Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Quit Comparing


I will quote a short, weekly homily presented on Page 7 of the 8/25/24 newspaper, The Cavalier Chronicle. The title of the homily is The Log In Our Eye.


Newspaper: “We know we are better than those others.”


My response: We have a right and duty to judge ourselves and others ethically in a this-worldly context, but not in terms of the final resting place for their eternal souls, after death, after being judged by God for that type of judging is beyond us.


We can judge others, but we are not to punish them, though they should be prosecuted if they violate just laws.


We are no better than others and no worse than others. To seek to obsess about others, to interfere in their lives, and to control them by inserting ourselves into their plans—all of these groupist interferences are deeply immoral.


We all primarily should be tending our own affairs, and to work very hard, continuously to improve ourselves, and sin less.


Newspaper: “Anyone can see that. And when people see us? Maybe we should back off and reserve judgment.”


My response: We should not back off when judging ourselves or others, but we should mostly encourage ourselves and others to make ourselves better through self-help.


The newspaper: “Jesus did that. He accepted everyone. This week in church, see how Jesus sees you.


This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them. Luke 15:1-10.”


My response: Jesus accepted everyone, and we should too, but he judges us and imposes Divine Law upon us in this world and in the next, nonetheless.


As an egoist, I think we should primarily focus on self-realizing more, loving more, becoming more creative, more holy, more virtuous, and mostly leave others alone.

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