Sunday, March 20, 2022

One Extreme Leads To The Other

Here is Jordan's quote from Page 114 of his book, 12 RULES FOR LIFE AN ANTIDOTE TO COMPROMISE: "Because they did not dare to teach him what 'NO' means, he had no conception of the reasonable limits enabling maximal toddler autonomy. It was a classic example of too much chaos breeding to much order (and the inevitable reversal)."

If the child is never curbed, and grows into a psychopathic narcissist or violent criminal, then his criminal behavior will get him killed or in prison for most o his life. Raise without ethical restriants, his natural inner chaos and indulgence of his passions, desires and impulses without check allows his chronic misbehavior to lead to his criminal adulthood, and then he is in jail forever. Too much chaos led to too much order--incarceration.


Or if the parents were severe even abusive, they could so cripple their children that they become criminals, drop-outs, slugs or commit suicide.


What we do to and teach our kids really counts should we wish to curb extreme behaviors and outrageous choices on their part, later on.


It seems likely that there is an alikeness between the extremes of ultra-chaos and ultra-order, for both lead to passionate collectivist, enduring their pedestrian subjugation in their group-lived, class-structured lives as subjects of whatever king, dictator, or oligarchy in charge of their country's tyrannical political structure.


In other, words life at the extremes are superficially enemies, but actuality are just slightly different flavors of the same way of doing things, for the real enemy to both is the enlightened, maverizing, individual-living citizens of a free-market democracy following the Taoist Way wending the line between chaos and order.


It is the upper middle-class worker, especially that is self-realizing, simultaneously parenting children while chasing after art, career, lucre and political say--this is the true classless society citizen, and this enlightened classical liberal, and his peers will bring creative destruction and constant change within a conservative, traditional society, a constitutional republic like America. 

Jordan Peterson is more closely connected to Eric Hoffer than he knows, though he never mentions him that I know of.


Let me quote several paragraphs that Eric Hoffer wrote on March 1, 1970, an article now labeled Is a Revolution Revolutionary? (The titles of Hoffers newspaper articles were added after his death.), and the article is from The Syndicated News Articles, Page 229: "One of the startling discoveries of our times is that non-revolutionary countries are far more revolutionary countries. We have been slow to realize that revolutions are anti-revolutionary--that they lead not to a wholly new future but back to a distant past.

During the last several decades the most startling changes have taken place in free countries. Think of what happened in this country. In less than two decades we have been transported to a new age, and to almost to a new country. The days of 1950 seem far off and semi-mythical.

The so-called revolutionary countries are stuck in the mud. Present-day Russia is still Russia f the czars and khans. It is still locked in the patterns of its dark past. A Communist revolution is everywhere a return to feudal times when the soil and the tillers of the soil were the property of the state. When a Communist country Czechoslovakia tried to shake itself out of its torpor it became self-evident that it had to join the free non-revolutionary world. 


It is now a truism that countries are transformed more dramatically by Americanization than by a Communist Revolution."


Now what Jordan described as one extreme leading to another in the life of a child, also seems to apply geopolitically to the nations of the world. In the 1790 Revolution, the king was overthrown, liberty, democracy and justice were declared, and then came the oligarch reign of terror with totalitarian rule. When that collapsed, Napoleon the dictator was set up, and then later he was declared Emperor

Czarist Russia was overthrown by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, and the Communist murdered 100 million people by 1990. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and somehow their flirtation with capitalism and democracy floundered in Germany in the 1930s, and Russia got Putin and Germany got Hitler. 

Putin the old FSB thug and killer now is doing mass murder in Ukraine to grow the Russian empire again. It seems as if Russia is still the land of the czars and khans.


Hoffer noted that non-revolutionary countries are not revolutionary: not only does fascism/revolution/communism/collapse/failed democracy/fascism-state/crony capitalism never change fundamentally as its coup plotters vacillate from one political extreme to the other, but they really are all the same: totalitarian, controlled economies, gross human rights abuses, government violence against its citizens, and dreams of spreading their empires across the globe. These people are socially and politically collectivist peoples, and the changes they introduce are extreme, murderous, dramatic, absolutist, superficial and static.

If change is to be gentle, continual, and revolutionary, paradoxically it can only be voluntary, one convert at a time, gently introduced without repercussions for refusing to convert. The culture must be free market, love of liberty, individualism and capitalism as moral ideals, carried out peacefully within a constitutional republic, and changes must be gradual and small adjustment of swings to the Left or chaos and to the Right or order.


The underlying culture of individual-living, God-loving, logical moderates, individuated anarchists and supercitizens with free markets, constitutional republicanism and always quite powerful but limited government, then revolution will be revolutionary, never ceasing, and the old tradition need be altered but not eliminated.


We do not want altruism, collectivism, extremism, tribal warfare, totalitarianism, mass movements and true believers, and that will only occur if we do not go the the extremes as offered by postmodernist American Marxist, as identified by Mark Levin; when they take out America, if they do, the last best hope for humanity is gone, and darkness even extinction may be humanity's future.




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