Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Being Prepared For Slavery

 It is not secret that Democrats, the legacy media and the Left have been keeping this Covid-19 hysteria alive and extended with lockdowns, forced vaccinations proposed for workplaces and actual in health care settings, and mandatory mask wearing in public buildings when masks likely do little to protect anyone.

They do not like the American way: lots of liberty, self-direction little supervision at work, or from the government. 

Leftists and Democrats are now true believers in the postmodernist, Neo-Marxist cause which they desperately crave to spread across the entire nation enslaving everyone. They got us to surrender our power and independence under Covid, all in the name of public safety, and they are loathe to release from our bondage now that the crisis is abating.

Hospitals and nursing homes have been much more authoritarian, rude, and ruthless towards customers, family, and patients. We are much more herded, controlled, masked, and regulated when we visit or work at their facilities. Some of this is for public health, but do the functionaries at all levels of these institutions need to enjoy pushing people around so much?

My theory is that we are born wicked. We do not like ourselves, so we avoid ourselves by running in packs and working and living in hierarchies. The citizens of such hierarchies have long since surrendered their personal freedom, so they are jealous of the freedom enjoyed by the few individuals in our society that are still free and running their own lives. 

Those that are enslaved are intolerant of any that are free and want them controlled. Extending laws and regulations externally at every level of government and within these hierarchies are all plotted to end liberty of those still free. The rudeness and curt behavior is directed towards guests, customers and patients of these medical institutions because staff gets beat up from above, so they need someone to vent their anger and resentment against, all while putting shackles on the public. 

And the public, not liking themselves and actually acquiring a sick pleasure from being enslaved, directed, told how to live and think only too easily and eagerly give into the demands of these enslavers one step at a time, until they wake up in chains forever. That is where America is headed unless we wake up and fight back hard right how against these grim, cruel, malicious Marxists zealots.

We are so treated at our clinics, at our credit union, at our vet for our dogs. Covid-19 made these businesspeople lose their minds, and about four levels of managers above the secretaries, admit people, front service desk and cashier are slapping down these front line recipients at the bottom of the heap. 

Covid-19 empowered these front-line employees to attack the public. The customer not only is not right how, but the customer is privileged to even do business with whatever business it is, and is only allowed to come through the doors with masks on, queued up, steps to take, distance maintained.

No talk of Dale Carnegie, great customer service and a great customer experience suggested anymore. Every adult customer is a naughty child to be barked at, herded, controlled and sent through 9 steps of control before service is offered. No one answers the phone anymore, and no one goes the extra step cut through the red tape and provide quick, thorough, excellent service that gets the customer cared for, done, business transacted and on their way. 

What shocks me is the eagerness and happiness that thousands of businesses revealed as they went along with this Covid-19 imposition of incremental enslavement of the American people. These employees enjoy that little extra power they have to lord over the public.

We still do not know how to live. The American way, the tradition is maximum liberty, legally and with communal limits, for the individual to live his life to the fullest. 

A society of supercitizens, anarchist-individuators require much more liberty--as much as they can responsibly handle and is practical without society falling apart--than is currently being allowed.

We are headed in the wrong direction and that must be stopped and reversed and fast.


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