Ethel Kennedy passed away on October 10, 2024, at the ripe old age of 96.


The article about her death online pointed out that she gave much back to society, and she took justified pride in regarding it as her duty—diligently practiced by her—that when one is  rich, powerful, elite, and privileged, then one in such a status is obligated to give back to society, and that seems right. The reporter noted that she had stated her mission as something like : “. . . To whom much is given, much will be required.”


By now the reader should realize that serendipity and flashes of new ideas come to me when I read chance statements like this. It occurred to me that each human adult is meant to self-realize as a living angel in service to good deities, that each human is someone to who much is given, so much of them will be required.


We average people cannot and should not wait around for guidance and largesse from privileged activists like Ethical Kennedy was.


The law of moderation, as a first principle to guide human behavior and decision-making, does require a political arrangement in society, under which every citizen, an individuating supercitizen, is a hybrid creature, part self-actualizer of elite talent developed, a most focused, non-distractable,  willful inserter of personal preference and policy stances into the public arena to guide the government operation, while living as a common person, a farmer, a housewife, a teacher, a chemist, a lawyer, a professor.


An upper middle-class phalanx of 160 million individuating supercitizens would make irrelevant or insignificant the financial and intellectual lobbying required or invited from elite activists of any stripe. God requires the little people to run things from the bottom up, because the gift of life and the power to reason is the property of each existent, granted them at birth from God, so God requires them to run things and give back a lot, a whole bunch. God imposes the highest standards upon each agent as an individuator-in-the-self-constructing process of becoming an original brilliant performer—simultaneously—as a parent, a worker, an artist, an intellectual, as a moral person, and as a citizen running the country.


In the ethical realm, as a moral requirement for each adult, Jordan Peterson seems to anticipate something like this divine requirement from God for each person to be as truthfully and ethically good as one can be, and to push hard, real hard, to make a difference in the world.


I agree with Peterson, but extend this ethical and religious obligation imposed on each human by God to each person self-realizing, to be personally achieved in one’s life to a reasonable but near maximum extent of personal accomplishment, and to be hyper-involved in running the government and all standing institutions to keep all of these institutions humane, freedom, tolerant, ruled, regulated and kept limited and ruled by the masses.


Peterson in effect believes people should self-realize ethically. That is right. Peterson can be snobbish, and has stated emphatically that only the few elite people of genius level intelligence are capable of high end performance, excellence, creativity and intellectual profundity; only these elite few are capable of existing and performing as singular individualists of brilliant talent.


I refute that. All people, the common people, are blessed with high-end potential and are ordered by God to develop these gifts and share them with the world. God orders these people to pursue this self-interest so beneficial to the common good. The high standard of assigned by God to everyone is doable: existing and developing as extremely talented, singular individualists and individuators.


When these exceptional common people assume the role of self-actualizing their natural gifts and assume the role of ethical genius prescribed to each person by Peterson, I add the third role to for each adult to assume, that of being a talented, engaged supercitizen, commoner, activist, and rule--all rolled into one.


All people are blessed with astounding gifts, so in exchange God and the good deities and the Good Spirits expect very much from them in return.

Thursday, October 10, 2024



I have long suspected (But I now poignantly grasp this truth.) that I cannot save anyone but myself. It seems intuitively correct that I cannot help others, but I could hurt them—if I lived as a cruel altruist (which I refuse to do) hurting fellow joiners. As a cruel altruist, either overtly or subconsciously, the victims of my cruel malice would detect my hostile intentions, but they would allow me to get away with it because they “enjoy” allowing my hurting them to damage their lives and shape their destiny.


This conclusion seems bleak and pessimistic. It is but there is promise and hope, ultimately.


The good deities and Good Spirits are individualists and individuators more than they are joiners and nonindividuators, though they are both.


The evil deities and Evil Spirits are mostly joiners and nonindividuators, though some of them are individualists and individuators.


Humans are born basically evil. What is evil? Well, in one simple and somewhat simplistic answer, evil is hatred of the self or others, while good or goodness is love of the self or others.


