Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Defund The Schools

 It is time to defund public schools and fire all these socialist bureaucrats "teaching" out children.


 Covid is massively political because the Democrats and the Press weaponize and politicize everything that happens, twisting it to smear Trump, to demonize Trump to blame Trump. They do not report the news. They create a version of it that is consistent with their postmodernist, socialist agenda and narrative, seeking to brainwash the public into hating Trump, conservatives and America itself, seeking to usher in their Ameritopia hell.

Running Interference

 All mass media in America are elite traitors to the common people and patriots, as these corrupted quislings and liars run interference for their masters, the Democrats in Washington.

Sweep Them Away

 These two Leftist hack Senators have done great damage to Minnesota--we hope President Trump has powerful coat tail influence, not only winning the state of Minnesota for Republicans, but that his down ballot wake will sweep Klobuchar and Smith from office, and even help with Minnesota House elections, etc.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Faithful Psalm 111, 5

 God has provided for those that fear and love him: "He has given food to those who fear him; he will be forever mindful of his covenant."

Psalm 111, 2-4

 God is our delight, our standard, our Divine Friend: "Great are the works of the Lord, exquisite in all their delights. Majesty and glory are his work, and his justice endures forever. He has won renown for his wondrous deeds; gracious and merciful is the Lord."

Tony Vespa

 This writer from Townhall is arguing tonight that it is time to end the lockdowns because over 99% of Americans are surviving contracting Covid-19. I concur.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


 Prager describes Leftists as those that are fascist; they reject dialogue or debate; they just dismiss those that dissent from their narrative as racist, bigots engaging in hate speech, to be canceled or suppressed. Total conformity, no free speech, no independent thinking.

I Disagree

 I reject the absolutist pronounced by Progressive subjectivists that conservatives cannot know how people of color or women exist without being one of these identity group members, so, therefore, that inability to walk in their shoes disqualifies then from every judging these people (judging their actions not their character or souls) or making objective, general statements about them.

That is baloney because those that reason, love the truth, that investigate, ponder and educate themselves, and walk with God to gain divine insight and wisdom, are totally qualified to make accurate, spot-on characterization of members of other identity groups. Objective truth from outside of each person is knowable and able to be articulated.

Is the pronouncer always right? Of course not, but they likely hit the target more often than not.

From The Heritage Foundation

 This weekend I found this fascinating article online, so I printed it out and wish to critique it. It is from a thinker at the Heritage Foundation, an article entitled "Truth Is a Casualty in Our Culture War". It was written on 8/3/20 by Joseph Loconte, Ph.D, Director, Simon Center for American Studies.

Loconte starts off by John Locke was singular in seeking a solution to the political-religious problem.

Here are Loconte's Key Takeaways:

The "Enlightenment project of human freedom depended on courageous individuals who, on a quest for truth, defiend the orthodoxy of the establishment.

A healthy society required give and take of conflicting ideas, even ideas that challenged our most deeply held beliefs.

This was the freedom that fired the imagination of the individuals who helped build our liberal democratic order.

I cannot disagree with these Key Takeaways. If Mavellonialism takes over, a citizenry constituted by individuating anarchist supercitizens would generally be courageous, open, direct and fearless in excercising their freedom to think, work, explore, create, love and worship as they saw fit, whether the government or the community in which they live approve or not. They would assent that a healthy society requires give and take of conflicting ideas because metaphysical moderate Eric Hoffer reminds us that the clash of ideational opposites is where creativity and new ideas are born. As Kierkegaard regarded each person's soul as the ground where the mortal and the infinite meet and make their accommodations, there too the clashing inspires and goads the thinker, the mystic, the artist in each of us.

 Supercitizens would not care if their most deeply held beliefs were constantly challenged, with some agreed-upon preconditions. First, the proponents of alternative cultures and political structures must make their appeal to the public in nonviolent, peaceful, legal ways. In a free society, if the revolutionary ideas are rebuffed, the revolutionaries must peacefully accept the rejection of their project. If changes are to be made, they must be done slowly, gradually, quietly at room temperature (to quote Hoffer again) so that the best of the status quo is maintained, by transformations are gently implemented.

Where the clash of ideas, freedom of thought and freedom of expression are openly allowed and even invited, this lively exchange of ideas will advance the level of knowledge, science, theology, ethics and new technologies necessary for keeping the social order democratic and open to change.

Let me quote Loconte: "Americans seem to be in the throes of a struggle to define not only history but the meaning of our democratic republic.With the stakes so high, the temptation to impose ideological  conformity, by vilifying dissenters and shutting down debate, is fearsome. In her resignation letter to the New York Times earlier this month, former columnist Bari Weiss warned about a new consensus among media elites: 'that truth isn't a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else.' Yet the "Enlightenment" project of human freedom depended on courageous individuals who, on a quest for truth, defied the orthodoxy of the establishment.

My reaction: the current cultural war is a struggle between conservatives seeking to speak the truth and salvage historical understanding about the American experience and what is the meaning of our constitutional republic, especially in line with traditional modernist and Enlightenment values, indicative of Western canonical thought. I have written extensively about the current mass movement underway, a Marxist, secular, postmodernist cause whose ideologues, regardless of education, degrees and intelligence mouth the part line, insisting upon orthodoxy, conformity in thought, word and deed. These true believers seek power and the universal spread of their cause at all costs, by any means, no matter who is silenced, canceled or even murdered. No free speech any more. No further dissent. All dialogue ends. All must submit and conform to the lockstep worldview and pronouncements of the elite few, those pure fanatics in service to their Communist agenda.


