Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Open The Country

Here is Levin on Facebook tonight: "Question to Dr. Fauci: How many more people have died from your lock-down advice, e.g., from cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and suicide? I've asked this many times yet we cannot get an answer. Isn't it relevant? And what about all those newsrooms out there, do they not care to determine the extent of deaths resulting from other illnesses? Meanwhile, the latest report from the CDC states that the mortality rates is .263. Nearly half of those who've died are elderly/frail individuals in nursing homes and assisted living homes -- the most vulnerable. Governors like Cuomo tragically contributed to the death rate among the elderly. As for the recent increase in cases, is that not due, at least in part, to expanded testing and the "mostly peaceful" protests?


One test to detect if another person is wise or not is to observe if she is able to recognize friend from foe. If she mixes them up, she is a foolish, deluded, gullible woman.

Kristi Noem

Aaron Dorr characterizes her as by far the best governor in the country right now.
    Can she run for President in 4 years?

Monday, June 29, 2020

A Good Religion

A good religion worships a good deity. A good religion is one that is not fanatical or willing to resort to jihad, holy war, murder, torture and coercion to gain converts. Bad means like these make a good religion a bad religion. It much have a kind ethics.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


Here is a Facebook entry from Mark Levin about the reality of the covid-19 cases appearing in red states; as usual Levin reveals reality when talking about the death rate: "Wall-to-wall media today on an increase in people testing positive for the coronavirus. They blame it on President Trump and Republican governors, which is what propagandists for the Democrat Party do. As it takes about 10-14 days for the virus to kick in, virtually nothing is being said about the “mostly peaceful” rioters, most of whom are Democrats, and their contribution to any increase, or the politicians who cheered them on. Moreover, there’s tons more testing. Consequently, there’s a lot more cases discovered. But what of the death rate? That is, why are the media virtually silent about it? The answer: it’s .26 percent.

I think we should all get this damn thing, build herd immunity, and then move on with our lives, our economy, our capitalist way of life, etc. Of course, the Lefties would then invent some fake new emergency.

Saturday, June 27, 2020


Why are not Obama, Biden, Rice and the others that manipulated the Flynn case not being tried and sent to prison for their illegal actions?

Hell, No

Those that advocate the public wearing of masks as an act of kindness do have a point.  But, liberty trumps concerns for public safety through a pandemic. Never before have our state governors, and even Presidential candidate Biden, decreed or threatened to decree that all will wear a mask in public, or be arrested as lawbreakers. Never, in America have public officials been willing to quarantine and control the public movement and personal actions of healthy adults. This violates the Constitution so many ways, that it is not to be countenanced. We Left despise personal sovereignty, and liberty for its own sake. They are addicted to power-grabbing and control of adults in public-spaces. That is unconstitutional, pure tyranny. We must say no. If people volunteer to wear a mask, fine. If not the government needs to keep its grubby paws off our bodies, our sovereign selves, our personal choice and space. Let the Progressive gain control of our bodies, our public space, our private decisions, and the comrades will implement their full-on Venezuelan dictatorship. Hell no, right now.

Clamp Down, Restore Order

Yes, both the President and the governors need to clamp down and restore law and order. Thugs, criminals, revolutionaries and haters-of-America must not be allowed to topple our government, and way of life.

Trump The Appointer

Trump has now appointed 200 federal judges, and this success may reign in the judicial activism and anti-originalism so hurting our nation, especially at the Supreme Court level with the Republican judge betrayal of the constitutionalists that put them in office, namely Roberts and Gorsuch.

Is there a need to rescind the lifetime appointment of this quislings that talk originalist and then grow federalism?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


You do not require epiphany or psychedelic moments of awakening to grow your intellect and expand your consciousness. Steady learning, reading, conversing, and pondering, without fanfare, at room temperature will serve your well on your way to growing a powerful, original, deep psyche.

