Monday, January 23, 2023

Rufo-Peterson Podcast


Jordan Peterson hosted Christopher Rufo on the Peterson Podcast in 2022, and the dialogue was over an hour long. I took notes on it which I will type out and then respond to. I put things in my own words which may not be identical to what these two thinkers actually or literally said.


Peterson: “Working class conservatives know what is right and act out what is right but cannot verbalize their point of view effectively against woke intellectuals. Bureaucrats have power and these ideologues must be taken on in institutions. Derek Bell and his ilk, influenced by Antonio Gramsci, sought to take over the institutions, enforce upon society a cultural hegemony leading to cultural Marxism.”


My response: the only way for conservatives, blue collar, white collar or pink collar, to thwart the diabolical Marxist/CRT (Critical Race Theory)/DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) mass movement is to help conservatives become educated, wise, articulate speakers, writers and thinkers—it would help if they were self-actualizing—get smart enough, tough enough, soon enough to derail this juggernaut hurtling down the track.


Podcast: “If the Marxists can sufficiently demonize whiteness, grab power and property through radical equality now known as equity, they then can focus state power.”


My response: they do not want equality for their intersectionalized victim groups, they want reverse discrimination so that the formerly oppressed or allegedly oppressed become the new overlords, and they mean to make life hell on earth for their former masters and mistresses. Their lust for revenge, their cruelty, knows no limits.


Podcast: “These Marxists have dreamt up a false consciousness about so-called victim groups: women, blacks, gays and minorities that have internalized their oppressor.”


Actually, these minorities are much less oppressed today than under slavery or Jim Crow. CRT advocates hate America and want it destroyed. They are haters and destroyers—vicious people. CRT professors are elite, rich, pampered, privileged, among the wealthiest, freest, and best protected elites ever, but they are filled with rage and resentment. These ungrateful creeps would use free speech, democratic institutions and brainwashing the young and gullible to bring about Stalinist totalitarianism in America. The educated white professionals like CRT but they too will be betrayed as the woke agenda is forced upon all Americans “for their own good.”


My response: I agree with both men and argue that capitalism provides us with unequal outcomes, but even the less capable can do very well in a free market, constitutional republic.




Podcast: “Many of the virtual signaling, privileged Marxist revolutionaries, from the ruling class, are already on top of society, but free frustrated and bitter because their power over the masses is not yet total. R.Henderson notes that these elitists gain status through CRT promotion—it gives them cachet to back cheap, fraudulent causes defending the putatively oppressed. These revolutionaries are true believers, bored, resentful, lacking in meaning and self-esteem, so they seek revenge on the people. They are not grateful for their privilege so destroy everything. They feel a weird guilt and feel inferior, so want to give something back to the world. If privileged, then be very ethical and give back to the world.


Working class conservatives regard the rich elites, these revolutionaries, as weird, crazy phonies. If they see the world’s problems, they first need to make themselves better persons, and then maybe seek to change the world.”


My response: “The cultural Marxists, the globalists, feign guilt over their wealth and comforts, but their compassion for the poor is all about showing off and dramatizing how morally superior there are to working class conservatives. Compassion is their excuse but gathering all power to themselves is their only cause; it is all that motivates them.


Podcast: “Power is the fundamental motivation that governs social interaction. Evil people use power to gain power. Villains that are psychopaths, narcissicists, and Machiavellian manipulators use power to gain power.”


My response: I agree that power is the fundamental motivation that governs social interaction. Evil people are hierarchical and run in packs. The pack and its leader/leaders have accumulated power in a destructive, pernicious way.


Good people, especially anarchist-individuator supercitizens, wield great power individually, while allowing and supporting that powerful, power-wielding neighboring maverizers wield their share of power (roughly calculate and roughly equal) in a capitalist constitutional republic. To exist, each agent must wield power, but it must be roughly in the right amount, wielded to build, traded, produce, manufacture, write poetry, farm, pray and exchange with neighbors.


Podcast: “Male authorities build productive coalitions, and they are peaceful, cooperative and respect their neighbors—gain positive, stable power. The wicked cultural Marxists claim that all there is is power (it is the fundamental reality) and power-acquisition and an endless, violent battle between warring interests, tribes, and individuals. When they speak the truth, which is not often, they admit that all they seek is absolute power over everyone, everywhere, forever.”


My response: These various Marxists revolutionaries are sick, cunning and quite dangerous. They mean to do what they promise, and they will burn the world to the ground should they take the reins of government here and everywhere.


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