I believe people are born depraved, which indicates they genetically are born with low self-esteem, so they hate themselves, and when the self is filled with hate, the resentment, bitterness and unhappiness that fill one with rage and despair do inspire the sick and suffering self to lash out at the self and at others, and thus malevolence or needless, unnatural suffering is introduced into and propagated in the world.


People do not like themselves. The evil deities ruling the world, and the people under the spell and sway of these evil deities, the majority of the common people that are nonindividuating and running in packs—the evil deities and their children of darkness all conspire to amplify this individual self-hatred.


When a young adults thus hates herself, this is what unfolds in her life: she, with whatever level of consciousness and free will she is able to self-determine, enjoys or at least be self-compelled to abuse herself, and welcome and to be receptive to parents, adults, authority figures and peers  attacking her, hurting her and  nudging her to hurt herself and conduct her life based in poor choices, enough of which will destroy her life.


She chooses to wield collectivist power of powerlessness, so she only responds favorably to suggestions from fellow self-hating, groupists--sadists and masochists that drag her down further, and further damage her life. Groupists can help and hurt others, but individualists like me cannot help anyone, because to love the self and to love others requires that each agent freely choose to be individualistic to love herself, and to grow her healthy self-esteem and to pursue her enlightened self intertest as a living angel in line with what the good deities want and expect.


As a cruel groupist, I can hurt others, and have influence over them, and they willingly will receive such input because they believe suffering needlessly is their destiny and what they deserve.


As a kind individualist, I cannot help others except by example and limited if unwelcome advice; only the alone, lonely individual can save the individual of her own free will if she elects to live well.


The only way to help anyone effectively is to provide the next generation with a moral system of egoism-altruist and living life of living angel self-realization and supecitizenship so, over time, enough of the young 40 years from now may wake up and come to love themselves. As they come to unnaturally esteem themselves and learn to use this Mavellonialist ethical and religious reform to make something of themselves, more of the young will be willing to receive outside help to save themselves for only the self can save the self, but the village of groupists can damage the self of low self-esteem children in the community.

Getting Away With It


Jordan Peterson famously and repeatedly on camera has exclaimed that he noticed in his clinical practice that no one gets away with anything, ever. When one twists the fabric of reality, by lying, hating, and doing unjust, wicked things, one’s karma will bring what one has done back onto one, and every time for every slip up, reality correspondingly slaps  one back and down for each offensive act of foolishness and willful misbehavior.


Is Peterson correct? Yes and No, I respond. In the sense that we have free will and are paid back in full every time for whatever we decide and however we act, I agree with Peterson. If we do not pay in this world, we will pay in the next world.


No, he seems to be incorrect because evildoers seem to go on unpunished for the evil they do in this world, decade after decade without ever being toppled. Both monstrous mass murderers, Stalin and Mao, stayed at the pinnacle of power for decades before dying, presumably of natural causes, though some insist that Stalin was poisoned.


I react with some skepticism, in part, against Peterson’s notion that the evildoers and liars suffer for what they have done, at least in this world. They long stay in power and prominence, and often they are not dislodged from their places of power, popularity, and control, though they are very wicked and unrepentant. They seem victorious and rewarded for their evildoing and mendacity, that they have gotten away with bending the fabric of reality.


Good does not always triumph, and the just are not always victorious in this world, but of course the liars and wicked children of darkness appearing not to suffer here for their evil ways, are protected by the Evil Spirits, at least in this world, for their selling their souls to the Devil, and doing his dirty deeds in their generation.


It may be that they are unhappy while living lives of despair, though they have worldly power and success, though they sin and lie until they die, and their worldly prominence and cruel, unjust ways are never visibly, patently punished in this world. This does not seem to square with Peterson’s moral and truthful assertion that no one ever gets away with anything.


It seems if the evildoers quit often remain exalted in this world, and the humbled  good-doers are persecuted, abused, murdered and suffer grievously at the hands of the children of darkness that run things everywhere. Evildoers remain exalted, and the good-doers remain held down, and malevolence is the law of the land.