Just Move

It is good to think but it good to act, albeit thoughtfully and prudently.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Actuality is defined by philosophers as a person or being achieving its full potential. You will never achieve actuality--only the Mother and Father are that far along--but it is a major, impressive way for you to go far down the road of achievement.

Pedro Espi We Support President Donald Trump!

This site on Facebook had a brilliant piece about "Liberal Privilege": Here it is: Liberal Privilege

1) Believing you have the right to control other people's lives;
2) Believing you have a right never to hear other opinions;
3) Believing that when you're offended others have to care;
4) Believing that there are two sets of rules: one for you and one for everyone else.

These people are sick and tyrannical--they need to be defeated and smashed, legally of course.

Hit Piece

You Dorrs are gentleman, are principled heroes--let not the Progressive propagandists deter you.


Leftist are pure racists and reverse racists against whites. They will not accept that the individual is sovereign in America, as Jordan Peterson, recommends. What one's racial make-up is is important, but not of much interpersonal relationship significance as we go forward. We need to be come even more colorblind than non-racist America already is, identifying each individual based upon his actions, accomplishments and the content of his character, caring not a whit what identity groups that he was born into or belongs to.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Virtue Signaling

Jordan Peterson

I am adding him to my list of egoists that I would like to write about in my book on egoism as a philosophical and ethical system. Peterson, Mandeville, Stirner, and Ayn Rand are my thinkersto be written about.

Peterson On Hierarchies

Jordan Peterson seems to say that hierarchies are an evolutionary structure valuable and ineradicable for many animal life forms, including humans. Jordan argues that Communits arguing for eradication immediately of hierarchies as unjust, socially constructed class systems is not only bad science, but is biologically and socially impossible to eliminate. In fact, even if they eliminated it, we would just erect new hierarchies of haves, labeled the oppressors, and the have-nots, labeled the victims. To blame the existence of hierarchies on the very recent arrival of capitalism is to be hopelessly naive and incorrect.

My take on hierarchies has been that they are natural social structures. To move towards an egalitarian society is desirable, not to be achieved as a direct, unnatural reform, but as a more or less achieved outcome that will result when people no longer group-live (tribalism, crowdism and collective living are where stratification is strongest and least amenable to eradication), but individual-live, individuate, follow God, and live as free citizens and supercitizens under a constitutional republic with a free market economic system.

Jordan Peterson Interview

Dennis Prager interviewed Jordan Peterson for 16 minutes in 2018. He asked Jordan if his worldview was essentially secular or religious. Without hesitation, Jordan replied that his outlook is religious.

I would extrapolate from that and conclude that my worldview of more religious than secular.


Prager offers that science and secular society can provide us with knowledge, but that there is no wisdom outside the God-centered universe. I concur.

Sage Prager

Prager defines a close friend is someone that you can tell anything to, and they are striving to or result in making you a better person.

One-Party Campuses

Retired Professor John Ellis is interviewed recently by Mark Levin about how current hiring rates of 48 to 1, leftist instructors to conservative instructors, has transformed our universities into one-party campuses.

It is time to defund the universities, and to send our children no more to college until they right their ships.

Study The Opposition

We have really have to study and to listen to the enemy to understand the enemy, his preferences, his weaknesses, his vulnerabilities. Then we know how to defeat him.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

To Fight Back Without Overreacting

I in no way mean to imply that gun-lovers in the gun rights movements are fascist, white supremacists or thugs. I do realize that that is how the Left is painting us, but of course they lie all the time. This current round of race-baiting in reaction the to unfortunate police treatment of George Floyd is meant to foment violent revolution, to destabilize our constitutional republic, to lead to race war or civil war between whites and people of color. The Left would use chaos as their excuse for some President to impose martial law, which could then be converted into permanent one-man rule, and, they have what they wanted: their Marxist totalitarian Ameritopia in America. We conservative patriots must fight them real hard, right now all the time, without becoming a violent, illegal mob ourselves. We want to win over the Jacksonian Democrats, the Independents, the Libertarians, RINOS, women, the educated, the minorities and the young. We do this by fighting, but calmly, legally and rationally. We talk to our sheriffs about being deputized in times of unrest, about setting up citizen militias to work under the sheriff, the governor and in conjunction with the state national guards. We do as MGR and COS are doing to restore the constitutional republic and crush Progressivism within the system by making America great again.