Loconte laments that all the European monarchies in the 1600s " . . . maintained a tight control over dogma of all kinds--religious, political and scientific." 

Things go better after the English Glorious Revolution of 1689. Loconte notes: "Like no one before him, John Locke (1632-1704) sought a solution to the political-religious problem.  In his Two Treatises of Government (1689)and A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689), Locke vigorously defended the concepts of human freedom, equality and government by consent. He laid the philosophical foundation for the liberal, democratic state. And he did it by defying the prejudices and dogmas of establishment elites. 'To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of humane perfection in the world,' he wrote, 'and the seed plot of all other virtues.' Our cultural and political debt to Enlightenment philosophers like Locke is incalculable.

Loconte further writes: "This idea was the motive force behind Locke's lifelong struggle to protect the rights of religious conscience in an age of rage. . . Locke argued that every person must be free to pursue truth without fear of censure. . . In Locke's vision of a just and pluralistic society, there was no place for cancel culture."

Loconte concludes: "The free exchange of ideas in the pursuit of truth, wherever it leads: this was the freedom that fired the imagination of individual who helped build our liberal democratic order. We dare not turn our backs on their achievement when we need it most."

May we long defend the basic freedoms bequeathed to us from English and Englightenment thinkers.

Governor Ron DeSantis

 As he is opening Florida back up, so should the whole country be opened back up, with no more lockdowns.

Karolina Prostenko Again

 Just watched her play Let It Be on a video. It warms my heart to see a child share such talent and joy with the world. Just imagine the day coming when all children learn to use their God-given gifts in ways similar to what this precious child is doing.

Not To Worry

 I admire Jordan Peterson a lot, but wish to qualify two of his most  important assumptions. He posits that 350 million years of biological evolution is incontrovertible evidence that humans establish and exist in hierarchies, and that is an unalterable reality. He likely is right, especially concerning nonindividuating humans, living in cliques and group-living. 

He wants real competition in school, at work and in the marketplace to unfold with no guarantee of equality of outcome, to ensure that the best rise to the top of whatever hierarchy that they are competing in. He assures us that this is good for society, and for human advancement. Here again, he likely is correct, especially concerning nonindividuating humans, living in cliques and group-living.

He also argues that there is a genetic elite of talented individuals that likely rise to the top of all hierarchies, where their superior intelligence and conscientiousness will largely predict that they will run things, make the most money and have the most impact on society. Here again, he is likely correct, especially concerning nonindividuating humans, living in cliques and group-living.

My qualification to these two assumptions of his is basically a declaration that he is right, but that it does not matter, because anyone that individuates and individual-lives is bright enough, creative enough, original enough and is industrious enough to make all the money that they need, and climb up high enough on whatever hierarchy that they choose to occupy, that their achievement and output will be so phenomenal and impressive, that their success will be solid and astounding. 

This trumps worries about inequality of outcome, and worries that less talented people will never amount to anything and will be stuck forever and inalterably in the middle of the hierarchy. Each maverizer is able to gain 30-50 points in IQ just by self-realizing, so each will make a singular, unique contribution to her situation and indirectly benefit all of society. 

Those endowed with lower natural IQ or talent, should they still take what God gave them and develop it to its full potential, will be making an novel approach to human endeavor that may well yield new tenchniuqes or insights that a brighter person could not capture because she has not this slightly less talented person unique perspective or experience. All can learn from all, and all have something to offer, and we must be humble enough to listen to everyone, and share gratitude and appreciation with them for their personal outlook.

May this reassure those worried about hierarchies and competition in the open market.

Evil People

 Evil people actually exist, and roam our streets committing heinous crimes against innocent victims.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Fanatical Prevaricators


Some White colonizers ‘adopted” Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity.

A black intellectual, Ibram X. Kendi, director of Boston University's Center for Antiracist Research wrote today that white people like Judge Barret who adopt black children may be racist.

'Some White colonizers ‘adopted” Black children. They ‘civilized’ these ‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity.'

Kendi doubts that white people that adopt black children are correct in denying that they are racist. He denies that they are inherently not racist.

Let me quote the Breitbart article: "... Kendi opined more on whether someone can be free from racism: “we should eliminate the term ‘not racist’ from the human vocabulary,” he wrote. “We are either being racist or antiracist.” After receiving thousands of responses in backlash, he deleted the post, but he insisted to his critics that “not racist” is a phrase without meaning."

On Monday, Kendi opined more on whether someone can be free from racism: “we should eliminate the term ‘not racist’ from the human vocabulary,” he wrote. “We are either being racist or antiracist.” After receiving thousands of responses in backlash, he deleted the post, but he insisted to his critics that “not racist” is a phrase without meaning."

Leftist academics like Kendi are race-obsessed. They have lied and smeared Americans, especially white Americans accuses of white privilege and white supremacy. They claim that it is not enough to not be racist, one must be pure and become antiracist.

 These lying fanatics are so fillled with hate, rage and resentment against just, color-blind Americans that they expect total perfection in the past and in the present, or the person is unforgivably bigoted, to be canceled right now, right away. 

They want race war, and Marxist totalitarianism to run our country. They will take away our guns, our liberty, our wealth and our free speech. Whites and Jews will be targeted for severe, immediate persecution and demotion to second class citizenry, and then to be killed off. 

