Friday, February 3, 2023

Bad Herarchy


I was just writing yesterday a blog entry as to how humans need to live with hierarchies, but there are bad hierarchies to be shed or reworked, and there are good hierarchies to be retained or tweaked.


Today I got an email from Christopher F. Rufo in which he writes of what he and Governor Desantis are fighting on campus in Florida. Let me quote Rufo, lengthy email verbatim, worth it to expose what a bad hierarchy is:

“THE HIGHEST PRINCIPLE: Left-wing DEI bureaucracy has captured Florida State University and installed radical politics as governing values. Florida State University has adopted a series of ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ programs that divides America along a ‘matrix of oppression,’ castigates Christians for their ‘Christian privilege,’ and offers a racially segregated scholarship that deliberately bars white students from applying.”


America is the land of opportunity, not a matrix of oppression. Christians are singled out as privileged and whites are excluded from applying from scholarships. It sounds like my old accusation that DEI and CRT initiatives are nothing what anti-white supremacy and reverse discrimination, after white discrimination against non-whites has largely disappeared. These sick, lying, rotten, Marxist ideologues that have captured schools and colleges across America are now openly targeting the young and attack white America and America in general. They are pure racists, and they are vicious. These colleges and public schools require total defunding to clean them out and bankrupt them, and no parent should send a child to any public school or college anywhere in America. It is time for the middle class and whites and Christians to revolt, take back our country, and force these institutions to collapse financially for a lack of money and students, so that teachers, administrators, and educators are put out of business and out of work. Fire them all immediately—their hierarchies are beyond salvaging.


Rufo continues: “Officially, Florida State officials have claimed in a recent report to Governor Ron DeSantis that they support 23 separate DEI programs and initiatives. But, beneath the surface, the ideology embedded itself everywhere in the university.


I have obtained documents through public searches and Sunshine Law that reveal a sprawling bureaucracy, dedicated to promoting left-wing racial narratives, including a seemingly endless array of programs, departments, trainings, certificates, committees, statements, grants, groups, clubs, reports and initiatives.”


My response: Why is the public, that supports none of this woke crap, pour billions of dollars into bureaucrats and professors that hate us, hate America, and are actively fomenting revolution against America in every possible, and succeeding to. They require massive defunding.


Rufo continues: “One representative program is ‘Social Justice Ally Training,’ hosted by Student Equity and Inclusion Director Sierra Turner and the Center for Leadership & Social Change. The program provides a basic recapitulation of the critical-race-theory narrative: white, patriarchal, Western societies have created a ‘Cycle of Socialization’ that has resulted in ‘racism, classism, religious oppression, sexism, heterosexism, gender oppression, ableism, ageism & adultism, and xenophobia.’


The trainer makes the case that in the United States, ‘whites’ are the racial group responsible for the ‘systematic subordination of members of targeted racial groups who have relatively little power.’ Whites are also guilty of ‘cultural racism,’ or the creation and maintenance of social structures that ‘overtly and covertly attribute normality to white people and Whiteness.’ By definition, no other group can be racist—‘institutional racism’ can only ‘create advantages and benefits for Whites.’


When true-believing, mass movement-propelled postmodernist Marxists like this believe and spout such pure lies and hate, they are foaming-at-the-mouth haters of all things white, and American. We need to cut off their money, their access to our children, access to our educational institutions, keep them out of political power, and be armed to the teeth. They must be not allowed to run hierarchies anywhere, nor Congress, the courts, or the White House. We cannot and will not persecute this people, but we will oppose them vigorously, everywhere from this day forward, all across the land. These haters, liars and nihilists can only destroy whatever they touch.


Rufo continues: “Christians, too, represent an oppressor class. They have created ‘Christian hegemony,’ which ‘normalizes Christian values as intrinsic to an explicit American identity,’ and have instituted a regime of ‘religious oppression’ and the ‘systematic subordination of minority religions.’


Consequently, Christians must atone for their ‘Christian privilege,’ the training suggests, because of, for example, their ‘close-minded, hatred, fear or prejudice towards Islam and Muslim.’


