Friday, December 4, 2015

Man Up, People

It is vitally important that you accept that you are suffering, and that you ascertain how and why you are suffering. That is Phase One.

Phase Two is not do baby yourself, and feel sorry for yourself, the hapless, trapped victim. Bull crap to that. Our moral duty is to will ourselves free of victimhood. We are to live as powerful, expressive, in-contral, combative, feisty winners that transcend hurt and bad things that have happened to us.

Winners keep moving, plan their lives, and work their lives. Be macho, be brave, be in-charge and will your way through all things by stubbron courage and unquenchable optimism, which is actually the love, positiveness and healing energy of the Good Spirits flowing through your veins.

Man up, you will make it, and know victory in this world and the next. Let none rob you of this destiny and never settle for anything else or less.

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