These identity politics driven revolutionaries are sick, violent, immoral and pure evil. They must be stopped and stopped now.

Prager Wise Again

 Dennis wants liberals to wake up and realize that their enemy is the Left not conservatives.

He scorns one of the hugest lies ever told about America by Progressives, that it is a racist nation.

He goes on to say that America can only survive if Leftism is defeated.

Very wise, very timely. Right on.

White Guilt

 Candace Owens has a hard-hitting Prager U video in which she defines going easy on black criminals (allowing them to break  laws, rioting and looting for instance, that a white person would be arrested for. She and her guest agreed that white guilt drives this double standard. Ownes solution: treat criminals from all races and all backgrounds the same; if anyone breaks the law, let them be arrested and tried, period, no exceptions. Black youths and black adults must act like responsible, lawabiding adults all the time or face the consequences. This is a reasonable, fair, civilized standard for all Americans, and must be so enforced to protect lives and property.


 I hate to see people run over, but that should be the fate of rioters that seek to stop a vehicle. People have a legal right to travel unimpeded, and not to be legally punished for refusing to halt so that assaulters can pull them out of their cars to be beaten and perhaps murdered. If the driver is forced to use his vehicle as a weapon of self-defense to protect himself and escape by running down attackers illegally attacking him, the whole legal system should back his need to escape being harmed by ill-wishers.


 What are the essential traits that each human posseses? I can only speculate initially that each of us has a soul, that divine spark within us, and that streams of light and dark, good and evil, love and hate all flow through our souls, for we are conflicted, complex creatures, and figuring out how to make this all work for us so that we can lead useful, good and meaningful lives is a serious challenge of immense consequence for the world, and for us personally in the afterlife.

Share The Good News

 Share with others the good news as God answers your prayers. That public witnessing is a powerful reminder to people that God is at work always among us, especially if we invite De into our lives.


 Finding a crisp description to define excellence is daunting, but most of us recognize this quality intuitively when we practice it, or view others demonstrating it.


 You cannot be alive if you do not desire things. Without desire, your life force is almost dead. Still, how you direct your desires is of vital importance to being a moral person, and leading a good life. Roughly speaking, if what you desire is in line with the Ten Commandments, you cannot go too far wrong.

Firm Believer

 I am a firm believer in the right to bear arms to protect one's life, property and family against domestic tyrants, criminals, crazies and foreign invaders. We have to be ready to defend ourselves against Leftist ideologues, nihilists, haters and revolutionaries striving to overthrow our government under the guise of racial and social injustice. I am not a conspiracy advocate, but this plot to destroy America is reality, not just theory.

American Iconoclast

 Tom Schactman wrote a biography of Eric Hoffer: American Iconoclast: The Life and Times of Eric Hoffer, in 2011.

My sense of the book is that Shactman does not really like Hoffer and does not completely understand him, but it may not be Schactman's fault. Hoffer ancticipated the rise of my Mavellonialist movement, and that is not on the intellectual horizon, so it might explain why Hoffer does not quite seem to make sense for Schactman. He refers to Hoffer as racist against blacks, but in light of the new Candace Owens/Dennis Prager appreciation of conservative loathing of identity politics and collectivist solutions to social problems, I think that Hoffer was pro-individualist, and urged that blacks solve their own problems on an individual basis, and the fabulous freedom of opportunity and potential wealth to be had should one work for it in fabulous America. Socialist excuses, blaming black failure to surmount obstacles as due to obstruction from racist whites, and offering government remedies to young, unwedded black moms have left too many in the black community hurt, unfulfilled, angry and resentful. Hoffer would suggest that as individual Americans each black adult could become quite successful, with few real road blocks in their way in non-racist America, and I agree. Schactman seemed to understand none of this egoist philosophy that guides Hoffer attitude towards blacks and all Americans. He is not racist, but believes in tough love that we each must be responsible and solve our own problems. It will not do to blame society or Whitey for holding blacks back and down.

Shactman is not wowed and impressed by Hoffer's brilliance and originality as did seem to be common  among many intellectual reviewers 40 years ago, and I think Shactman's dismissal of Hoffer's genius is unfortunate and devalues Eric's contribution.

My sense of it is that Hoffer is a profoundly original thinker. He is a conservative thinker in his acceptance of the sovereign individual as the core Western gift to civilization. He is a Mavellonialist moderate. He is pro-democracy, for the common people, pro-capitalist and loves America, the greatest country in the world.

He also does not appreciate what a radical, radical loner that Hoffer is, a great soul whose individual-living is the price to be paid for full-bore self-development. Hoffer almost always is right and loves and speaks the truth. He does not seem to point out that Hoffer is a truly good man, and, at the end of his life, urges compassion or love as the only lasting solution to evil in the world.

On Page 199, Shactman points out Hoffer's tragic sense of life, and that is eerily similar to that shared point of view by Prager, Jordan Peterson and myself. Evil exists in the world, as does suffering tainted by malevolence (thanks Jordan). Humans all share original sin, and that is God's greatest gift to us. Only the one that is born corrupt, but through choice, the gifts of divine grace, forgiveness and love is able with consistent hard work, character training and good habits can be perfected and reborn to become a good citizens, spiritually and morally wholesome.

This tragic sense of life is the purest, conservative outlook.

With some of these inputs, Shactman could have better assessed Hoffer's impact on future generations.

