Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Did Jordan Peterson Find God?

 Did Jordan Peterson find God, or did God finally reach Jordan Peterson, who is now a believer? I think Jordan has found some comfort and love of the Higher Power.

Now, I turn my attention immediately to Ayn Rand and Stephen R Hicks, both of whom respectively were or are atheists, and strict materialists.

I mention this to warn believers not to overdo it. During pre-history, and during the Pre-Modern times, faith ruled over reason, especially secular, scientific reason. That reign was too one-sided and cannot be repeated.

I am an ethical moderate and remind the faithful that their faith is holy only as long as their practice of it remains moral, and it is so easy to lose our way as people always were prone to do historically. This requires permanently that we critically need, in our midst as believers, secular competitors: we need atheists, scientists, our material culture, and all or most areas of research being undertaken strictly on a physicalist presupposition.

God the Mother and Father are not only artists, spiritual creators and feelers of rich sentiment, but they are mechanics, administrators, scientists and technicians. They believe in God, Satan, Fate, and they are also part atheist. The Divine Couple are wondrous precisely because they are not entirely self-consistent. It is the source of their strength and permanency.

The Divine Couple authored the natural law that the middle is the way, and this entails two consequences. First, a blended approach or point of view is more loving, truthful and incorruptible. True-believing and ideological purity are anathema to the Light Couple.

Second, the middle way has to be administered or allocated practically and actually in the everyday world in terms of power-distribution patterns. Power needs to be, for the most part (If it is concentrated in institutions, these hierarchies need to be potent, efficient, kept limited and monitored to prevent, slow down or halt the inevitable, predictable plotting and scheming by its corrupted, sickened, greedy, power-addicted functionaries seeking to gobble up society via subtle, quiet incrementalism and mission creep.)

The Father and Mother want and demand a complex approach to science, empiricism, and the material world, so that we not get out of balance, and turn religion evil, intolerant and fanatical.

I likely am not making myself clear and specific. It looks to me as if the Mother and Father would send a email to Dr. Hicks to believe in them and talk to them if he wishes too, but they know that he is doing good work and their work in his secular pursuits. They would bless his efforts, and just chide him to be morally kind, and aware of unintentional consequences to the science and technology that they unleash onto and introduce to the world.

They would bless and encourage his efforts.

There is an inherent moderation in the American/Enlightenment enterprise that the Founders tapped into. They were Christians and deists, they were religious and secular, scientific and sacred issues-interested all at the same time. They did rather preach some kind of separation-of-church-and-state in public affairs, public policy and in the operation of public, republican institutions (not in the Constitution?). They wanted state and church separated, but they also, contradictorily, urged the voters to be virtuous, educated, thinking voters and to be good Christians.

Analogously, roughly, that is what the Divine Couple want for modern Mavellonialist worshipers. They want room in society for strictly secular undertakings to be allowed, countenanced, underwritten, and permitted legally with divine blessing. Dr. Hicks et al need to free, unmolested and even entreated to continue do science to keep faith strong, challenged, and non-monopolistic, not absolutist, demanding conformity and group think.

In civil society, in the arena of scientific research, and technological experimentation, in secular gatherings and associations, in areas of commerce, the Mother and Father want the principle of separation of church and state to permeate all society culture, institutions, and conceivable settings.

Then, inconsistently, they would welcome the vast majority of citizens to worship whatever deity that they want to, or not, but the deity must be morally and spiritually good, and the citizens must be spiritually and morally virtuous, and that citizenry will run a decent, functioning, society that can be perpetuated and replicated in future generations.

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