George Washingto Statue Toppled

They, the Marxist thugs and America haters, in Portland yesterday toppled the statue of that most noble, heroic, wise leader of our greatest nation, George Washington. The President needs to declare that martial law and restored law and order in our mob-ridden, Democratic cities that are spiraling out of control. We must regain control of the streets and stem this madness now.

Happt Birthday

Thanks for the well wishes, Ben Dorr. Thanks, Ben. Your family and its organizations have done more good for Minnesota and for gun rights here and nationally than even our opponents know. You good guys are helping to restore the constitutional republic--including a robust enjoyment of our gun rights. Your young people's efforts give me hope for the future, away from the Leftist hell and Ameritopia that is threatening to topple our greatest, best nation.


Yes, on Facebook they want Trump to sign an executive order that all voters provide an ID to vote in the 2020 election. Great idea and legal too.

Time To Take It To The Left

I am all for mean and nasty if it is legally done. We cannot be vigilantes or decline into white supremacists thugs. We do need to fight hard and get in their faces, and defend our lives and property with our guns if necessary. Fight damn hard, absolutely without mob behavior, without lawlessness, anarchy or random violence.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Psalm 106 4-7

Remember to talk to God each day, giving thanks, praise and appreciation: "I will give thanks to you among the  peoples, O Lord; I will chant  your praise among the nations, For your kindness towers to the heavens, and your faithfulness to the skies. Be exalted above the heavens, O God; over all the earth be your glory! That your loved ones may escape, help us by your right hand, and answer us."

Psalm 108, 2

Remain faithful and steadfast towards the Mother and the Father: "My heart is steadfast, O God; my heart is steadfast; I will sing and chant praise.

Institutional Racism

Yes, institutional racism, structural racism and systemic racism do exist. Its centers are the Democratic Party and the cultural, social justice warriors populating the Progressive cause.

They hate whites, conservative, men, straights and Westerners. They are sick, vicious people out to burn the world down, to torture and kill all free-thinking and free-acting people.

Roger Goodell

He is turning to Colin Kaepernick to guide the NFL on social justice matters. It is time for the people to completely boycott the NFL.

Monday, June 15, 2020


Levin is lambasting JJ Watts for his willingness to disrespect the flag: This was on Facebook from Mark of 6/15/20: "JJ Watt, now he's all in. Disrespecting the flag and the national anthem don't disrespect the country or military, folks. No, not at all. As JJ Watt demands, aren't you listening? Well JJ, you're a moron, that flag is carried into battle by the military. It's worn on military uniforms. It drapes the caskets of those who've been killed defending your right to open your big mouth, play a game, and make tens of millions of dollars. It flies above our most important buildings. Don't lecture tens of millions of us, of all races and backgrounds, and who love our country that disrespecting the flag or anthem is about what YOU say and not what WE say. At least have the guts, tough guy, to be honest. Done with the NFL, its billionaire owners, its multi-millionaire commissioner and players, and their smearing of the fans -- who pay for all of it -- and the American people generally. Good riddance."

I concur.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Prager's Warnng

Dennis Prager warns that Leftism is the new religion of the Progressive wing and Big Government is their God. Too many educated professionals: actors, ministers, priests, teachers, professors, lawyers, bureaucrats, billionaires and college graduates slavishly worship the God of Big Government. They look down upon non-college educated Americans as backwards and ignorant in their defense and love of traditional values. These educated, corrupt, dangerous, elitist snobs crave only one thing--raw power: to socialize the economy, to disarm the citizens and install a totalitarian ruler in Washington to bind us all.

