Thursday, February 20, 2025



From Page 57 of my 2010 book, Notes Towards A New Age, Vol. 1, here is a quote under item 43: “We are self-deluding to the extent that we are not sentient about our illusion of freedom, not mindful of the constraints acting upon us. As our sentience grows, so too does our freedom of will, and our innovative thinking about removing these constraints.”


My response: I wish to clarify the first sentence: All people feel that they are free-willing, and, on some level, to a rudimentary degree they are, but while they are drifting through life as sleepwalking zombies, as nonindividuating adults, they are deluding themselves that they are fielding full-boat metaphysical libertarianism awareness in every choice they make, but that is clearly not the case.


If any person, anywhere, elects to self-realize and individual-live along egoist moralist lines, she will grow her good will, her free will, her strong will: her consciousness grows, strengthens, deepens, and expands, and this influences her will to grow corresponding and apace, better, freer, stronger. As sentience increases, a person of love and good will enjoys a free will.

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