Make History

 Eric Hoffer scornfully dismisses professors, young college students and other educated elitists unwilling to add to American economic growth our improve the civil society, rather they wish to advance radical Leftist policies, in short they want to make history by steering public policy to the Progressive side, or just foment revolution, wiping out America, its ethos, its tradition.

I am for making money, growing the economy, and improving civil society. I also want young people to make history. The best means of achieving this is to maverize. That is how the individual assumes responsibility for making the world better, by vastly improving himself. This is the only useful, moral and effective way to make history.

Brutal Samples Of Reverse Racism Being Practiced


Reverse racism against whites is a growing problem in this country. Whites will one day be a minority in this country, and, if identity politics and its backers, continue to ratchet up the racism against whites and Jews, pogroms, death camps and a Holocaust in the 2030s is not unthinkable. This New Resistance entry on Facebook of three separate incidences where gangs of young black male criminals beat three young white men almost to death is not being prosecuted as hate crimes, as they should, and is an ominous example of how bad black hatred of whites is becoming. The Left created this monster and are stoking the fires of racial war and division to drive America into chaos, so that a future socialist President can become a dictator by declaring "temporary" martial law to restore order. They will start by murdering whites and Jews, and then all Americans, blacks included, will be brutalized by the coming totalitarian American government.

Dr, Sowell

 Dr. Sowell on Facebook: "It is usually futile to try talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance."

I wrote to Him: Mr. Sowell, you sound like Eric Hoffer.


 It is not religious cult to be willing to fight to the death, living in the greatest country in the world, a constitutional republic founded on Judeo-Christian spiritual and moral principles given us by the Almighty, a country with a rich tradition of an armed citizenry ready, willing and able to rebel against and overthrow the government that they have consented to be ruled under its Constitution, as long as it protects and guarantees their constitutional and inalienable rights--the right to bear arms comes from God alone, and allows the citizen to defend his life and property from all robbers and usurpers, including federal thugs--until its elites conspire to deprive the people of their lives, rights, liberty, property and guns, as the Democrats seek after today with utter seriousness and resolve. These Progressive fanatics are uncompromising in their power-grabbing, their mass movement dedicated to spreading totalitarian socialism across all of America. The angry and potentially violent resolve and push back from no-compromise conservatives and supporter of unfettered gun rights is not fanaticism but it the obligation and duty of every adult American to adopt.

Confederate History

 Should it be taught to students going forward? Sure.

A Pure Example

 A pure examples of Democrat voter tampering and willingness to steal elections when postal workers throw hundreds or thousands of military ballots--all Trump voters--in the trash.

British Leftists

 British Leftists are horrified at the no compromise attitude of American gun owners and activists. That is because we will not compromise having our liberty or gun rights infringed upon. We are manning up and saying no compromise with tyrants, bureaucrats, Leftists sissies and rights and gun-grabbers that want to government to regulate us and push us around. We say hell no.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 If you are snowed by celebrities, or accept what traditional media authorities are feeding you, you must shed it all, and think for yourself from now on.


 If you are a nonreader, you will not be able to be well enough informed to think straight, and figure out what is going on and what you need to do about it. Illiteracy and ignorance carry a stiff price.

Herschel Walker's Son

 This  young black gentleman believes blacks are more racist than whites. I have long thought so for several reasons. First, blacks have achieved equality, but the push for more rights and privileges under the guise of anti-racism is a thinly disguised attempt to make anti-whitism the new virulent racism against whites leading to genocide.

Second, blacks run mostly in groups and groupism is the source of racism.

Third, as blacks leave groups, adopt Mavellonialism and individuate, their racism will subside significantly.

When God Is Removed

 Prager warns that when God is removed, government takes over. Nature will not tolerate a vacuum. If God is not here, Lucifer and Lera will be here. Pick the master and mistress that you wish to serve.

Turning Mean

 Prager argues that adopting Leftist ideology makes people turn mean. When one works for Satan, one does not turn kind and gentle.

NPR The Enemy

 Ben, if you guys are driving NPR crazy with rage and consternation, you must be on the right track. Keep it up.


 Prager asserts that you are lucky to live in America. You bet, enjoy it and fight to preserve it.

What They Are Teaching

 Public schools are teaching BLM to children. You must take two steps. First, demand that politicians defund public school education and university funding.

Second, pull your children out of public school, and home school them or send them to private school.


 Many warped humans enjoy their being enslaved.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Michelle Malkin

 Michelle online referred to binding public mandates of mask wearing for healthy adults is illegal, unconstitutional, not scientifically proven and is un-American, and resistantance to the mandates is growing across the country. Hooray.

At A Federal Level

 Yes, English should be our official language at a federal level.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Karolina Prostenko

 She is on Facebook tonight playing the violin with a most talented sax player. When people maverize and you see the fruits of their behavior, it is something special and remarkable, the Divine Presence at woek among us here on earth.


 It is better to act than not act, to decide than not decide, to will rather than  just submit to whatever occurs. Still, moving cautiously and carefully is best.


 Change and becoming may be more essential and necessary to operations and advancements in the universe than are permanence and sameness. Moderation dictates that both trends are of utility.


 A UN official campaigns for world governance. Over my dead body.

Blow It Up

 Progressive radicals want to blow it all up, so I retort we should and will blow you up until the revolt ceases and crumbles.

No Compromise

 Here is what Ben Dorr wrote today: "No compromise. You get what you put up with. We will not put up with lies, betrayal, socialism or cowardice."


