Saturday, April 2, 2011

Breaking through routine

The lazy, negative, immature guy, unable to hold a steady job, has no discipline or focus. For one grown up in mental outlook as well as in years of living, boredom must become an irrelevant response to drudgery and repetition of duties at work. Monotony is what he will tolerate to get a paycheck while holding a permanent position with a respectable firm.
Joining and staying a productive, wage-earning member of the middle class public is the basis of individuating. Each mature grown-up will earn his bread full time while self-actualizing on the side. Should he be able to make enough money at his sideline to do it full time, more power to him,
Each citizen of adult years is to take on the adult role. Constant leisure, pleasure-seeking, playing, ease-seeking and being supported by others are games that he plays only in his spare time. In the main, he does his duty and makes his living, supporting his family and himself. Doing his duty makes him happy in a deep, fundamental, sound fashion. He loves the self but it is a disciplined self, not a self-indulgent self.

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