Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Critical Race Theory

 There is a 12/7/2020 article online by Jonathan Butcher and Mike Gonzalez, of the Heritage Foundation, entitled, "Feeling Guilty About Everything? Thank Critical Race Theory".

Let me quote these authors: "Many of the riots of 2020 were driven by the Marxist ideology of critical race theory rather than an earnest desire to stamp out true racism and repair relations between different groups in America . . ."

These violent, revolutionary neo-Marxists promote intolerance, racial and class conflict, rioting, burning down building, looting and beating Trump supporters. Their intolerance for non-true believers is thuggish and totalitarian.

 The authors point out that a pure Marxist critical theory origin fed this: "Critical theory amounted to an unremitting attack on Western institutions and norms, in order to replace them with alternatives. But first the norms needed to be torn down. That's where critical theory--and what we will see in all its offshoots--come in.

One of the first of those spinoffs was critical legal theory, which emerged in the United States in the 1970s. Critical legal theory saw the law as simply the "cultural hegemony" codified in statutes and defended by a jurisprudence that aimed to support the powerful against the claims against the claims of the marginalized. The critical legal theory movement wanted to overturn the hierarchical structures of modern society.

From there, it was but a short step to critical race theory, which emerges in the late 1970s and the 1980s. . It attempts to do exactly the same, but it approaches everything through the prism of race.

All aspects of American life are seem in terms of racial power dynamics, and because critical race theory scholars have been so persistent, critical race theory is now impacting all aspects of American life. The protests of 2020, the riots, in inclusion of racial dynamics in everything from schools to sports to corporate boards, are all the result of critical race theory."

 There is little racism in America, but it is being revived and deepened by the Left under critical race theory, and the Progressives are the virulent, intolerant racists against whites, males, straights, individuals, capitalists, Christians, conservatives and Jews.

They plot to end free speech, recharacterizing it as hate speech. All our benevolent, humane institutions are to be destroyed. The civil society is under attack as our political discourse becomes strained and civil and race war is heightened.

We cannot move forward if we see America and its institutions only through the prism of race. It is the individual in a free market, constitutional republic, chasing after opportunities and self-realizing that is the only workable, promising future for America. Critical race theory supports none of that. It influence is pervasive and growing and it is undermining the American Way.

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