We must not allow politicians and elites to lie to us, betray us and live off of us. This is a time for no compromise with these Marxist fanatics and destroyers and usurpers.

Monday, September 21, 2020

There You Have It

Here is what Levin wrote on his Facebook account today: "Democrats seek to control the Supreme Court, destroy the Senate, and undermine the electoral process." Sound like the implemenation of their planned, Marxist, totalitarian regime to me.

Friday, September 18, 2020


 I am proud to be a no-compromise, pro-gun crazy. Better that than being a sneaky, treacherous Progressive seeking to disarm Americans so the Leftist, emerging tyranny is allowed to march in without armed resistance from Patriots.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 Mark Levin reported that in 2019 under Trump incomes hit record highs and poverty hit record lows. This is the gift of capitalism that keeps on giving, and Progressives want it elimnated.



Nihilists can only offer what they are: violence, negative anarchy, totalitarianism, poverty, suffering and general human wretchedness.

Kamala Harris

 Harris blames the California wildfires on climate change, when in fact Envirostatist timber policies, arson and people moving into the forest are what have made this fires so deadly, but that does not stop Kamala and other radical Leftists from lying once more, weaponizing and politicizing each happening like Covid-19 and these wildfires on Trump, even though he has nothing to do with either one. Falsehoods, deceit and propaganda are all that she has to offer.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Darned Near

 Biden the smart mouth snickered that constitutional rights are not absolute. Maybe not, but the next thing to it not to infringed upon by Leftists tyrants.

Psalm 111, 1

 Thank God in private and in public: "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart in the company and assembly of the just."

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Psalm 110

 This psalm of David is a messianic psalm, according to my old "The New American Bible". This Roman Catholic Bible from July, 1970 is the one that I read as a lapsed Catholic. Jesus here is presented as the Messiah, the king, appointed by God. Christ is a royal priest, the authors write in a footnote.

Let me quote this Psalm: Lines 1-3: "The Lord said to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool.' The scepter of your power the Lord will stretch forth from Zion: 'Rule in the midst of your enemies. yours is a princely power in the day of your birth, in holy splendor; before the daystar, like the dew, I have begotten you.'

My interpretation: God the Father addresses Jesus, inviting him to sit at His right hand until he makes his enemies his footstool. This prince will know victory in the world, a prince ruling in holy splendor. Jesus is God and man at the same time, born to come into this world, forgive our sins, and set up heavenly rule on earth.

Now, David penned this psalm 1,000 years before the birth of Christ. How is that for the power of prophecy? I am a Christian, but do regard Jesus as a divine god, and admire the Christian faith.


Note that Jesus is offered by his Father to rule in the midst of his worldly enemies. The enemies of Christ will be a footstool that he has his feet on. How is that for God being nonviolent, and against just war? 

Lines 4-7: "The Lord has sworn and he will not repent: 'You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.'

The Lord is at your right hand; he will crush kings on the day of his wrath. He will do judgment on the nations, heaping up corpses; he will crush heads over the wide earth. From the brook by the wayside he will drink; therefore he will lift up his head."

Jesus is a just king but he is a warrior king, and he wars against Satan and his follower on earth, heaping up their corpses and crushing kings on the day of his wrath.

My Catholic Bible scholars point out that both Christ and Melchizedek have their priesthood directly from God, not through Aaron and the tribe of Levi. Both offer bread and wine to God. The point here is to highlight that Christ the king is a very special priest.

The Beast

 The atrocities that the Chinese Communist Beast are committing against its Uighurs will one day will launched against all humanity.

BLM Creeps

 9/13/2020: a few hours ago two Los Angeles deputies were ambushed without provocation and both are in the hospital fighting to live. The BLM protesters went to the hospital and shouted that they hope the officers "f.cking die".

These domestic terrorists need to be hunted down, arrested, tried and jailed. They have declared war on society, and society must declare war on them.

American Iconclast: The Life and Times of Eric Hoffer

 In a 2011 biography on Eric Hoffer, Tom Shactman, updates us on Hoffer life and times, by pouring over his unpublished papers at the Hoover Institute, and by mining other sources, including previous biographers.

Shactman seems like he studied Hoffer and his papers, but he seems like a biased Leftie to me: I am not sure that he understands, really understands, Hoffer, but that is not suprprising because Hoffer, by my estimation, to this day, is not well understood--at least in terms of what he was hinting at as future ramifications of his philosophy.

I note that Shactman characterizes Hoffer as virulently anti-Communist, and that likely is so, but Tom seems to see  it as ideological bias, rather than a moral, justified censuring of collectivism.

I believe that Hoffer was a proto-individualist and an unstated egoist--he never asserted either position overtly as far as I have read--and, so, like Jordan Peterson, he would avow that the core Western idea is that the individual is sovereign. Any solutions and reforms must grow out of that first principle. To preach collectivist answers would be the expand the cause of evil in the world, not fight it, or reduce it. I believe, Hoffer knew this consciously or implicitly, and that fed his great, deep hostility to collectivist schemes, on the Right or on the Left.

Shactman pretty much accuses Hoffer of racism against black Americans. On Page 103 he writes: "Hoffer's bias toward African-Americans was exacerbated, during the year recorded in this diary, because he was plagued in his rented rooms by noisy blacks who moved in above and below him."