Non-Racist America

America are the least racist country in the world, and white privilege does not exist. Whatever whites have achieved, they have worked for on a level playing field with people of color.

Today, 6/14/2020, Mark Levin carried a Facebook article about his interview with a famous black activist. Shelby Steel informs Mark Levin that 'Blacks have never been less oppressed. In a news article from INSURRECTIOB dated 6/8/20, written by one Jeff Reyolds.

Reynolds writes: "Steele fully rejects the concept of systemic racism. Steele held court for the first eight minutes and fifty seconds of the program, and Levin sat back and let him drop truth bomb after truth bomb. Steele flat out said blacks have never faced less oppression, and that they need to take responsibility for their position at the bottom of most socioeconomic measures."

Steele criticizes fellow blacks to Levin: "Society is responsible for us, because racism is so systemic. Well, that’s a corruption, and I know it’s a corruption, because the truth of the matter is blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today. Opportunity is around every corner. In all of this, no one ever stops to say, well, you’re unhappy with where minorities are at in American life, and blacks continue to be at the bottom of most socioeconomic measures. You’re unhappy about that. Well, why don’t you take some responsibility for that? Why don’t you take more responsibility? I would be happy to look at all the usual bad guys, the police and so forth, if we had the nerve, the courage to look at black people. To look at black Americans, minority Americans, and say, you’re not carrying your own weight."
I am not without sympathy for blacks for continuing to feel like victims even though they are not. What we need to do is teach black youths to abandon the Left and tribal identity politics, freeing up each young  black woman and man to work hard in the capitalist system here, and maverize, and most of this talk of racism would dissipate.

Let us abandon this whining about victimhood and oppression and move on to self-help, acquiring wealth and healthy power, originating from personal effort and initiative.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Systemic Color-Blindness

The racially obsessed, racist Leftists, so tribal and collective in their accusations about "privileged white Americans" and their systemic racism, are liars and nihilists seek to bring back to life a dead corpse, the racist majority of Americans from the 1950s. They may succeed and spark a race war in our lovely country, the least racist nation on earth. Those whites here that are racist are marginalized, discredited, unheeded and powerless.

As Jordan Peterson reminds us, the sovereign individual in America is what matters, and an individualist could care less what color anyone is. Racism is irrelevant to him: he wants to maverize, serve the Good Spirits, do his own thing and enjoy life, and hating anyone for the color of his skin to him seems sinful, irrelevant, without attraction and boring.

Abolish Police Departments?

Really? Defund the police and hell on earth will descend upon every community in America.

Leadership Definition

Here is what Ben Dorr posted on 6/10/20: If evil men don't fear you and brave men don't follow you, you're not a leader.

Sounds like the Dorr brothers to me.

Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson: On his 6/9/20 show, he talked about the grave danger arriving on the scene with: "The rise of left-wing rage mobs in America".


The are the new brown shirts, the vanguard for the New World Communist Party.

Social Justice

Social justice is antisocial, injustice masquerading as compassion when its backers really seek total tyranny in America by dismantling our constitutional republic, to be replaced by a totalitarian state run along lines consistent with postmodernist, Marxist ideology.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Especially In Minnesota

Republicans trashing gun rights and gun owners? It does not happen only in Minnesota but it happens especially in Minnesota.

From Levin To Democrats In Congress

Dear Ben Dorr: "

I thought you might enjoy this Facebook posting from Mark Levin (6/8/20): "Get the hell off your knees and try to actually fix the cities you rule with an iron fist. Don’t act like you’re down for the revolution when it is you damn fools who need to be overthrown if the citizens of these cities are ever going to have a chance. You and your damn party are corrupt and devoid of any serious ideas or reforms that might liberate the people from poverty. You can take a knee and paint Black Lives Matter in the streets but you won’t get off your asses for school choice, enterprise zones, and public safety."

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


It is important to remember the past, honor the past, and learn from the past, but one must live in the present, and look to the future.


