Saturday, January 23, 2021

Jen Paski

Jen Paski, press secretary for Biden, announced this past week that DVE (Domestic Violence Extremism) is a growing, real threat to American and its government. Therefore his Administration wil use federal police agencies to monitor and assess this 'threat" and mobilize to prevent radicalization of Americans, to surveil them, and to watch social media for "signs of subverservie language--my words". Now, there was no insurrection against the government by Trump supporters on January 6th.Those few hundred rightists and anarchists that rioted were rioters and should be punished for lawlessness and anarchy. A standard motif of Leftists and Democrats is to accuse without truth, merit or evidence, conservatives of what they personally are guilty of. They accused Trump of working with Russians 4 years ago to steal the election, when in fact the Obama Admininstration used Hilary's bought lie about Trump, the Steele Dossier, and spy on him and seek to get him kicked out of office, and federal policing agencies and secret courst were up to their wastes in this crooked fascist scheme, and none have ever been jailed for their misdeeds. For four years, they worked with a crooked, lying, biased media to destroy this good man without just cause. Now, Biden et al conspire to use a thin excuse of DVE to use federal policing agencies and the national guard to intimidate conservative and Republican opposition into silence. They are setting up their socialist dictatorship, and they for years allowed Antifa and BLM, the real domestic terrorists, to destroy cities and attack federal court houses to advance the Leftist agenda, and to make Trump unpopular so that he would be unpopular and not be reelected. They use every Soviet-style dirty trick to get power, and hold onto power as they spread totalitarian tyranny across this great land. They are cruel, vicious, nasty people and they are on the march. They are taking domestic terroism to a whole new federal level, and the power of a Leftist police state to inflict harm and terror upon a helpless, cowed civilian population ia a resort to domestic terrorism to terrifying and possible to ignore.

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