Let me again state my views on being biased or racist: All people are racist or prejudiced (We like the members of our own tribe, and instinctively dislike, disapprove of, think poorly of and are willing to discriminate against outliers from a different tribe.) To transcend one's natural racism requires several steps. First, one must accept that one is a sinner, basically imperfect and are biased. Second, such an approach towards outsiders and members of another tribe or nation is immoral, and one has a moral duty to restrain one's hatred towards others. Third, if a whole community of citizens acknowledges their sinful tendencies (willing to be biased and act in accordance with that bias) and promises and works real hard to treat all other people with dignity, respect and fair play, then a societal ethos of mutual tolerance and cooperation will supersede all natural or incipient urges to act on one's racism. In that community and society, racism is defeated and largely disappears. This is what has occurred in America, the least racist country in the world.

Getting back to Hoffer, his natural racism towards blacks, and his historical context in which white racism towards blacks was much more common, widespread and accepted than it is today, provide historical context for Hoffer's approach to blacks that Shactman does not identify or appreciate. 

Finally, I have read many articles written by Hoffer about black Americans, and he is not an overall racist. I suggest that he wants blacks to leave behind the tribalism and cultural collectivism, the vestiges of which still are powerful and impactful today, although blacks have been in America for decades if not hundreds of years. He wants blacks to adapt and adopt the white culture of individualism, capitalism, hard work, self-reliancee and love of individual liberty demonstrated by white Americans when they are on  their best behavior. With this superior set of values, and the adoption of egoist ethics and the religion of Mavellonialism or self-realization, most of the problems of black Americans would vanish overnight.

Blacks in America have achieved equality. They can forget about white racism, and just go achieve, succeed and build prosperous, free, rewarding lives for their families and themselves with little standing in the way of their so progressing.

This is the line that Hoffer meant or implied, and such a conservative that loves the American way of life is not racist, but is the only non-racist group of Americans. He wants black Americans and all Americans to be regarded and to self-regard as individualists first, and members of various identity groups, only secondarily. 

Liberals and Leftists conflate worth and identity group status, and are obsessed with racism and other natural but unacceptable stances held between members of various identity groups. Their harping on racism, tribalism and group identity brings racism back to life, and indeed they are race-baiters, stirring up hate against whites and conservatives. Hoffer, 50 years ago, intuitively recognized that whole narrative as bogus.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

No Yielding

 No yielding, stay firm in your convictions.

The Interview

 Jordan Peterson has so many recorded videos of interviews. In this particular one, he argues that people require a noble aim, that they are not meant just to live at ease in materially wealthy Utopia without any meaning, work or challenges to uplift them.

He advises that we have some security and stability in our lives, but that we also have one foot out in the unknown so that we can keep alive, growing, working, striving and challenged.

 He then warns that goal achievement is not a permanent goal. We live alive, meaningful, satisfying lives more in striving than arriving. Being complete forever and a day would be boring, even maddening.


Becoming and improving is heaven rather than perfected, unending existence at sme level.


I agree with him: there is much wisdom stated here.

What Individualism Implies

 What does individualism imply? It does not give the individual total control over his life, his body, his property, his intellectual property, his rights and his liberty, but the non-infringement clause is near absolute or as close as is practicable. 


We have no right, as a people to take someone's life, rights or property. We can make him pay some taxes, but confiscating his property or killing him are non-starters.

Candace Owens

 Candace Owens has a new Prager U video out. It is powerful and spot on. She editorializes that the mob is now ruling America. She asks what blacks want and what do all Americans want. She blames the Left for having, for years, sought to disarm law-abiding citizens, suggesting that the police would protect them once disarmed. Now, we have state like California where many are disarmed, and some municipalities are calling for the police to be defunded, or even abolished.

It looks to her like the media and the Left want absolute anarchy. They do. I believe that absolute anarchy is what they seek, as part of the revolution and race war that they hope to incite so that they can overthrow our government in order to install a Marxist king. They are using blacks under the guise of compaassion  to grab and hold absolute power. That is their true and only aim.

Candance worries that good men and women in blue will be so demonized and attacked they are disincentivized from doing their job, leaving all communities but especially black communities as easy prey for gangbangers as the murder rates skyrocket, the "Ferguson Effect".

 With no peace protection, we cannot keep peace through out civilization, she worries. 

This world of barbarism, decline and lawlessness is a world in which the mayors, chiefs of police and governors virtue signal their support for criminals and attack and handcuff the police. These politicians and the media have incentivized mob rule, controlling it and yet are controlled by it as our streets and Democratically-held cities spin out of control.

Candace criticizes her own people, the black community, by asking what "we" want. She denies that they are after equality--they already have that and racism had died (I add), so they got bored and want more--special, black privilege. Under this mantle, black criminals can go armed, shoot and kill police and rob others without repercussion or being arrested. There is no personal repsonsibility.

This leads logically and inevitably to what I have been warning about. Special, black privilege, if legally sanctioned in America, will lead to institutionalized, legal reverse discrimination against whites. For mob rule and a new black elite to be empowered, our constitutional republic and our capitalism system must be dismantled. In its place with be a socialist dictatorship, with a permanent new elite, blacks among that elite, and whites marginalized, and reduced to second class status, rank and treatment/mistreatment. 

When that dictatorship is revealed as totalitarian, then the reverse racism against whites will be naked and brutal, with death camps and genocide in the offing. This is the new America that the revolutionaries on the Left, the Marxists, the intellectuals and BLM radicals crave to set up.

