Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Missing Archetyoe


Jordan Peterson, the genius, and wise man, misses the boat sometimes, or perhaps the idea that I am about to introduce is likely one that he never conceived of, in fairness to him.


I know next to nothing about Jungian psychology and evolutionary/biological psychology, both of which Peterson is an expert about. How he envisions human existence, our natures and his understanding of the general human condition, and the ethical conclusions which he draws out of all of this—all these premises seem sound to me, but I would like to steer him toward egoist-altruist ethics which I advocate.


To that end, it occurred to me in a flash of insight, recently while at the cabin for the weekend, that Peterson is missing awareness of and acceptance of the existence an archetypal, complex pattern of human interaction, played out in every community of the world, in every generation going back hundreds of thousands of years.


This universal, complex, social, and interactive setting of role-playing is so powerful, unconscious, pervasive, understated and unrecognized, that its deleterious impact of not getting it right about how to live, how to act and how to elevate human consciousness, is the source of human tragedy and suffering in the world.


This primordial, archetypal social struggle unfolds in each generation when a great soul appears in any social scene, and the cliques or groups of which he is invading or that he is born into, morph into a mob so their united ego is powerful enough to clash with his large ego, with the united, collectivized insiders hoping thus to be able to dominate, thwart and defeat him.


Were we to adopt egoist-altruist morality under which engendered by training in each child is the willed determination for most children as they mature, to individuate and live as an individual within whatever group connections enjoyed by each person, then each child could become a great soul in-the-making. No longer would the masses be inverted into living as mobs of nonindividuators. The masses as living angels will no longer be intimidated by, hate or seek to destroy the naturally occurring great-souled among them.


With the new morality instantiated and voluntarily self-enforced by young adults, in communities across the world, finally humans can advance and become happy, free, godly, prosperous, and fulfilled.








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