Go for it. Be active, plan, carry out your plan, amount to something.

To Act

It is vital that we move, think, do and act. Is important to be still, introverted, quiescent and thoughtless,

But we should do more than no do, be more than not be, love more than hate, think more than emote. The active life is a productive, meaningful life--get on with it.

Psalm 106, 29-32

The Father and the Mother have protected you, loved you, comforted you and been there for you--in return show gratitude, show your appreciation, your fidelity and express in song your praise: "He hushed the storm to a gentle breeze, and the billows of the sea were stilled; They rejoiced that they were calmed, and he brought them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kindness and his wondrous deeds to the children of men. Le them extol him in the assembly of the people and praise him in the council of the elders."

Psalm 106, 6

Sorry, Father and Mother, for we have and do sin: "We have sinned, we and our fathers; we have committed crimes; we have done wrong."

Change Needed

In reaction to the riots and revolt in response to the Floyd killing, Leftists are screaming that whites need to change, to cease being racist, and if non-racist, must now be anti-racist.

Actually, white need increasingly to self-realize, promote the American Way, and individual-live. They should by invite and by example encourage more and more blacks, Asians, independents, the young and Hispanics to join them.

That is the only change required. That is the only change that works.

Abolish MPD

I was driving to work in south Minneapolis this morning (6/2/2020) and saw a huge sign on a building: "Abolish MPD (Minneapolis Police Department).

This war on the police is a war on society, and our way of life. Where cops go rogue, prosecute them. For the remainder of good, fair and decent cops, support them without equivocation.

This thin blue line is all that holds anarchy and lawlessness at bay. Think of Minneapolis without its wonderful police department, and then you will experience the law of the jungle, urban style, as rarely evinced before.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Michelle Obama

She warns that all must work actively to root out racism.

The only way to root out racism is to forget about anyone's race, and celebrate each American as a unique individual. Those that keep harping on racism are racist themselves, obsessed with race, asserting that each person is not be regarded and treasured as a talented, unique private person, that every American is only a cloned extension of the identity group or groups that he was born into. Progressives obsess about race, gender and class distinctions, using each of these classes of victims to gain and expand their power over all Americans.


Some suburban and rural white males are furious about these riots, looting, threats to invade the suburbs and committing arson. They are threatened to shoot to kill any rioters or violent invaders coming into their neighborhoods.

Antifa and the radical Left have finally done it: they have the young whites so fired up that a race war is a real possibility.

I wonder if we in the gun rights movement could find a way to deputize armed men and women to serve as a legally authorized home guard. I wonder if volunteers could serve as a voluntary militia an adjunct of the state national guard, to give these people some training, and direction, and restraint.

These men are my younger brothers, but I don't want vigilante killings of demonstrators in the suburbs by unauthorized civilians taking the law into their own hands. It may be too late to stop it.

What I know is that civil war might well lead to national martial law, and we could end up ruled by a permanent dictator, from the right or the left, neither which is desirable.

Liberty and our constitutional republic must be protected.


Here is a Facebook posting from Levin on 5/31/20: "Antifa is a domestic terrorist group. It must be crushed by law enforcement. Anyone who has participated in this criminal violence against the innocent and defenseless citizens in these communities must do serious jail time. Any politicians who have encouraged this criminal violence or have been silent in the face of it, or have failed to protect their citizens and communities, must be defeated and forever removed from any position of public trust. Any media figure or figure in the popular culture — actor, athlete, comedian, etc. — who has encouraged or excused this criminal violence should be forever condemned by the American people. There must be no excuses or exceptions for this violent mayhem and anarchy, endangering the lives and destroying the livelihoods of innocent citizens."

Those that killed George Floyd should be prosecuted. Peaceful protests are acceptable in this non-racist, most free, most noble nation in the world.

No To Group Rights

The world is not about black or white or women or me. It is about being Americans with individualism accentuated above group rights.