Candace warns that there is no hope for the black community or any American if the media coddles blacks and uses them to bring about the Marxist revolution so eagerly desired by Leftists.

In an America where black culture and postmodernist culture have taught the young and the majority of adults to be unable to distinguish right from wrong, the civil society has perished, and mob rule and anarchy will rule for awhile until a totalitarian state grows out of it.

The Dying Community

The community dies when elected officials elevate the rights and needs of criminals, liars and looters over the preferences and legal rights and needs of hardworking, law-abiding citizens that demand peace and quiet, law and order and a smoothly, seamlessly operating civil society.

Accusations Of White Privilege

 There is no collective biological, racial or ethnic privilege. These are but convenient social constructs artificially contrived and used against the enemies of Leftist identity groups spewing their postmodernist verbal filth at their victims: whites, males, Christians, Westerners, heterosexuals, capitalists, traditionalists, lovers of the middle class, etc. There is not white privilege or black privilege. The only privilege that is an existential and spiritual reality is the individual privilege: this is the Jordan Peterson concept of the sovereign individual, that loci of divine consciousness, that person commanded by God to get out there and make something of oneself, so that one responsibly gives back to God, oneself, one's family, one's community and one's country. This is our divine duty, our honor, our privilege, so let not the groupist, demonic Progressive, secular anti-humanists sell you any of their tribalist crap about privileged identity groups.

Dorr Allegiance



 To be a follower of the Dorr brothers, which I proudly claim, is to claim allegiance to three patriotic heroes from rural Iowa that are raising the alarm to protect the rights of gun owners, of the unborn, and the liberties, rights and way of life guaranteed under the Constitution, for all Americans. That way of life is imminently threatened by radical Democrats, Leftists and Marxist that hate America to its core, and are working actively, even feverishly to reach their goal. They are corrupt, wrong, foolish and dangerous, but they are cunning, effective, superb organizers, liars and propagandists that have won over and mobilized about 50% of all Americans. All the elites, media, colleges, corporations and many of the state and the national government are owned by them. We must fight back hard, and right now without hesitation or wavering or traditional America will be gone forever.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Clean It Up

 You cannot find yourself or grow as a maverizer unless your total commitment to surrounding yourself with truth and love. You goals are to trim away your fantasies, your games played, and all loathing of targets.


 Remain intransigent regarding compromise with Leftists. Fight them hard, bitterly with no quarter.

Liberals are moderate if progressive--with them compromise and finding common ground is still possible.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Only Skill

The rioters and violent protesters destroy and that is their only skill, their only contribution.

More On Jordan Peterson

I am watching lots of online Peterson videos. Here are some of his salient points:

Professors are so protected, pampered, privileged and coddled elitists in Western world, and yet they are without a shred of gratitude, are fill with hate, rage, resentment and power lust, and they plot and scheme to overthrow the American and European governments, as so corrupt and riddled with injustice as to be beyond salvaging. They are Marxist true believers and are without mercy, pity common sense or restraint. They lie as a way of life, not just an occasional lie here and there.

Jordan remains an optimist. Humans are flawed sinners, but they are perfectible, and are worth seeking to assist as they strive mightily to better themselves--they are worth saving, and have a right to live and evolve going forward.

Tribalism disguised as identity politics is collectivism and that is the most evil force at work among humans, especially when governmentally and institutionally organized.

A small minority of well-organized, aggressive, militant, vocal militants, politically correct or socialist, are able to silence the majority, but the majority must organze and be bold and push back against their elitist enemies.

Jordan advises that the best way to fight evil and tribalism is by being good, and living in the truth. I agree and suggest that the good, loving, individuating individual is the paragan exemplifying this high ideal.

James Carafano

He wrote an article on 8/28/20: "5 Reasons Why Violent Radicals Feel Empowered".

James writes: "Increasingly violent radicals and organized violence pose a very real threat to safety on our streets and equal protection under the law." This is in line with what a recent conservative pundit warned Michele Malking that the two top priorities for conservatives to prevent or end was to do away with lockdowns and snuff out violent street unrest.

It seems obvious to me that domestic terrorists seeking to engender civil war, racial war and the onset of violent revolution to overthrow American society are emboldened each time that swift, sure, overwhelming force and prosecution does not shut down each and every violent protest wherever it pops up in America.

Carafano, a leading expert on national security and foreign policy. He is with the Heritage Foundaton. He writes: ". . .the looting, threats, arson, assaults, intimidation and extortion seem to be spreading, now reaching into smaller cities and suburbs. Here are five reasons these emboldened and increasingly violent radicals pose a very real threat to safety on our streets and equal protection under the law."

Let me paraphrase James:

5: They are capable. They use skilled tactics and strategies. They get rioters out on bail quickly. They use sophisticated social networking and media strategies to train protesters to riot, and spread disinformation and propaganda--all without being identified and arrested. They are well financed and have logistical support to sustain their rioting.

4. There is a war on our streets where the escalating armed clashes between opponents could lead to civil war.

3. Local officials, all Democrats,  have failed us by not shutting down the violent protesters early and hard.

2. The Leftist Main media are underreporting the violent, illegal actions of protesters.

1. All politicians, Democrat or Republican, should ban together to scorn the violent protesters, and call for their arrest and suppression.

James is thorough and accurate. It plays into my suspicion that the Leftist leaders are traitors to America, and are part of the mass movement to overthrow our government, our economy and our treasured way of life.

