Sunday, December 6, 2020


 The effort at revolutionary liberation by militant socialism, the trending slowly at first and now gaining speed, first chipping away imperceptibly at our bourgeois, capitalist constitutional republic, and now swing hammer blows against its foundation, can only lead to their actual end, Bolshevik totalitarianism, as part of worldwide empire run by Marxist and global elites.

Power is economic, political, spiritual, psychological and personal. Power is human energy, a certain amount allocated by God and nature to each citizen for their use and enjoyment. This soul-energy belongs to the individual that posseses it.

To love and go to heaven is to use one's share (while not grabbing anyone else's power share, or refusing to individuate, actualizing one's potential) to grow and flourish, increasing one's share of natural and supernatural power, of course honorably amassed.

We are thrust into this world and must wield our share of political and economic power as living angels, as individuator anarchists, with a society of thousands or millions of peers wielding their said share of power.

Check out this paradox: "To refuse to wield personal share of power is to see it centralized and given to a dictatorial grabber, to Big Government or to some other dominant, national institution.

To crave and then conspire and manipulate to subjugate other people by depriving them of their share of personal power leads inevitably to dictatorship and totalitarianism.

Only proportional power wielding by separate, self-legislating supercitizens protects each citizen and society as a whole from power concentration and abuse, and the rise of harsh tyranny.

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