It seems as if divine justice meted out in this world, when it is meted out overtly and is inflicted by the good deities upon the worst evildoers visibly while they are alive, the wicked individual may be toppled and brought low, but the rule of this world by the forces of darkness continues unabated as the new monster replacing the vanquished monster is as bad or worse. They seem to get away with plenty, while twisting the fabric of reality by their willful sinning and lying.


This is why I am an ethical reformer. I hope that Mavellonialist theology and ethics, being introduced and eventually adopted in some form by millions of people, will result in liars and evildoers in this world being humbled and brought down a bit, in this world and while alive here, as the children of life assert temporal and worldly dominance as truthful good-doers that love the good deities, themselves and others, and make the world here and now a little nicer place to live.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Elites And Hierarchies


Elites and hierarchies are naturally occurring, incredibly complex social occurrences, as Jordan Peterson has scientifically, rightly pinpointed, and he also correctly advocates that the Pareto distribution naturally governs and drives the near-inevitable pattern of a few in any society ending up with the wealth and power, while the many are below them in both suffer much and possess little.


Peterson is also on video as declaring that he does not approve of this naturally occurring state of universal human injustice.


The only real cure is to not fight the human appetite for excellence, superiority, elite status, a hierarchical arrangement of values and living conditions, driven somehow by the worldly expression of the Pareto distribution at work.


We need two hundred million upper middle class American supercitizens, individuating and living in freedom with free market economics around them; that is how we fight do not the natural tendency to set up social arrangements driven and determined by biological but inherently unjust Pareto distribution, but we sublimate these natural drives by maverizing.


Individuators, motivated and living their best lives as wielders of reason and the power of personal powerfulness, can bring about and keep a just society of classless excellence, a universal class of upper-middle class individuators.

Missing Archetyoe


Jordan Peterson, the genius, and wise man, misses the boat sometimes, or perhaps the idea that I am about to introduce is likely one that he never conceived of, in fairness to him.


I know next to nothing about Jungian psychology and evolutionary/biological psychology, both of which Peterson is an expert about. How he envisions human existence, our natures and his understanding of the general human condition, and the ethical conclusions which he draws out of all of this—all these premises seem sound to me, but I would like to steer him toward egoist-altruist ethics which I advocate.


To that end, it occurred to me in a flash of insight, recently while at the cabin for the weekend, that Peterson is missing awareness of and acceptance of the existence an archetypal, complex pattern of human interaction, played out in every community of the world, in every generation going back hundreds of thousands of years.


This universal, complex, social, and interactive setting of role-playing is so powerful, unconscious, pervasive, understated and unrecognized, that its deleterious impact of not getting it right about how to live, how to act and how to elevate human consciousness, is the source of human tragedy and suffering in the world.


This primordial, archetypal social struggle unfolds in each generation when a great soul appears in any social scene, and the cliques or groups of which he is invading or that he is born into, morph into a mob so their united ego is powerful enough to clash with his large ego, with the united, collectivized insiders hoping thus to be able to dominate, thwart and defeat him.


Were we to adopt egoist-altruist morality under which engendered by training in each child is the willed determination for most children as they mature, to individuate and live as an individual within whatever group connections enjoyed by each person, then each child could become a great soul in-the-making. No longer would the masses be inverted into living as mobs of nonindividuators. The masses as living angels will no longer be intimidated by, hate or seek to destroy the naturally occurring great-souled among them.


With the new morality instantiated and voluntarily self-enforced by young adults, in communities across the world, finally humans can advance and become happy, free, godly, prosperous, and fulfilled.








Destroyed Community



I subscribe to online emails sent to me by Chris Rufo, and I pasted it below in its entirety, and will comment where pertinent to do so. Rufo and reporter Christina Buttons wrote this article.


Rufo and Buttons (R & B after this):


“A Troubled Place


Christopher F. Rufo


Tue, Oct 8, 7:06 AM (1 day ago)


to me