Thursday, October 10, 2024

Getting Away With It


Jordan Peterson famously and repeatedly on camera has exclaimed that he noticed in his clinical practice that no one gets away with anything, ever. When one twists the fabric of reality, by lying, hating, and doing unjust, wicked things, one’s karma will bring what one has done back onto one, and every time for every slip up, reality correspondingly slaps  one back and down for each offensive act of foolishness and willful misbehavior.


Is Peterson correct? Yes and No, I respond. In the sense that we have free will and are paid back in full every time for whatever we decide and however we act, I agree with Peterson. If we do not pay in this world, we will pay in the next world.


No, he seems to be incorrect because evildoers seem to go on unpunished for the evil they do in this world, decade after decade without ever being toppled. Both monstrous mass murderers, Stalin and Mao, stayed at the pinnacle of power for decades before dying, presumably of natural causes, though some insist that Stalin was poisoned.


I react with some skepticism, in part, against Peterson’s notion that the evildoers and liars suffer for what they have done, at least in this world. They long stay in power and prominence, and often they are not dislodged from their places of power, popularity, and control, though they are very wicked and unrepentant. They seem victorious and rewarded for their evildoing and mendacity, that they have gotten away with bending the fabric of reality.


Good does not always triumph, and the just are not always victorious in this world, but of course the liars and wicked children of darkness appearing not to suffer here for their evil ways, are protected by the Evil Spirits, at least in this world, for their selling their souls to the Devil, and doing his dirty deeds in their generation.


It may be that they are unhappy while living lives of despair, though they have worldly power and success, though they sin and lie until they die, and their worldly prominence and cruel, unjust ways are never visibly, patently punished in this world. This does not seem to square with Peterson’s moral and truthful assertion that no one ever gets away with anything.


It seems if the evildoers quit often remain exalted in this world, and the humbled  good-doers are persecuted, abused, murdered and suffer grievously at the hands of the children of darkness that run things everywhere. Evildoers remain exalted, and the good-doers remain held down, and malevolence is the law of the land.


It seems as if divine justice meted out in this world, when it is meted out overtly and is inflicted by the good deities upon the worst evildoers visibly while they are alive, the wicked individual may be toppled and brought low, but the rule of this world by the forces of darkness continues unabated as the new monster replacing the vanquished monster is as bad or worse. They seem to get away with plenty, while twisting the fabric of reality by their willful sinning and lying.


This is why I am an ethical reformer. I hope that Mavellonialist theology and ethics, being introduced and eventually adopted in some form by millions of people, will result in liars and evildoers in this world being humbled and brought down a bit, in this world and while alive here, as the children of life assert temporal and worldly dominance as truthful good-doers that love the good deities, themselves and others, and make the world here and now a little nicer place to live.

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