Sunday, September 28, 2014

True Conservativism

I recommend that my brand of conservatism is the most superior kind available, grounded in theological, biological and ethical realities arising from the human condition.

Here are a few first principles that capture the broad thrust of this conservative philosophy:

First, human are born mostly wicked. Without this being understood, recognized and accepted, there is no political, spiritual or ethical solution that remedies human suffering.

Human wickedness manifest itself in human selflessness, caving into the the temptation to live in the pack, and never rise above the communal quagmire, neglecting to serve and praise God by individuating as God does every day.

Second, we are to live as very developed and ever developing individualists.

Third, the political framework most ideal for human happiness and self-perfecting is canton existence, a confederation of canton communities, about the size of counties, that would be all loosely linked as a confederation of counties, uniting to form a federal state, a constitutional republic. These county cantons should fit like hand in glove with out federal constitution, interpreted along originalist lines.

There may be  other first principles implied in my books of philosophy, but I cannot recognize them at this point. This is enough to get started.

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