My response: one of the truths about the Left is that whatever they accuse the Americans, conservatives and Christians of committing, the Leftists in power now or later will be guilty of those oppressions by a magnitude of 10. They seek justice for none; they only want total power over all aspects of America and its people to force all to bow to and worship their religion Leftism, whose twin gods are Big Government and Communism, whose prophets are Marcuse and Marx. A more satanic, cruel wicked cult if killers, haters, and torturers could not be imagined. These people will act worse than Mao during the Cultural Revolution.


Rufo continues” The training divides participants into ‘dominant groups’ and ‘subordinate groups.’ Dominant groups—whites, men, Christians, heterosexuals—are told that they are at the apex of the ‘matrix of oppression’ but if they submit to social-justice ideology, they can seek redemption through ‘identity development.’ They are told that they begin their journey as ‘selfish,’ unable to ‘see privilege,’ ‘not interested in the system,’ and hoping to ‘maintain the status quo.’ But the oppressor class can eventually overcome its nature and work to ‘consciously (use) unearned privilege against self’ and ‘destroy the system.’


Beyond training programs, DEI ideology at Florida State has also become pervasive in nearly every academic department. The business school has pledged to create an award for ‘DEI heroes.’ The classics department has released a statement in support of Black Lives Matter. The art history department has adopted a ‘land acknowledgement’ that portrays white Europeans as illegal settlers. And the sociology department has created an entire course, ‘Critical Race Theory,’ that presents left-wing racialism as the gospel truth and assigns readings that traffic in overt racial hostility, such as ‘Whiteness as Pathological Narcissism,’ with no competing opinions anywhere to be found. ‘Do not let the constraints of the discipline stop you from being the radical you want to be,’ the syllabus reads.


My response: this dividing of the world into oppressor and oppressed groups with endless class warfare going on between them is classical Marxist worldview, dressed up in intersectional subgroups. People are individual first, and members of their groups, second, and power relations can be cooperative, peaceful, freedom-conducive and prosperous for all. There is no need to attack whites or anyone else, just live as anarchist-individuator supercitizens in our constitutional republic, and thing will work out, trust me.



Rudo continues: “At the administrative level, the DEI bureaucracy also serves as a filter to exclude any who does not commit to social-justice ideology. Some departments at FSU now require potential faculty to exclude anyone who does not commit to social justice ideology. Some departments at FSU now require potential faculty to submit ‘diversity statements’—best understood as loyalty oaths to left-wing racialism—as part of the application process. Likewise, some academic programs also require graduate students to pledge allegiance to DEI in order to gain admission into the department.


The result of all these programs is a racial and ideological spoils system, in which groups are rewarded and punished based on their identity and political orientation, rather than their academic merit. Following this system of race-based judgement, Florida State even offers scholarships that explicitly exclude white students. The Delores Auzenne Assistantship for Minorities, for example, is designated solely for ‘African-American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, and Native American’ graduate students—no European-Americans need apply.


My response: these people are sick, twisted and beyond the pale, that defunding them and pulling out all the students is the only cure. How did so many educated people turn so wrong so wicked so rotten so fast, and as true believers insist that they need to make all America an extension of the sick culture at FSU. They really believe they are superior intellectually and morally, and that their program is just what America requires.


Rufo continues: “The end goal of DEI ideology is to move everyone in the university’s orbit toward partisan political activism. In the Social Justice Ally Training, the university makes its desire clear: participants are directly encouraged to engage in ‘structural change activism’ and ‘lobbying for policy change.’ Including ‘petition drives, picketing performance art, teach-ins, vigils, overloading administrative systems, rent withholding, strikes, walk-outs, protests, marches, blacklisting, show downs, dumping, and demonstrations.


Knowledge, it seems, has been displaced as the core mission of this university. At Florida State, the diversity commissars have busied themselves making radical politics—administrated by the bureaucracy and imposed downward on students, faculty, and staff—the highest principle.”


Academia has lost its way.



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