Saturday, February 1, 2025



The 8/21/24 edition of The Cavalier Chronicle carries a weekly homily on Page 7 of the paper, and this one was entitled, Self-Made Men and Women? I will copy the homily and comment on it.


My initial response is that the author of the homily regards sacred humanists and secular humanists, be they individuators or not, as guilty, or susceptible to being guilty of the sin of intellectual pride, or Luciferian pride, rebellion against God for which they could be cast into hell after death by God.


I am on record as suggesting that good deities are individuators, and we, made in their image and likeness, are commanded by them, expected by them—and will be punished if we non-individuate and rewarded in this world and  the next if we do individuate—to be self-made to the degree that we each can singularly maverize, building upon the natural and social gifts which the good deities bestowed upon us personally as our baseline.


The false intellectual  pride that exists and is Luciferian, is less based on individualism versus dependence upon God, or competing with God, or being too activistic, not giving God credit for everything (Indirectly God should  get credit for everything, but God wants us to take direct credit for our achievements if such pride and self-esteem is meritorious, and we at the same time thank God for gifts given and we dedicate our individuated/individuating/self-perfecting selves to the good deities as a gift, a sacrifice and a gesture of thanks for the chance to live and excel.), or just allowing whatever fate brings one’s way to be one’s life story, but that demonic pride is the arrogance, intellectual rationalization and denial of the need to sin, to not love and to maverize, an insulting, arrogant, weird humility and self-abasement that angers and offends the good deities and will not go unpunished/


Homily: “Our myth, we control our success in life—or our lack of success.”


My response: It is the God-centered, God-blessed human reality or obligation to get moving to maverize as morally free-willing agents, directly responsible for our success or failure in life, and of course what God gave us to start with, or how luck plays a role in our lives.


Homily: “The truth: we have gifts, talents, personalities, and abilities are uniquely ours. We can hone them but they are God-given. In church this week, thank God for who you are.


Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand. Jeremiah 19: 1-11.”


My response: Humans are free and have some power and talent, and are divinely ordered to amount to something, or else be punished in this world and in the next. As long as the individual loves God while self-realizing, and dedicates one’s life to God, and openly admits and confesses that the good deities are still his masters and mistresses, then being self-made and being realistically but modestly proud of that is what the good deities expect and demand of him.


I live by several basic axioms which are ontologically, morally, and spiritually true. Here they are:


a.     The good deities are individualists and individuators more than they are joiners and nonindividuators. We are made in their image and likeness, and are ordered by them to be self-made individuators, while always humbly, respectfully remembering and privately and publicly acknowledging that we need to worship and thank the good deities for their guidance and protection.

b.     Hatred is evil and the devil is all about passionate loathing, violence, coercion, authoritarianism, and destruction. Selflessness, collectivism, group-living and altruist ethics are traditional, demoncially based instruction systems whose advocates used them to teach, and these ruling elites meant to teach the masses, the people to value and practice, in their lives, low self-esteeming in order that they would hate themselves more than they naturally did already. Thus, as religious thinkers and ethicists, like the authors of the homily seem to do, categorize as selfish sinners all individualists of high self-esteeming and being proud, self-made individuators, Luciferianly proud and rebellious against God, these religionists and secular ethicists are working for the devil and teach evil faith and evil ethics to make people hate themselves and not live as rational egoists.

c.     Love is good, and the good deities are all about loving God, the self, and others (One must love beings of all three categories at the same time and without hesitations, or one loves not the self or anyone else.). Love is about voluntary compliance, libertarian expression of individual life under constitutional republican and democratic regimes.

d.     Moderation is rational, prudent goodness and extremism or fanaticism is evil. This means that there is not one true faith, though Unitarian-Universalism or Christianity likely come the closest to being the one true faith.


The Mother and the Father, the parents and affectionate, cooperative promoters and mentors of all good deities, prohibit and condemn, militant, ideologically absolutist claims by adherents of any good deity or accompanying religion, that they are the one truth faith, and followers of other good deities and accompanying religions, are from the devil and will burn if they do not all convert to the one true faith” right now.


What is painful and tricky for me to comment on is the fact that not just the authors of sacred texts, but the deities themselves in sacred, revealed text, directly refer to followers of others good deities as sinners and heretics working for Satan, so the self-described good believers assume the right to take up the word and use holy war to wipe out for forcefully convert all unbelievers.


I cannot explain why good deities, even Jesus and perhaps Buddha and others (I am not that versed.) at times in sacred text regard other good deities as powerful demons and their followers as evil sinners to be killed or burning in hell.


I do not think good deities, that refer to other good deities historically as demons and their religion and followers and Satanists to be wiped out, did not know what they were saying and doing, because they are omniscient or close to it.


 I think they had to talk altruism and fanaticism (That there is only one true faith and one deity to worship, everywhere and anywhere.) and then mix it with actual love, good deity spirituality, morality, and some reasoning, loving,  individualism and moderation so that the people of that generation so collectivist , so altruistic, so evil and selfless, and fanatical about their own denomination and deity worshiped, that that was all these backward, primitives peoples, without going mad, could allow those good deities to reveal  to them.


Now with Mavellonialism, moderation, and individualism openly being identified and celebrated as good, and love being defined as best exemplified by practicing egoist morality and reasoning over passion exclusiveness in religious claims, now all the good deities can come into the open and agree to gently disagree but work together to fight evil in this world and other worlds. Their followers must practice toleration and love towards other-believers too.



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