Live In The Truth

If you live in the truth, then you will increasingly be able to self-assess objectively or accurately--that is yo will see yourself approximately as you are, with all of your flaws, and all of your winning characteristics.

What Is Good For You

Jordan Peterson talks about desiring what you need, not what you want, but I add that if what you want is ethical or at least harmless, or is what you need, then go ahead and want it. You should not desire what is bad for you and not what you need but you should desire what is good for you, and also happens to be what you need.

Nice Turns Of Phrase

Jordan Peterson describes humans as divine loci of consciousness, a lovely description. Elsewhere, he defines the meaningful life of mature self-discipline and high aiming as the ennoblement of being.

As living angels, as individuators developing into great souls, we can fight the good fight, serve God, fulfill our destiny, our God-centered call to arms.

Jordan The Latent Egoist

Marxists and Leftists detest Peterson because he wants the individual to lead the ethical and responsible life by cleaning his room and straightening himself out first, before seeking to reform society at large. Through egoist values, one is able to make the world a better place.

Marxists are tribalists that disavow the importance of any individual--each is but an avatar of his group identities. Therefore, globalist, structural change or revolution is how things are made better. The political, structural and economic alterations pressed by one's identity group is how to improve the world. This altruist claim is central to tribal ethical proposition brought forth and presented to the world for adopting.

Source Of Wisdom

At an appearance in Hungary, the moderator asked Jordan Peterson what was the source of his wisdom, and Jordan unexpectedly replied that terror was the source of his wisdom.

Jordan has studied deeply and widely the collectivist, murderous regimes of the 20th century, concluding that most of us would have been perpetrators of the evil committed by people living in Europe at that time, not heroes or protesters against the crimes of humanity going on.

The Bible is where it is written that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Jordan's interpretation as to the source of wisdom need not contradict this Biblical take. If one knows God, really knows and loves God, then one has delved deeply into the nature of all that exist, its good and bad, its beauty and ugliness. That is where wisdom originates.

Thoughts About Jordan

I have not yet started to read Jordan Peterson's great books but I have been listening for hours to his Youtube lectures and interviews. He is very Mavellonialist in his line of thinking.

He is not a proclaimed egoist like I am, but it is implied in that that he asserts that the core Western idea is that the individual is sovereign. He seems to recommend that one is to lead a good life, and the best way to achieve this is to lead an ethical, meaningful life of responsibility as an individuator.

When we are stupid, blind, uninformed--nonindividuating and group-living--we lead lives of nihilism and needless suffering. We get no encouragement on how to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in this collectivist age of no metanarratives and postmodernist Marxism. To refute the return to tribalism, that natural, hurtful natural state of existence, we must live as truthful and honest a life as we can.

It requires nerve to lead a good life, and do one's best but that is what we are called to be.

Jordan does not like to talk about God, and that is a mistake. The Mother and the Father exist, and are most willing and available to help us get through each day.

Jordan regrets that we postmodernist Westerners have forsaken our modernists roots--our traditional ethos with the basic axioms and presuppositions that the individual is sovereign, that reasoning is what we aim to excel at. The reasoning individual has free will, engages in dialogue with contenting others, votes to assert his citizen role.

Jordan is a reformer not a revolutionary. He denounces revolutionaries like Marxists and Fascists seeking to overthrow the system, rather that gently work within the system to upgrade a basically decent civilization.

He believes life is tragic and suffering, sickness and death are our lot, and that our suffering is tainted by malevolence. He identifies human depravity as  a prime motivator of human behavior.

I agree that life is tragic but that suffering and malevolence must be met head on to mitigate them or perhaps convert them into something useful, or at least to deprive the of their sting. Jordan is a goo man and speaks the truth, but he is a bit depressed, and that is partially why his drug addiction, his collapse, his drug addiction, etc., almost destroyed him.

With divine love in our souls and from the Divine Couple and the Good Spirits, we are better able to weather what occurs to us.


Biden is finally condemning Antifa violence as rioting, because middle Americans in mid-West swing states are turned off by it. It may be too litttle, too late as Trump is viewed by voters as their law-and-order President.

Loren Zahnow

Loren writes on Facebook that if you are not for Trump, you are not for America. Amen.

Removing God

Prager offers that removing God from society will lead to its crumbling away. Can any other outcome be so certain?

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Critical Race Theory

More lies and indoctrination right from postmodernist masters to students and employees made subject to such identity politics indoctrination.

Peterson On Courage

Both Peterson and Prager postulate that courage is rare and that most people are guilty of moral cowardice. I believe that is correct. Only or usually individuating individualists working directly for the Mother and Father will demonstrate great personal courage. Most people are members of the mob: thereat, people are generally craven and feeble, unwilling to risk anything or to stand out in the crowd.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Psalm 109, 30

Give thanks to God, in public even: "I will speak my thanks earnestly to the Lord, and in the midst of the throng I will praise him."

The Bernie Agenda

The Bernie faction of the Democratic Party is running the show. These Communists must be defeated. Antifa and BLM are their domestic terrorists, their brown shirts, doing Bernie's dirty work.

National Mandate

Biden released a reelection ad asserting that, if elected, he will enforce a national, public mask wearing mandate nationwide. That is a continuation of the Marxist dictatorship begun under Obama.

If you hate America and love tyranny, vote for Biden. If you love American and love liberty, vote for Trump.